
Chapter 586, Stargate of Emperor Soul.

Chapter 586, The Star Gate of the Emperor Soul ([-]).

Winds come from all directions to bring cool stars, and the little fairy rides a crane to travel west.

"It's really safe and clear, and the moonlight is shining, and I'm alone in the empty night and I push the window. Xinghe is sick, and the king is heartbroken, and the gate is anchored by the Dongwu Wanli Ship. This stargate is the only way to enter the vast sea that Mr. Be careful. If the door opens for a while, there may be thousands of stars rushing. At that time, how much star power you can collect depends on your own abilities. Now I can tell you that Leng Yueling is actually the soul of the emperor, but I This is only half of it, and the other half is the real door owner of this stargate. When I first entered the interstellar journey, my husband and I made an agreement that if something happened to him, we would keep the other half of the Lengyue Order. Here, wait for me to take the other half to retrieve it, then open the gate of the interstellar space, and rush to save him! Everyone opens the star gas cover now, and I will open the interstellar gate." Qiuyue Lianbu lightly moved, he walked a few steps, couldn't help but turned around with a smile like a flower, and said to the Black Dragon and Holy Spirit.

"You and your husband visited the Stargate for the first time? Miss, how long ago was that? If I'm right, we were not born at that time, right?" Muyun Beast looked at Qiuyue Xingguang Asked suspiciously with the gleaming facial makeup like an interstellar vast sea.

"Muyun, you are a female furnace worker in the Sun Palace that Mr. rescued from the Sun Palace when you captured the Vulcan. At that time, the sun faced each other on nine days and the earth was scorched all over the world. Go to Andromeda and invite the elder brother of Andromeda Jade Girl, lead people into the Milky Way and destroy Jiuyao, and then return the earth to a vibrant scene!" Qiuyue smiled and said to Muyun Beast.

"No wonder, no wonder! I said why a little boy always pops up in my brainwaves, carrying nine suns, walking unhurriedly in Gao Tianliu Yuntian's heart nine days away! So I am the one who has seen The daughter of the Lord of the Sun God who passed the Sun God! What a strange idea!" Mu Yunshou confirmed his memories with Qiuyue without stopping, and said to Qiuyue and the others with a sigh.

"You guys, don't talk about those myths of ancient times! Isn't this world, and even the entire interstellar space, created by the explosion of heavy metal particles in a vacuum? Don't worry about those tens of thousands of years ago. It's up! Let Leng Qiuyue open the door first, let's break into the Galaxy Continent of the Ink Boy, hurry up and save people! Don't suffocate him again, give us another interstellar explosion, then what is it really? It's all gone!" Yuyan couldn't help but feel a little sad after hearing Muyun Beast and Qiuyue's words, so she urged everyone to come and said without hesitation.

"Yuyan, you finally woke up. Since the fission of the earth's core, you have been dreaming for thousands of years, and you have overslept! Well, sister, I will take you to see the old man now. Hehehehe, I didn't expect Xiao Nizi, you still miss him. I will return the things that should be returned to you, and I will return them to you after you are rescued! We do not belong to your world, nor do we belong to the Interstellar Vast Sea or even the Galaxy Continent. It's peaceful, the old man and I should go back." Qiuyue said calmly and smiled with open eyes.

"Sect Master Yue, we have already prepared the star gas shield, you can do it." Holy Spirit looked back at the blue fairies and fairies, nodded slightly, and whispered to Qiuyue in a low voice.

"Okay! Everyone listen to my password: the fairies are all placed in the big formation after the wind of the Nine Heavens, Brother Holy Spirit and Sister Miaomiao are the guardians, Yuyan sits in the formation, and besieges the Stargate. Let's start action! Fairy children Scattered on the periphery of the fairy formation, the formation is arranged according to the innate gossip yin and yang formula, the black dragon and the brave are the protectors, and the ink painting relies on the six-star imperial soul as the formation heart, and is ready for the fairy to save the father."

After Qiuyue finished speaking, she took out the matriarchal Jiutian Mingyue knife from her cuff, and with a light wave, slices of cold moonlight flashed across the sky in an instant, and suddenly the cold wind howled all around, bringing a grain of Unknown number of ice crystals turned the entire open field of Stargate into icebergs in the blink of an eye.

The blue and transparent world, the ice crystals are like blooming blue lotus flowers, covered with light blue and light blue icebergs, it looks like entering the crystal palace in the center of the earth!

The blue and transparent lotus kept flickering with incomparably glamorous light, dyeing the lonely round of bright moon in mid-air into a light blue moon lotus.

"The blue moon is barking, and the world of mortals will suffer. Whether the trolls hidden in the hundreds of thousands of kilometers deep in the center of each planet will be alarmed depends on your performance. When thousands of stars are running wildly, star souls pass by, there is no fate Don’t grab it hard, you will suffer from it! Everyone must remember. The old man does not return, there is no sky, the stars are running wildly, and no one can stop them. Remember them all, only those who are willing to follow Your own predestined stars, don’t get together for no reason, don’t force it.” Qiuyue looked at the dark blue transparent moon lotus in the depths of Gao Tianliuyun, and repeatedly urged everyone to come.

Seeing the little fairies and fairies returning to their respective positions, Qiuyue and the others felt that a huge blue moon meteorite settled down a little bit, and then she walked towards the nearest iceberg with her head held high.

"There is no cold, no light, no ice, no immortality. This time, everyone must stick to their hearts, and stay in their hearts with a clear soul. Don't waver at will. I hope we can achieve the wish of becoming a star in one fell swoop, and return to the Galaxy Continent in seconds." Qiuyue took a step One ice lotus, one step at a time, one step at a time, one step at a time, and then drifted away.

From the beginning to the end, I never saw her use the Leng Yuetian Heart Mirror again, but she walked towards the iceberg on foot with a sense of immortality!

"This time, we must succeed. Otherwise, when we go back to Jinling Yuexia's hometown, it will not be as simple as facing the Rakshasa girl Bo Xunxun!" Qiuyue squeezed Leng Yuetian's heart mirror tightly in her palm,
Streams of light blue and light blue sweat flowed from all over her body, and she couldn't help but quietly cheered herself up in her heart, and said.

"Eight winds don't move, don't move, the four star kings, carry the deity on the road, let's go home." An extremely cold woman's voice spoke in unison from every iceberg, and said.

As soon as the woman's voice fell, a dark blue half-moon-shaped night pearl appeared on an iceberg in front of Qiuyue.

Next to this half-moon-shaped night pearl, there is a bottomless half-moon-shaped dark hole, which seems to be gloomy, and from time to time there will be very strange waves of the earth busy.

"Sect Master Yue, you have to speed up your progress. The old enemies don't seem to like you blocking their strange door! Go a little faster." It was the voice of the woman who spoke earlier, and it came from all directions. Yes, said.

(End of this chapter)

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