
Chapter 538, The Galaxy Emperor returns.

Chapter 538, Return of the Galaxy Emperor ([-]).

There was a slight turbulence in the air, as if the entire Zhuangyuan building was lifted up, which made me feel puzzled.

"Master, the niggers are here." Shui Mo's vigilance suddenly increased dozens of times, and the smile on his face disappeared instantly. He spoke to me very worriedly.

"Yeah! I see. It's all right, everything has been arranged! You've recovered, and I will fight with you, and you will never be separated from your father and son when you go into battle. Hahahaha, don't be afraid! Don't be afraid." I deliberately laughed out loud. Relieve his psychological pressure and talk to him disapprovingly.

"Then... let's go and see Yuyan first! She was still talking just now, why is there no movement at all? How strange! She told me earlier that she wanted to go with me What about the Andromeda! She also said that she would help me restore the Shuangjiu Peak, so that it will be the same as our Jinling City, where there is nothing missing! Cough, this guy doesn’t mean anything, I haven’t finished talking yet, She ran away." Shui Mo put the five-star lianzhu back into his mind, and took the emperor's seal into his soul, then stood up from the sofa of Bingpo Baiyu Lengyue, and said to me with a smile.

"You two, you will enjoy it! It's been so long, and you haven't come to talk to us. If it wasn't for our sisters coughing to remind me, I guess you have to clean up my Lengyue Little Fairy Palace. Will you give up?" Qiuyue walked out of her moon palace-like boudoir with a smile and pulled Yu Yan, and said to Shui Mo and me.

"That's right! Shui Mo, why did you run? I haven't finished my sentence yet! You ran away?...Since you ran away, why did you come back?" Yu Yan gave Shui Mo a cold look, Unceremoniously, he picked up ink and wash, said.

"I... I don't know either! I thought you ran away first!... I don't even know why you came back." Shui Mo was speechless for a moment, his face was flushed, and he was a little embarrassed Tell the truth, said.

"What, what? You left me alone and ran away, and you told me to go to the Emperor of the Galaxy! ... Oh, yes. Isn't the Emperor of the Galaxy old? Why are you also the Emperor of the Galaxy? ?” Yu Yan asked a little confusedly, and said.

"Do you believe what I always say? If it were me, I would rather believe in ink than him. I am full of gossip and never have a single truth. Yu Yan, listen to sister, no matter what they say is true or not, let them tell us The two sisters proved that if they can’t come up with evidence, they will abandon their wives and children casually, and they will never be forgiven! Don’t you think so? You should interrogate them first, and then hand them over to your sister if you can’t go on. Don’t be afraid !” Qiuyue held back a smile, looked at me sideways, and said to Yuyan.

"Are you going to take revenge? Or do you want to take revenge? How many times have I said it? Didn't I say hello to you when I was leaving you that time? Besides, it's not all for your family's Jiuchongtian Lingxiao Temple. Sit firmly in the country and dominate the Three Realms? If you don't say goodbye lightly, can you, the eldest lady of the Three Realms, still be safe and sound here with your old man and me, this kind of embarrassing and embarrassing video? Do you believe it or not, I ask my heart Just sit back and relax without any shame." I talked to her a little unhappy, and said.

For some reason, I suddenly lost patience with her, and even became a little impatient!
"Not good...! The Rebellion of Xinghe has arrived at Jinling Yuexia's hometown, we have to speed up preparations." I said to myself.

"You...you..., old man, you don't love me! You've never said that to me! You've changed." Qiuyue's face, which was pretending to be angry, became cloudy, cold Talked to me forcefully, said.

"Sister! Wait a minute, I'll clean up the small ones, and I'll clean up the old ones for you. Don't be angry, first." Yu Yan's cheeks puffed up, and she looked at me and Shui Mo with her mouth pouted angrily, yes Qiuyue said.

"Yu Yan, leave me alone! You just said that Shui Mo became the Emperor of the Galaxy? That should be extraordinary! Moreover, how can someone hunt and kill the unique existence on the Galaxy Continent? And he has already been beaten to death for a long time. I’ve returned. If we hadn’t rescued him, I guess we should have gone to find him in the sea of ​​fire and returned to the furnace! Don’t listen to his nonsense, ask when he will marry you.” Qiuyue has bad intentions He started to laugh wickedly, rolled his eyes and instigated Yu Yan to speak.

"Nothing! I obviously told you that in the future, we will learn from Master and Sister Yue, and travel together in the sky together! How come you have changed everything? Besides, Ben and I have never left you, Why did he run away without saying a word? You heard it wrong." Shui Mo honestly complained to Yu Yan about his suffering, and said.

"Boom...!" There was a loud noise, and the entire Zhuangyuan building jumped up, as if it was lifted up and thrown out!

"Everyone, don't complain! Let me tell you all. Although the souls of Shui Mo and Yu Yan met in the Galaxy Continent, your Shui Mo was seriously injured, and you yourself are in a coma and free state, so these romantic loves with emotions and six desires The story, let's talk slowly later." I also said helplessly, and said.

"It can be procrastinating. Once you find out your sincerity, you always have a lot of excuses to prevaricate me and Yuyan. Forget it, now is an extraordinary time, so let's put aside personal grievances first! Let me ask you, what was said just now?" Loud noise, what the hell is going on?" Qiuyue washed her eyes at Yuyan, who was about to snatch her white, and signaled her to stop talking, but she croaked at me.

"Oh! Look at the good things you guys have done, you have made such a fuss that you forgot to mention it! The opponents of ink and wash are here, and I guess their pioneers of vitality have already arrived at our little fairyland under the moon in Jinling! Or Hurry up and let Yuyan recover her jade fairy body first! It's best to put all her clones back in place, lest there will be a real fight and we won't be able to take care of her anymore!" I said to her seriously.

"Then hurry up! The debts of the four of us, go back and pay slowly. Old man, you little bastard, hurry up and gather spirits for Yuyan, and return all her things to her. You and Shui Mo are already friends." The emperor of Xinghe is already the emperor, why keep those unused methods and super soul power? Are you reluctant to give them away?" Qiuyue gently opened the door of the colorful hut and her boudoir inside Lengyue Xiaoxian. It was closed with Bingyu, and immediately urged me to pass on the Dharma to Yuyan.

The blue in the sky was constantly fluctuating in my consciousness, and a planet-like face appeared on the interstellar cover of my outer sky, stirring up the entire blue sky.

Flying fish came like rain, heading straight for our Leng Yue Xiaoxian Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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