
Chapter 576, Stargate of Emperor Soul.

Chapter 576, The Star Gate of the Emperor Soul ([-]).

As long as there is a wind passing by, it is a fairyland on earth, without exception!
A gust of wind blows, and Qiuyue knows: They are still in the world of mortals, and they have never left since the beginning!

"Hahahaha! Calling you sister-in-law is already giving your old family a lot of face. Leng Qiuyue, don't forget that your old man has already been imprisoned by others on the Galaxy Continent. Look at yourself, long You have to be beautiful, why do you have to mess around with that guy who dares not see people all day long? Let me say something that shouldn’t be said. Maybe you haven’t consummated the relationship after so many years? Hahahaha, that one just now It's impossible for the little girl to be your own, right? Grandma's... Hahahaha! Don't come to me to act like a sister-in-law, grandpa, I don't like your tricks. If you think well, just be good to me Go back, don't hit the stone with an egg, you are overestimated! Otherwise, you can choose to stay, and I will give you some star energy when you are grandpa. When you grow up, you will all follow grandpa and me, which is considered a beautiful thing. It's over! What's so good about following that dark, thin, short and ugly guy! Hahahaha, and you!... Ink Danqing, right? Don't think that you are still Emperor Xinghe, the current Xinghe On the mainland, it has already become the site of our ghost horse double star. You brat, honestly, go back to your earth planet! Oh, that’s right. I forgot to tell you, your The Earth system planet has already been occupied by the cute and charming elves of our ghost horse double star! Hahahaha...!" Chaos warrior saw that Shui Mo and Qiuyue showed weakness, and couldn't help but He got carried away with complacency, and spoke loudly to Qiuyue and Shui Mo loudly.

"Hahahaha! Are you a Chaos Warrior or a Wonton Warrior? Have you betrayed the revolution so quickly? But, old man, what I want to tell you is that the person you surrendered to is not the ultimate creator of the Three Realms, but It’s just a failed experiment of the ultimate maker! Forget it, let you know what is the master of the universe! Hahahaha, my old man is smarter than you, and he betrothed me to him early, so that our three realms will continue You may not understand this to be repaired and blessed!
Sister, let me let you know first, in fact, the real big is neither big nor powerful!Look, it doesn't matter if you come or not.In order to let you understand clearly, why don't you put a small star down and test it first! "Qiuyue suddenly spoke to him in a man's voice without humming.

"What is the most powerful? I really want to take a look! Well, first I will give you a planet that is not too big, and see what tricks you can do." The Chaos Warrior smiled, said disapprovingly, and threw away A small earth-type planet came down, quietly stayed in the air and watched Qiuyue's every move with cold eyes.

"very good!"

Qiuyue didn't wait for the small planet to land, and threw a wave of water beads carrying thousands of fungal substances along the surface.

As soon as the fungus water beads touched the small earth-type planet, they automatically started the action of crazily devouring the planet.

Hundreds of trillions of various corrosive bacteria burst out from the water beads, densely packed the earth system planet to the brim.

In just a short while, the small earth-type planet seemed to lose weight, and it swelled up at a very fast speed!
The Chaos Warrior in the air was pale, and suddenly seemed to understand something, and became speechless.

"Nothing to say anymore! Chaos Warrior...! Hahahaha, I, Leng Qiuyue Leng Yue Tianxinling, can do nothing else, let you wait for the bacteria in your body to become active, and return to dust can still be done! Come on, go to the interstellar Where is the quiet alley in space? Otherwise, you don’t even need to come down, I’ll give you a wave of active fungus water beads in the Star Sea, and I guess the master of the star gate will have to be replaced by someone else! Hahahaha...!” Qiuyue's sudden masculinity really scared everyone present!

"Ah...! Elder Sister Yue, are you bewitched? Why is this...why?" Yuyan could clearly hear Qiuyue's voice from a distance of ten feet away, and couldn't help crying Woke up.

Everyone kept persuading her, and everyone was so busy that they didn't know what to do!

Qiuyue has already ignored her!

At this moment, she is only thinking of getting the soul of the emperor in the interstellar space as soon as possible, and then bravely go to the Galaxy Continent to save me!

Yes, nothing else matters. If I can't be resurrected, the Three Realms will disappear completely, and even the entire interstellar world will fall into the hands of the plastic elves!

"You... you are indeed the mother of heaven and earth who is a combination of yin and yang and can reproduce asexually! Anyway, when you handed over this star gate to me, the old sect master, you already kept several hands! But Sect Master Yue, this The quiet and elegant path of the Stargate is not easy to walk. When your former gate owner... oh! No, when the old man left, I was afraid that I would not be able to guard the gate for him, so I laid eight heavenly nets on the way forward, and every net Going down is full of dangers, the tortoise bastards come and go, don't even think about getting half a step closer to the imperial palace! You have to think clearly, it is easy to get in but not so easy to get out!" Chaos Warrior met Qiuyue The Lengyue fungus water beads swallowed his own small earth planet in the blink of an eye, and his heart was already ashamed. He honestly told Qiuyue what was in his heart, and said.

"The things you said, I can meet them at any time from the memory of our old fairy soul. It's no big deal. You just need to push the Stargate out. I have my own way." Qiuyue saw this simple-minded man with well-developed limbs. The Chaos Warrior has been completely conquered by himself, so he spoke to him without hesitation, said.

"Hahahaha, it turns out that for those who are addicted to martial arts, it is necessary to let him know his own insignificance and the fear of being powerless, only in this way will he completely surrender to the big guy! Hahahaha, Xiaobian! "Yu Yan was ten feet away, couldn't help laughing at the other party loudly, and said.

Chaos Warrior looked at Qiuyue and Shui Mo in embarrassment, seeing that they didn't react at all, and Yi Shi slowly landed from the sky helplessly and embarrassingly.

"Strange! Sister Yue, why did this guy come down without saying hello? Then do we want to live! Tsk,... this...!" Shui Mo became a little restless, turned his head and started talking to Qiuyue Yes, said.

"Hahahaha! Ink, don't be afraid. This guy's coercion will appear through his anger and arrogance. As long as he doesn't make him angry or he doesn't dare to be angry, those people in the Galaxy Continent The method will not be revealed at all! It’s okay, I can take everyone to enter the real stargate in a while, hahahaha.” Qiuyue put away the fungus water beads of Soul Saint Leng Yuetian Xinjing , laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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