
Chapter 583, Stargate of Emperor Soul.

Chapter 583, The Star Gate of the Emperor Soul (Seventeen).

The way of swords and swords in the world of mortals, the first is the Suiren family, who is congenial with wood and stone and meets the light of the earth; God, [-] methods and [-] Xianyun swords, one sword has no gods and thousands of demons, and the disputes in the three realms have been eliminated since then.

Immortals have always only played the fairy cloud sword, one sword and one whirling, killing people is not as good as saving people, the sword passes through the grass and trees, and all things revive the heavens and the earth.

There are no knives or swords in the interstellar world, but there is only one magic axe, which opened up the world and created the universe. Since then, there have been miracles in the star sea...!
"Hey hey hey! Thank you Brother Shui Mo for forging a magical weapon for my brother, hahahaha." Xun Tian borrowed the Qi of Shui Mo Danqing and Mo Xuan's spirituality to cultivate the filthy aura of ink color into a dagger that is ancient and modern Complacent, he laughed at Shui Moxuan and said.

"The magic weapon is mysterious, black-colored, and he refuses to convert until he sees his ancestor. Xuntian, you are too happy, why don't you try it first! Whether it is a demon or an immortal, you will only know after trying it!" "Shui Moxuan looked at Xuntian coldly, and said to him very disapprovingly.

"Hahahaha, brazenly, with that dragon-breaking bone fan in your hand, is it possible that you still want to win the magic sword in the young master's hand? Hahahaha, come on! Let the horse come over." Xun Tian hurriedly urged Looking at Moxuan, I couldn't help but feel secretly happy: as long as he attacks Shui Moxuan rashly, he will surely die at the hands of his resentment from the devil's embryo qi. When the time comes, the three qis of gods, demons and immortals will return to one sword, so they can break in without the emperor's soul. Did interstellar space go?
"Junior Moxian, you have to be careful. This sword is an interstellar magic sword cultivated with your own vicious thoughts and the sun flower soul of the ink emperor's emperor soul. Be careful! Don't be careless. Think about it, Tianxian The power of Yu Ruo and Interstellar Supreme Da Ai combined together and cultivated together, the power of which cannot be underestimated. You really have to be careful!" Seeing Shui Moxuan pulling Shuiyue and quietly regaining his decent height, Chaos couldn't help it. Just remind him to come, said.

"Hahahaha, if that's the case, it must be our interstellar sacred object! How can you let him fall into the hands of evil spirits? Brother Chaos, why don't you try your world-opening axe? I have heard that the old man has traveled in the interstellar world. There are treasures from all directions in the south, east, west, and north, so they can defend against the enemy invincibly in the vast sea. The first treasure is the star soul of the west sky, the autumn moon and white, and the sincerity and sincerity will always accompany each other; The star soul of the southern sky is not exchanged for gold, and the empress of Xinghe is emerald green; the fourth treasure is the star soul of the northern sky, the heaven and the earth panic, and the heaven and the earth are broken and sleepy! The first treasure is given to the sweetheart, the second treasure is given to the closed disciples, the third treasure is given to the beloved daughter, and the fourth treasure is given to the beloved daughter. The Four Treasures were given to the great disciple who had never been to the earth, I think, you brother should also let us see you, the number one god axe in the interstellar world, right? Hahahaha, although my brother likes to hide it Tucked away, but our elder brothers are not blind. Cough cough..., the old ancestor told him a lot, don’t our brothers know which ones? Brother Chaos, you! Don’t hide it anymore Got it, quickly take it out and let this Xun You and the Raksha girl's family, who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, know what is called a building outside the mountain, there are people outside the mountains, and there are days outside the sky! Hahahaha."

Heilong saw the birth of Xuanyuan Sword: Scar of the Sky (another name of Xianyun Sword's Demon Dao) in ink painting, and couldn't help but want to see how powerful this Xuanyuan Sword is?Still the Great Emperor's Axe is amazing!He returned to the original form, and he couldn't help but secretly laughed wickedly in his heart, and immediately after watching the excitement, he didn't think it was a big deal, so he encouraged the Chaos Warrior to come.

"Ten thousand catties will go back, and the ax will return to the sky. My rotten Ketou, who created the world, can't be matched with the treasure of the fairy family!" Chaos warrior became a little troubled, and explained to the black dragon submissively.

"Xuanyuan is the body, with immortal energy, eager to try! Chaos, why don't you just help it and settle its old worries!" Qiuyue saw Xuanyuan Sword's Sky Scar appearing in the world, knowing that it has been following ink and wash for many years , I haven't made a move for a long time, and I was a little excited when I saw the Chaos God Soldiers, so I also encouraged Chaos, said.

"Hehehe, since the eldest lady has said so, Chaos, you can let the magic weapon in your hand show your face! It's okay, it's all Mister's property, they will pay attention to their own proportions! Zhihen's tear barrier is also gone, let him follow the magic fairy with peace of mind. Don't refuse the eldest lady, otherwise when the husband comes back, how will you meet the old man? Besides, you put Xuntian and him together. The ghosts and ghosts have repeatedly regarded themselves as their mistresses. If the husband finds out about this, how embarrassing are you? Give it a try, and let us see it. At the same time, let them go to the Star River Continent to rescue them. Good cooperation isn't it? Let's do it, otherwise we will really be treated as small shrimps by some little people! Hahahaha."

