
Chapter 544, Ji Yang disappears.

Chapter 544, Ji Yang Disappears ([-]).

The wind has begun to retreat completely from the 33rd day.

Laojun's alchemy stove, which is still covered by mist in Yunshan Mountain, looks a bit bleak and desolate in the overturned grass and clouds at the foot of Sanqing Mountain.

In the past, in the eyes of the old nigger, the leader of the galaxy's rebellion, there was nothing in our galaxy worth having that he could have.

It wasn't until the appearance of me and ink that he changed his mind.

Yes, our Milky Way is in the eyes of Andromeda. He is like looking at a grass or an hourglass on the opposite Earth system planet in the Nine Heavens Bright Moon Realm!
One word - small!

Two words - tiny!
The ghost horse twin stars reunited again, the horse's face was dark on the front, and the ghost's face was pale on the back, it looked very weird and frightening.

Each of them controls the six calamity stars, a total of twelve ghost horse natural disaster stars, and they rushed to Shui Mo while yelling.

33 The ghosts and gods in the Chongtian have long been gone, leaving only a dilapidated barren cloud and mist that surrounds the remnant world, floating in the depths of resentment that has nothing to do with it, the wind and rain do not come, the sun and the moon do not care, it is already empty and barbaric!

"Good job! I'm afraid you don't take the initiative, hahahaha!" Shui Mo laughed loudly, connecting the six stars of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and Emperor Armor into a purple-blue interstellar high-temperature line, like a tongue of flame Like shooting at the ghost horse double star that rushed along.

A series of powerful explosions resounded through the sky at the 33rd heaven, and within the 99th heaven, the air exploded, water and earth flowed like monstrous yellow sand, covering the sky and covering the three realms of the Milky Way galaxy, and tens of billions of innocent lives were instantly All suffocated, and then all turned into ashes, and fell silently into the depths of the world of mortals.

"There are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have good fortune and misfortune. I hope that people will live together for a long time! Yueer! Don't follow him to do stupid things!" The God of the Three Realms in the mortal world looked up. 33 Chongtian, his heart tightened, and he couldn't help sighing.

"Senior Brother! This lofty Xinghai Continent is destined to return to silence. I hope our last line of defense will not be breached!" Lingbao Tianzun walked behind the Emperor, looked at the black elements in all directions, and couldn't help but Talked to God softly.

The original Tianzun and Taishang Daozu followed God from left to right, and the three of them fell silent after hearing what the younger brother said.

At this moment, most of the space stations inside and outside the entire interstellar are already in a state of darkness and chaos.

Looking around, there are only a few space stations that still have a little faint light, including Qiuyue's hometown under the moon in Jinling, and our Jiuchongtian and Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland.

"Tianzun, Miss Yue and the others should be fine! If you don't believe me, take a quick look, our hometown under the moon in Jinling still has such a faint light. Not to mention anything else, just from this point of view, it is It is enough to show that the ancient city of Jinling is still within the sphere of influence of our Jiuchongtian, and nothing will happen!" The head of the celestial master trotted up from the cloud road behind, and stood obediently with the Lingbao Tianzun. He went behind him, and deliberately smiled to relieve his depressed mood with God.

Hehe, don't talk about it, this guy has analyzed it with our old man with a solid foundation, and it is really unambiguous at all!
"Within the Nine Heavens, there seems to be some spots that haven't been cleaned up, Ghost Horse Twin Stars, you guys should make a quick decision, go down and find out who is behind the tricks. It can even block the meteoric acid rain corrosive agent of our new Galaxy Emperor! Don't do too much with this kid Get entangled, be careful what he says." The rebellious leader of the Yi Xing people, the old black ghost, has just recovered from his senses at this moment, he is still very confident, and without looking back, he smiled at Ghost Horse Shuangxing, coldly said coldly.


Before Ma Mian Yi Xingren finished his sentence, his whole body began to be divided into two by the ink purple blue interstellar laser star river star sword!
"Slash to the sky with one sword, divide the galaxy with one sword, ghost horse and double star, I will accept your seven small beads on behalf of all the Yixing people in the Galaxy Continent, no need to thank you! In the next life, I will be your interstellar dust." Let's go! Hahahaha." Shui Mo put away the purple-blue interstellar laser meteor sword, looked at the former enemy who was instantly killed by his sword with a smile, laughed wildly a little uncomfortable, and said.

Ghost-faced Yixing saw a ray of purple light flashing across his eyes, and before he could react, his body was already broken, split into two from the middle, and fell into the dark clouds with a bang.

Because he was afraid of death, he couldn't even hear half a sentence of exclamation from Ma Mian Yi Xingren, and he had already returned to the alchemy furnace of the 33rd Chongtian Laojun, and turned into a furnace of dust and medicine slag!
Twenty-seven and fourteen small blood-red beads rolled into the body of Ink's Emperor Soul, and Ink's figure couldn't help but staggered, almost falling into the dark clouds too!

"It's dangerous! It's dangerous...!" He managed to stabilize his body, and then couldn't help but sighed repeatedly, laughed as if talking to himself, and said softly.

33 The dense dark clouds in the sky became slightly turbulent. After swinging for a while, it eased a little, and then regained its calm again.

"What a powerful interstellar soul power and the sword of the star soul, like a sword like a sword like a sea of ​​stars, but it can be changed so little, it's really amazing, amazing!"

The old nigger's body trembled slightly, and then he regained his composure. He stretched out his thumb, nodded, smiled slightly, and praised Ink Mo.

"Old Hei, the last time I was sneak attacked by your old boy who was inexperienced, this time I was killed with one move, leaving no room for it. And you, don't blame me for being vicious, this is a method learned from your Excellency! Even if this is the case, it is much, much better than three of you old boy beating me to death, don’t you think so? Hahahaha, don’t say who is frivolous, don’t ask who is arrogant, but ask the Galaxy Emperor to forgive me Who? Hahahaha." The fourteen blood-red attribute star-soul crystals of Ma Shuangxing, Shui Mo, were collected by him without any violation, and he laughed loudly with complacency, and flaunted the old man The nigger spoke up, said.

"Hahahaha! I don't know if the new emperor knew: these Ghost Horse Shuangxing and the others are nothing more than two pawns who have crossed the galaxy! It's just that I was careless just now, and that's why I was caught by your honest and honest boy." It’s all just fooled by your voice, smile, appearance and every move! Kid, how old are you? Don’t be too happy, you will only win this dispute if you defeat this emperor! Hahahaha.” Xinghe The leader of the rebellious Yixing people on the mainland, the old nigger as black as a dark cloud finally turned around, looked up and down the ink painting with some displeasure, and said to him with a loud laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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