
Chapter 554, Emperor Soul.

Chapter 554, Emperor Soul ([-]).

Under the instigation of Qiuyue's super soul power and the Nine Heavens Immortal Qi, the entire Xiaoxian Palace was suspended, lifted by a sky-blue cloud, and flew northward in the sky, like a huge Like an ice crystal spaceship, looming in the snowy sky, it is incomparably spectacular!
The dense ghost horse elves followed very strangely, and followed all the way without stopping.

The closer to the tiankeng, the fewer and fewer snowflakes, it seems that there is a kind of pressure coming from the air from time to time, and the blue light of Xiaoxiangong is much weaker.

"Sister Yue, it seems that our Bingling Xiaoyu Building is falling at a very fast speed!" Yuyan was the most childlike, and was the first to sense the abnormality of the Zhuangyuan Building, so she couldn't help but whispered to Qiuyue.

"No way! It's such a coincidence that the boy followed us as soon as we arrived at this place? What a coincidence! Sisters, work harder, we are about to reach the edge of the tiankeng! Hahahaha, there is no motivation without pressure , work harder!" Muyun Beast glanced at the gradually calming snow outside the building, then at the ghost horse elves whose eyes were full of panic, and yelled loudly, saying .

"It's not necessary! Sister Muyun, the small building has already landed! Look quickly, the outer walls of the Zhuangyuan Building have returned to their original appearance! Cough, cough..., the floor-to-ceiling screen windows in the hall, the crescent-shaped windows in the yard The pool, the transparent meteorite glass, the chandelier of the full moon... Eh, how can this chandelier be so bright? Shouldn't it be running out of power?...Oh! By the way, Sister Yue, it seems that the generator stopped working long ago Ah! Why is there still electricity? It's so strange, so strange! Could it be..." Yang Jianan looked at the brightly lit lobby of the Zhuangyuan Building and the world outside the lobby, and said in amazement as if he was not quite used to it, and said .

"Yeah! It's so strange... Could it be that our domineering immortal energy has changed the generator in the Zhuangyuan building? It would be great if there was always a continuous supply of electricity, and we won't need it in the future Going around looking for raw materials for power generation! Hahahaha." Yu Yan has never been short of whimsical ideas, she laughed and said.

"Miss, we have indeed landed, and we are right in the middle of that big blood-red formation like wintersweet!" Holy Spirit looked at the world outside the hall, on the ice and snow where black stones occasionally appeared, Scattered with bloodstains of many little red ghost horse elves, all of which have been petrified, he couldn't help laughing, and said.

"Let's all take away our fairy energy and spiritual power! Don't waste any more energy. When birds come to this place, they have to squat and walk. It's impossible to fly. Cough, everyone, don't waste your energy. " Qiuyue took the brunt of putting away her soul power, immortal energy and spiritual power, smiled coldly, and said to the big guy.

"Sister Yue, can't you? Xiaotian can fly! Didn't she fly last time?" Shuiyue also followed Qiuyue to absorb her own fairy energy and soul power, tilting her head in a puzzled manner. Then he asked about Qiuyue's coming, and said to her with a smile.

"Exactly! For the sake of Little Qingniu and the others, I flew to the top of this damn tiankeng to have a look. It's dark and gloomy inside, and there are heat waves coming out from time to time. Our icy little fairy body, Don't go on, it's very difficult to get close to the tiankeng. How about... Sister Yue, I'll go and have a look again!... Okay?" Asked Tianzi to look at Qiuyue with a smile, and continued the topic of Shuiyue, then Take advantage of the situation and ask for orders.

"Xiaotian, because you are the only little fairy with fleshy wings among us, you can fly up. It's nothing strange! But, you have to be careful, don't be caught by the earth fire seedlings that pop out from time to time." I will order your immortal feathers! If not, fly back quickly, don’t be brave, you know?" Qiuyue actually wanted to know if I was in this bottomless tiankeng, so she took advantage of the situation He agreed to be called the Son of Heaven, and said to her with a smile.

"Sister Yue, don't worry, I will pay attention to safety, hahahaha." Ming Tianzi agreed with a smile, and walked out of the hall step by step.

"Sister Xiaotian, wait for me, I'll go and see if Lao Zai is here. I always feel that he and Shui Mo should be nearby, but I can't be sure, and I feel very uncomfortable and very unhappy." Yu Yan As he said that, he didn't even care about taking back his immortal energy and soul power, and chased him out with a burst of spiritual jade energy!
"Damn girl, wait a minute...!" Qiuyue couldn't hold her back in her haste, she just stomped her feet angrily, and cursed loudly.

"It's okay, Miss. Yuyan will come back by herself after going out for a while! You'd better take down that Lengyue Fairy Lantern on the roof first! Otherwise, you will be angered by the scorching heat outside." It’s a pity if it’s like that.” The holy spirit looked at Yuyan who happily rushed away, couldn’t help but smiled slightly, and said to Qiuyue.

"Oh! I made a fuss about her, I almost forgot about it." Qiuyue agreed, and with a wave of Yunbai's long sleeves, she took back the little fairy lantern on the top of the Zhuangyuan Building, Youhu.

"Sure enough, it has melted quite a bit. No wonder its blue light is getting lighter and lighter this way!" Yang Jianan and Muyun Beast approached, looking at the crescent-shaped moon in Qiuyue's hand. The azure-colored little jade couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion, and said as if waking up from a dream.

"Do you know why we didn't let Qiuyue go with me? You all have to be careful, stay at home for nothing important, don't go out. The outside of this tiankeng is no joke. A careless spray of heat, how big is it?" You have completely melted away the Lengyue method! Unless... we can find the blessing of the emperor soul, otherwise, please be careful and don't try to be brave." Holy Spirit said to her students coldly, road.

"Master, aren't we going to be stuck in the lobby of the Zhuangyuan Building, Sister Yue, for the rest of my life? If that's the case, why not brave the severe cold and go to the street in Xinjiekou to go to Xuewu and kill ghost horse elves to have fun!" Miao Miao was also a little angry, she complained to the Holy Spirit with a bleak face, and said coldly.

"I know you are careful about the little Pixiu. Could it be that Master and I don't care about you, Uncle Black Dragon and the others? Don't you, sister Yue, care about getting old?... Take it easy now, don't be in a hurry, if you are in a hurry, all previous efforts will be wasted! We After finally getting here, we must figure out a way to get in and out of the Little Fairy Palace, so that the matter of saving people will not be messed up!" The Holy Spirit sighed softly, calmed down, Very patiently, he comforted Miao Miao and said.

Inside the Little Fairy Palace, the autumn air is crisp and the cold moon hangs high, making people extremely comfortable and comfortable. Everyone dared not talk too much, but quietly watched Tianzi and Yuyan who were walking towards the tiankeng outside the hall step by step. All sweating!
(End of this chapter)

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