
Chapter 604, The Emperor's Soul Stepping Down the Starry Sky.

Chapter 604, The Emperor's Soul: Flattening the Starry Sky ([-]).

The sky is endless, the golden light is swaying, the water vapor is drinking in the wild, the bathing sand is cloudy, and there is nowhere to escape.

No matter how awesome your dynasty is, as long as the yin and yang are out of balance and become yin and yang, the danger is approaching!
It's for - chaos.

"You've got it, old man. My little gold is priceless, and it's not easy to give away! It's the first time we meet, and I'll give you a wave. It's a gift for our brothers." Shui Mo stood calmly at me. Looking up at the invisible man in the sky, he smiled and said to him.

"Zi Shui Mo, why didn't you come up with this trick earlier? The Lord Buddha knew back then that he wanted to send Little Qingniu and his master and uncle a golden mountain in exchange for a road to learn Buddhist scriptures. Don't you know that you should meet a great god earlier? Have you sent some gifts to do some shopping? You have to wait for my master and Uncle Shengling to burp, so that you are willing to give away your small handful of gold ten thousand taels, you? Are you afraid that Uncle Shengling and the others will Here, those shady and bad thoughts in your heart don't dare to show at all, you?... You are eight o'clock in the evening, are you a guilty conscience? Don't speak, if you don't speak, it means that you really have ghosts in your heart Lah!" Yuyan snuggled into Qiuyue's arms, pestered Qiuyue for a while, then turned around and scolded Shui Mo, saying.

"Miss! It's not what you think..." Shui Mo looked at me helplessly, tried to explain to Yu Yan, and said to her with a sad face.

"Sure enough, they are all a group of children, and they can't do anything when they meet their parents! Hahahaha, boy, if you had made the confession earlier, you wouldn't have killed or injured two people! Hahahaha. Since you have the heart, I will Accept your kindness! Haha...!" The transparent person transformed from silver water laughed, and shouted to us very proudly.

"Boss, let's save the black dragon first!" Qiuyue pulled the two sisters Shuiyue Yanyu and Yuyan, winked at me, and whispered.

"Miaomiao, Paixiu, you take away this useless eighth-level formation! Go save your uncle first. Ink ink, your task is to clear all obstacles on your galaxy continent, and then we will enter the interstellar world to fight monsters." , to help your elder sister Yue take Miss and the others to clear the starry sky and sea, and restore the peace of the universe. Go, ink, don’t hesitate, the light of the blue seal will be fully opened, so that he has nowhere to hide.” I calmly relaxed Turning around, he smiled and said to the children.

"Ah...! Brat, is this a mountain of gold you gave me? Why didn't you tell me earlier! Damn, I'm so overwhelmed! Ahem, I feel heavy all over, and I'm not in a good mood!"

Before the ink and ink moved, that guy had already started to fall from a high altitude!

As he fell, he kept cursing ink and ink, and suddenly he seemed to understand something!
"Don't wait for him to land, destroy him first. Ink and ink, with the blessing of your master's soul power, let your king emperor soul on the Galaxy Continent release its explosive power that is rare in millions of years! Go, kill Get rid of this yin and yang monster. We can enter the interstellar expanse and calm down the uninvited guests who intrude there. Be quick, be accurate, be ruthless, don't be a woman, go quickly." Looking at the big golden bump All the way from the classification layer of the interstellar vast sea and the galaxy continent, Qiuyue moved without knowing it, and kept urging ink and wash, softly and authentically.

"Shui Mo, you have to be careful! Look at him, he is wearing a golden armor, if he can beat it, if he can't beat it, let my dad do it, don't try to be brave!" Yu Yan also saw the big guy who rushed over I was so scared that I couldn't calm down, my little face was pale, and I hurriedly told Ink and said.

"It's too late, boy! If you dare to set you up with Grandpa Xinghai Snake Demon, none of you will escape this time. I will drag you to be buried with me in the Galaxy Continent, and whoever the hell don't want to escape." Jin Guang The gleaming colossus, carrying a trace of power beyond the sky and the stars, rushed towards us at a very fast speed. He attacked us continuously, shouting and roaring at us at the top of his lungs.

Qiuyue wanted to scold him, but I pulled him back with a burst of Tianwaitian Wuji soul power.

The ink and wash fully opened up the light of the interstellar blue print, like a super typhoon, a wave of dark blue light was rolled up on the ground, flashing dots of fluorescence, and directly rushed towards the huge golden monster that was rushing towards it. passed.

Because the distance is so far, the two storms seem to be in slow motion, shaking the mountains very much, which is an eye-opener.

All of us little fairies and little fairies of the Milky Way are all shrouded in the dark blue light of the ink, and it looks like everyone has emitted a wave of blue light, which is really beautiful and magnificent Woolen cloth!

"Old man, did you let ink and wash take advantage of us to have immortal energy and star soul?" Qiuyue became a little puzzled, and asked me in a low voice.

"It's nothing, this is his territory, and he should protect us all." I looked at Shui Mo Jintong's appearance, turned around and whispered to Qiuyue lightly.

"Ah!...I see, my brother-in-law deliberately used gold sand to make this yin and yang transparent person nowhere to hide. If this is the case, everyone will be in the clear. As long as you do it with real swords and guns, no one will be able to deny the sneak attack. Hahahaha, brother-in-law! You are doing well, I support you." Shuiyue Misty Rain has already fit together, she is very happy to cheer up Shui Mo, because of her high energy, she can't help but keep yelling shouted.

The Great Ghost King is standing on her forehead at this moment, like a little ghost with blue face and fangs, looking at the huge brother-in-law of ink and ink on the opposite side, and his little master with a breeze on his forehead and heart, he is a little uneasy Listening to his mistress loudly cheering up her brother-in-law, she became a little restless.

"It stands to reason that the male master and I are the same existence! Why did he become so powerful once he entered the Galaxy Continent, while I am still the same as before?..." Dali Ghost King was a little puzzled and said to himself Got up, and said a little sadly.

"Why are you arguing? Do you really think brother-in-law and Moxian are people from the world of mortals? They were just put into the world of mortals on purpose by my father to avoid natural disasters and stars! If you also go down and live for ten or eight years Yes, maybe he died at the hands of the mortal race long ago! Maybe there is only one white skeleton left now! What are you arrogant about, you? Take a good look at brother-in-law Dou Xingjun." Shui Moon Misty Rain He slapped vigorously and taught him a lesson, said.

(End of this chapter)

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