
Chapter 563, Emperor Soul.

Chapter 563, Emperor Soul (XIV).

Jin Guangyao, Jin Guangshan, the emperor's soul is dark in a flash of golden light.

The magic sea of ​​the heavens, the cold moon, the heavenly heart curse, the jade soul bag is opened, the star soul skyline mountain gate shakes, the dragon soul emperor soul is handed over, and the empress jade body fairy is about to rise...!
Although the sun and the moon are bright in the sky, the pressure around the tiankeng has never been reduced...!
The snowflakes are still densely scattered around the outermost edge of the tiankeng. They don't seem to be affected by the heat wave in the tiankeng at all. It seems to be isolated, like a giant rushing in the depths of a snowstorm, it looks very strange and poignant, and it is so wonderful!

"Hahahaha! As soon as the Dragon Soul Emperor Soul manifests, you won't shed tears if you don't see the coffin! Hahahaha. Wait until I accept you, a dark, thin and weak person, and then go to serve the little fairies in your family properly! Hahahaha, so happy! Painful! So happy!”

The old nigger showed his true colors, his rotten meteorite face appeared again among the white clouds, and he was looking lewdly at Qiuyue and Holy Spirit, who were surrounded by the tiankeng with fluttering clothes, and there was no such thing at all. Put envoy Jin Guangshan into his eyes!

"How do you fight...? Miss, we can't fly at all. These legs are like lead, and every step is so heavy that it is extremely difficult, let alone want to talk to others Let's fight." As soon as the Holy Spirit came out of the Zhuangyuan Building, he realized something was wrong, and said to Qiuyue with some fear.

"Yes, I can't straighten my back and move my legs. How can I fight with others like this? No, no, no, no... You must solve this problem first, otherwise there is no way to continue playing." Yuyan was also very angry, so she talked to Qiuyue and the others, and said.

"Isn't it easy to solve this problem? Let that little handsome guy in your family absorb the underground suction, and then ask that old nigger to remove all the interstellar pressure brought by him, wouldn't it be fine? Hahahaha, this What can be more difficult!" Yang Jianan said disapprovingly.

"Jaanan, you speak very lightly. Will the old nigger listen to us? And that shiny golden guy, sometimes he says he is Jin Guangshan's envoy, and sometimes he says he is Jin Guangyao... I don't know what he said Is it true! Cough, cough, maybe they belong to the same group, and they want to trap us to death around this tiankeng!" Muyun Beast looked at the river passing by like white clouds under its feet, I couldn't help being a little surprised, and said to Yang Jianan with lingering fear, and said.

"Don't talk! One by one, you still look like a little fairy? Don't you just be a mortal for a while, hold the weapon in your hand, and pay attention to attacking the old nigger at any time. This gravity is not used to deal with us It is to deal with those ghost horse elves! If you don’t believe it, look up and look again, those fluttering snowflakes have been controlled by the ghost horse elves and drifted away from the sphere of influence of the tiankeng! Why? No Are you just afraid of turning red in the snow? Hahahaha, don’t doubt our little brother Jin Guangshan! He is saving us! Hahahaha...!" Coming out again, I felt the familiar pressure of Shan Da and the center of the earth Gravity, Yuyan suddenly became a little clear this time, she laughed out loud, and said to Muyun and Canaan.

"Sister Yue, I can't stay for too long. The envoy Jin Guangshan and Jin Guangyao were originally your birthday presents from your husband, but they were just kept by me! Now that the eight dragons have appeared in Jinling's hometown under the moon, I should do the same." I’m going back. Master may show up too! I’ll leave it to you guys. Don’t worry, master will be there in a while.” Jin Guangyao shook his body and disappeared into the sky above the tiankeng in a golden light. .

"Hahahaha! Boy, since you've slipped away, I'm not welcome! Hahahaha, the sinkhole turns out to be the Stargate!" The old nigger jumped down from the sky, it turned out to be a male lion, no wonder With bumps on his face, he growled loudly.

The water of the Yangtze River quickly returned to its original appearance. The Shogunate Mountain was a vast expanse of white, stretching across the south of the Great River, like a slender jade belt flowing down the river, stretching endlessly like this.

"Hey! If you don't look carefully, the snow-capped Shogun Mountain is quite similar to those Baiyun Mountains that flew in and out before!" Muyun Beast laughed and told everyone Said.

Indeed, she may be the most sensitive to the distinction between Baiyun and Xueshan at present!

"You turned out to be a black meteorite lion! No wonder you are so domineering, you are followed by a wave of kamikaze wherever you go, and at the same time, you are carrying countless pressures! Hahahaha, it's okay, it's okay. Let's understand Don’t talk dark words now! If you didn’t discover my interstellar gate, I can spare you from dying, but now that you have discovered the ultimate secret of the Galaxy Continent, don’t blame me for being merciless.” Qiuyue smiled , laughed coldly at the lion-faced guy in front of her, and she spoke to him in a female voice and a male voice, and said.

Standing on top of the cloud, I took back the aura of Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan's envoy, put it into the pores, and looked at the old black ghost whose soul and courage I had been tightly controlled by me with a smile, disapprovingly opened the Stargate The key to Qiuyue.

"Qiuyue, Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan are the keys to the Stargate. If you want to get the Emperor Soul, you must enter the Stargate to obtain the Emperor Soul Flower, and then give the Emperor Soul Flower to the Emperor Soul Envoy. That way you can Get the Emperor Soul, and finally defeat this old black ghost! This time, I will help you finally! Because the Emperor Soul was lost by me and ink, it hates us very much now, so I have to ask you and Yuyan to help get it back Leave this old nigger to me first, and you go to the Stargate first. Hurry up!" I said loudly to Qiuyue.

"Why? Don't you know how to get it yourself? You insist on asking me to go...? Don't make trouble with me, make trouble!" Qiuyue looked at me with moist eyes, and reluctantly took it My Shuangri Shenghui, the key to open the gate of the sky star soul, almost cursed at me.

"I'm sorry, Qiuyue! I can't let him stay in his hometown under the moon in Jinling, otherwise, the world of mortals will suffer in nine days. Qiuyue, open the gate of the sky, get the star soul, grab ink ink and them, and then bring ink ink and emperor Flower of Soul, come to Galaxy Continent to find me. Remember my appearance... Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan will be invincible once the yin and yang are combined, and I give it to you! The soul of the emperor will not come out, the empress will not be born, Jinling and the moon will be broken, and there will be no redemption! Stop, come to the Star River Continent...!" Before I finished my sentence, the old nigger, who was pinned to death by me, bumped into me in a fit of exasperation.

I took the opportunity to ride on his back, squeezed my courage, and flew to the high sky, and flew into the Galaxy Continent through nine days and endless days...!
(End of this chapter)

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