On a whim, the black dragon kept urging the Chaos Warrior to come, said.

"Although the master is sorry for us and doesn't want us to fight each other with our lives, don't you dare to see people with your true colors? Lan Ketou, if you dare not fight, you will raise the white flag to surrender! Hahahaha." The sword suddenly became human, and flew out of Xuntian boy's hand like a ghost, and rushed towards the Chaos Warrior's face with lightning speed.

"Boy, how old are you? Do you dare to show off in front of Ketou Kaitiankaidi? Give me the air, let's fight for a round, even if it's a good fortune for the hostess to re-enter Xinghai Yes. Do you think it’s okay?” An ax-shaped object the size of a child’s little finger flew out of the Chaos Warrior’s cuff, went straight up to the sky, and smiled at the Immortal Cloud Sword Sky that was about to be inserted into the Chaos Warrior’s chest. Hen spoke slowly, and said.

"Sure enough, I have the demeanor of a big brother, my little brother admires it! Just come, just come." Tian Zhihen said, Bi You suddenly made a [-]-degree turn from the place where the Chaos Warrior's eyebrows were one millimeter away, went straight up to the clouds and chased Lan Ketou away.

"I'm going! This movie is made as if it were real, and the magical weapons and weapons will automatically negotiate and resolve each other's demands! It's amazing, amazing." Yuyan stood ten centimeters behind the Chaos Warrior's right, and she clearly Seeing Lan Ke's head flying out of Chaos' undressed robe and big sleeves, and seeing the mark of the day brushing Chaos' brow and galloping away nine days away, I couldn't help but admire Brother Chaos in my heart. !

"Lan Ketou, don't play around with the scar of the sky, it's in the hands of the little emperor, I have a little sense of propriety." Brother Chaos smiled, and told the little ax that had already settled in the clouds and waited for the scar of the sky to arrive Get up, said.

"Brother, Lan Ketou understands, otherwise Mr. Huihui will definitely blame the younger brother! Don't worry, I know it." Lan Ketou moved slightly among the white clouds, as if nodding to Chaos, smiling said.

"Damn it! You're a rotten ax with no handle. You look like a chief eunuch. You're still so awesome? After a while, I'll let you know what is the existence of Invincible Interstellar. You just Wash your neck well, and prepare to die." Tianzhihen arrived quickly, and settled in a place ten meters away from Lanketou, and said to Lanketou in a bad mood.

"Since this is the case, we don't have to directly compete with each other. We simply use the force value, soul power, aura, and fairy energy at will. Whoever loses will get out of the interstellar space, obediently fall into the world of mortals, and think about the past honestly. How about it?" After Tian Zhihen finished speaking, he had already changed into a brand new ink painting, holding a black long sword upside down, wearing black clothes and shoes, stepping on a group of illusory light gray cloud lotuses, facing Lan Ke's head Said.

"Hahahaha! You kid is used to being in the Three Realms. I don't know how powerful the star player in the interstellar space is, so it's worth it! I'll let you lose your heart." After speaking, Lan Ketou also transformed into a chaotic warrior. The young man with a big purple-blue ax on his back, stepped on the auspicious cloud with full of immortality, stood firmly on the opposite side of the sky mark, and said to him with a smile.

"I'm going, it turns out that they themselves are a fairy and a god! No wonder their masters are so arrogant!" Muyun Beast forgot that she was once a nine-tailed fox for the Nine Heavens Muyun, and she giggled Dijiao laughed and said.

"Hmm! I heard from my brother that the true strength of Mr. is not in strength, but in monogamy, one daughter, three-five lovers, and the sea of ​​stars! So it is true! No wonder Sister Yue and Miss are not here. When he is around, he often hides from other interstellar rangers! Hahahaha, that's how it is." After listening to Muyun Beast's words, Nianyazai was so excited that he couldn't help but blurted out.

"What do you know, you are a little Bodhi sapling in the spring of 99 Chongtian? Don't talk nonsense, okay? How do you know that it's not other interstellar rangers who are hiding from Mr. and leaving? If you talk nonsense, sister, I'll pick it up Do you believe in your tender little bark?" Muyun Beast took a hard look at Nianyazai, then at Yuyan and Qiuyue, seeing them as if they had never seen them, Then he turned his head and cursed, and said to him.


Nianyazai blushed and began to slur his speech, murmuring.

"Ahhhhh! Next, what am I? Do you still want to watch the game? Don't make noise, learn how Yixing people fight. Hahahaha!" Tian Zhihen said a little unhappy Yes, said.

"Look at you, let's beat us, brothers say it's brothers, you are trying to shame yourself in public!" Lan Ke covered his face with his head and secretly laughed.

"Xuanyuanjian, are you going to fight or not? If you don't, I will come up and take this magic axe away." Xuntian couldn't wait any longer, fearing that Xuanyuanjian and Lan Ketou would make friends, he immediately urged him loudly up.

(End of this chapter)

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