
Chapter 570, Stargate of Emperor Soul.

Chapter 570, Stargate of Emperor Soul ([-]).

God is always God, and man is still man after all.

The stars are no longer those stars in the past, only my Yueer is still Yueer...!
In this world, there is no such thing as eternity and immortality in a complete sense. The good and bad of all things are only in a relative sense!
The male lion thinks it is good to have a full meal of blood-colored yak meat, and the hyena thinks it is good for the male lion to share a meal of yak blood and meat very friendly.

However, the yak, which was pulled and gnawed by them, was still gasping for breath. The soul with no place to rest thought that it could still gallop on the vast grassland, and there would be no lions and wolves chasing it. That was the happiest and most beautiful moment in my life!
Just like me who lost my freedom at this moment, how is it different from the yak being chased and intercepted by lions and wolves?

Surrounded by garbage-mutated Yixing people in the dark corners of Xinghai, my greatest wish at this moment is——Qiuyue can go through the Stargate earlier, get back her empress body immediately, and then lead our family Yixingren Xiaoxian The team went straight to this smoky galaxy continent, so that they could rescue me from this filthy interstellar garbage dump as soon as possible, and give me back my freedom.

As long as my soul and body are not eroded by the stiff plastic corpses (plastic particles) of the nameless garbage in the interstellar space dump..., then I am really grateful to them.

Less than once in the dark and obscure space garbage station in the corner of the interstellar space, I can't understand why the old niggers must seize control of the entire interstellar space station!

In these space garbage stations, there is a complex and disturbing atmosphere and unpleasant smell everywhere, which makes people very speechless, and it is also very weird and unpredictable!

As long as you don't pay attention, they will penetrate into the depths of your heart, stop my soul, and finally peel off my Yitian soul layer by layer, and then corrode and die...!
What a vicious and insidious plan!

The interstellar ghost horse elves stationed here in the space garbage station are all transparent and water-like hard plastic people. They will not be burned by high or low temperature, and they are not easy to be written by my mind reading skills, so I have to Send your heart and soul out of the world of mortals, and bury it deep at the foot of Zijin Mountain! !Woolen cloth!

In the dark blue night at the foot of the Zijin Mountain, the stars are shining brightly and are as transparent as water.

After the black dragon left, all the demons of the world also stayed away from this place. It is said that they think that there is no dragon spirit here, and there is no meaning worth studying and digging deeply!

However, the world outside the Purple Mountain is currently occupied and surrounded by various plastic human beings. Although they all have good looks, they are all dull and old-fashioned in the same way, with no expression at all, as if they just came off the assembly line. The molds that come down are average, without exception, they are all blond, blue-eyed, and flesh-red skin. I don’t know who put them on a few extremely incongruous clothes symbolically. If you look at them from a distance, you can tell that they are They are definitely not kind, they are all cold-blooded animals, the kind of people who have no feelings or warmth at all!
I hastily buried 90.00% of my soul, leaving most of my avatars at Hongchen Ferry, and returned to the interstellar space garbage station again, quietly covering my mouth and nose from the inside out, and no longer interacting with those elves. We met each other with our souls!
When you deal with a plastic man, it is best not to be easily tempted, you will be injured by their plastic particles or your soul will be pierced by their plastic spikes!
... On the way back, I threw the Emperor Soul Flower at the Stargate, hoping that Qiuyue could see it, and it would be best to pick it up.

That way, they can find where I am as soon as possible!

The blood vessels in my body are stiff, and I feel that there are a lot of lead and zinc minerals accompanied by plastic particles slowly and difficultly flowing along the blood vessels. It seems that I am looking for a way out. I know that it is time to squat. !
Crystal-like plastic particles flowed out of the sewage outlet happily, fell into the space garbage station, and disappeared long ago.

A feeling of being as light as a swallow came from the bottom of my heart, and I closed my eyes happily, and I will never ask about the past in the world of interstellar world again!
At this moment, what I need most is waiting and tranquility, to live in the present moment with peace of mind.

Although, this place has harmed Hang Seng, it is already the end of the hero, and the devil is in power...!
. . . . . . . . . .

When Qiuyue opened her eyes, the world in front of her had returned to its true status quo. Tens of thousands of plastic figures of human dust and rubbish flowed down the river very slowly, rushing towards the tiankeng densely.

"Sister Yue, come down quickly! This earth system planet has been completely occupied by the old nigger in the interstellar space garbage station transporting ghost horse elves, come down quickly! We are all here! Everyone come down to replenish energy, Let's go through the Stargate together and enter the Galaxy Continent to save my master." A familiar voice came out from the tiankeng, carrying a fiery breath, even the voice was full of anger, braving strong What about the white smoke!

"Ah... Sishuimo, you are hiding below! Hahahaha, I will let you cry if I don't want you to cry, you wait." Together, the whole ground flew into the huge mouth of the Tiankeng, and then drifted into the Stargate!
"This girl is always so reckless. If the person who is talking below is not ink, then wouldn't it be that the mutton fell into the tiger's mouth?" Holy Spirit also opened his eyes, and said with emotion.

"Let's all go down! They are right. Uncle Holy Spirit, Black Three is also below! If I guessed right, they should all be injured, so they were brought into the stargate by the old school, maybe Let them take refuge!" Qiuyue said to the Holy Spirit and the others with certainty, as the spooky plastic elf came slowly downstream.

"Yeah, let's hurry up and follow Sister Yuyan's pace! Look, there are beige robots everywhere outside. Although they move slowly, I guess they will definitely arrive at our place in an hour. It’s not that friendly! Let’s go down quickly!” Muyun Beast Jiutian Muyun has been familiar with everything for many years, and this time he saw these people with stiff and slow movements and a highly uniform and stiff expression on their faces. The plastic man became uneasy, and he also talked to everyone, saying.

(End of this chapter)

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