
Chapter 61, The trap.

Chapter 61, The trap.

After all the ink and wash guests left, they had to go to the warehouse behind to find something to pack this piece of jade.

"You're just like a bitch, can you hurry up? Your boss is missing!" Yu Yan grabbed Ink and Mo, pulled him out of the Jade Warehouse, and rushed towards the foot of Zijin Mountain. .

"My boss? Are you saying that the master is missing?..." Shui Mo stopped breaking away from Yu Yan's hand. He opened his eyes wide and stared at Yu Yan firmly.

"Hey! I know your master. I'm talking about my father! He's missing, and my mother is dying of panic now." Yuyan said anxiously.

"Then do you know where he will go?" Shui Mo asked Yu Yan.

"I don't know! Go out and look for it." Yu Yan had no idea, and said helplessly to Shui Mo while holding her small mouth.

"I don't even know, what the fuck! Can't you call him first?" Shui Mo complained to Yu Yan.

"Call and call, you know how to call, what if he's not in the office?" Yu Yan said to Shui Mo unhappy.

In fact, Shui Mo didn't know, Yuyan heard from upstairs that her mother made all the phone calls that could or could not be made in Jinling City, and tried again and again, all failed, and her heart was already broken... .

But fortunately, in her heartbroken voice, she also heard "Purple Gold Mountain Spirit Fox." Hmm!You can try it, maybe there will be a miracle!


"I'm also worried! Why are you yelling like this? It's not me who killed your father! Hehe, maybe our big boss, Mr. Lin Qingshan, is in a gentle village right now. Enjoy the blessings!" Ink and wash have been in the bottom for a long time, and I have seen many dignitaries come and go in the place of fireworks and painting, singing and dancing.They live tenderly in official kilns and non-official kilns, who would care about the worries and anxiety of the big and small wives at home! ...

In the desperation of Ink Mo, he also instinctively suspected that his boss, Lord Lin Qingshan, was coming, hehehehe!If you don't keep it all together, he will be in a bad shape......!
"You... What are you talking about?... If you don't want to go, just get out! Sister, I will go by myself!" When Yu Yan was angry, her pink face was covered with bruises and purple spots, which was very scary.

"I!...I didn't mean that!..." Shui Mo knew what he shouldn't have said about her father, regretted not falling, and was momentarily at a loss for words.

"It's my fault for calling you here! You are a god, I am a mortal, and we are not the same way. I don't care where you fall in love, sister..." Yu Yan angrily shook off Shui Mo and stretched it back After saying this, she rushed towards the foot of Zijin Mountain angrily and alone.

Shui Mo hurried up and dragged her to explain back and forth, with a helpless expression on his face.

Two teenagers, standing on the Tongji Bridge, started arguing with each other.

Yes, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately.You have seen people corrupt, so there are no honest officials?Who caught those corrupt officials? ...

Yuyan couldn't hold back this little servant, he stuck to himself like a catfish.

Forget it, isn't it just a matter of one sentence?Going to the foot of Zijin Mountain, maybe there will be some troubles! !If you really want to drive him away, who will protect yourself! ...

The rain and smoke subsided a little, and he ignored the ink and wash, and just trotted towards the foot of Zijin Mountain.

Shui Mo followed her closely, if she was slow, he would be slow, if she was fast, he would be fast...

In the evening of spring, the foothills of Zijin Mountain were shrouded in layers of strange clouds and mist, like pink memories, filled with the strange smell of pink letter paper everywhere.

"Shui Mo! Miss Yu Yan! You are here." A young monk ran out from the valley and called to Yu Yan and Shui Mo.

"Are you a young monk from Linggu Temple? How did you know us?" Ink Mo asked the young monk cautiously.

"What! I am a disciple of Nine Heavens Bright Moonlight, and my name is Tianzi." The little monk said.

"Do we know each other?" Yuyan asked him coldly.

"Don't you know each other now! My masters are Mr. and Ms. Qiuyue." Jiao Tianzi said.

"Whether it's Mr. Qiuyue or Sister Qiuyue, you should make it clear! One is our master and the other is our good sister. It's not easy to deal with your seniority!" Shui Mo said to him with a smile.

"Oh! That's it. I have taught both of them! But in the end, Master Qiuyue accepted me." Asking the emperor to think for a while, he tilted his head and said to Yu Yan and Shui Mo.

"It doesn't matter whose apprentice you are, go save people now, and let's talk about seniority later." Yuyan said anxiously.

"Okay, Miss Yuyan." Ming Tianzi agreed, and said no more.

Because he knows that Lin Qingshan is now inside the Asura magic net at the foot of Zijin Mountain!
"Let's go. Don't call her miss anymore, you have to call her uncle." Shui Mo said to the emperor with a smirk.

"Okay, uncle!" said the emperor.

"Let's go! Save people first." Shui Mo also said.

Yu Yan felt very uncomfortable when she heard someone calling her uncle.However, it is important to save Dad now, so he didn't take it seriously.

At the foot of Zijin Mountain, on the north side of Meilin Road, inside Mansion No. [-], a few masters of the Black Dragon Society are manipulating a small oolong, chattering nonsense.

In Mansion No. [-] on the south side of Meilin Road, a red-clothed female ghost brought tiles, red baby, red baby, four carrot-headed brothers, and a few unfamiliar faces. They were trying hard to persuade Lin Qingshan to submit to them. Join their Asura team...  

"It's just under the mountain, you have passed by." Ming Tianzi said to Yu Yan and Shui Mo.

"How do you know? Where is it under the mountain?" Shui Mo asked the emperor.

"Then let's go down the mountain quickly." Yuyan said, turned around and left.

"Do you know the vanguard officer of Ashura Heaven?" Ming Tianzi asked Shui Mo, and ran down the mountain with Shui Mo closely following Yu Yan.

"What kind of vanguard officer? Are there demons and ghosts and vanguard officers? I don't know." Ink replied, asking the emperor.

Ever since Shui Mo worshiped Mr. as his teacher, he has seen many great gods in the real heaven world, but he has never heard of the vanguard and back peak of Asura Heaven, so he glanced disdainfully at the emperor, and didn't take this matter to heart .

"I know that you are a master's apprentice, and you won't take these brats seriously. But Commander Lin is in their hands!" Ming Tianzi said to Shui Mo.

"Ah! Little monk, do you know where my father is? Take us there quickly!" Yuyan stopped after hearing the words of calling the emperor, and asked him anxiously.

"Miss Yuyan... Oh! No. Young Master Uncle, Mr. Lin is currently in the No. [-] Mansion on Meilin Road, and was arrested by the vanguard officer sent by the Saintess of Ashura." Ming Tianzi said.

"Take us there quickly!" Shui Mo was also anxious, and he also urged the emperor to say.

"Don't worry! Do you know why they arrested the old man?" Asked Tianzi to ask Yu Yan and Shui Mo.

"Never mind him! Save him first, then we'll talk." Shui Mo said.

"Don't worry! There's something going on here," said the emperor.

"What's the matter?" Shui Mo asked the emperor carefully.

"Their goal is not Commander Lin, but Junior Martial Uncle Yuyan. They may want something from Junior Martial Uncle!" Jiao Tianzi said uncertainly.

"Then why don't they come to find Miss Ben, why are they looking for my father?" Yu Yan also imitated the tone of ink painting and said disdainfully.

"They just didn't dare to mess with you, so they started with the old man! They want to use him to blackmail you and make you hand over your things obediently! They haven't found you yet, so you're better off, and you've come to your door yourself! "Jiao Tianzi said helplessly.

"Afraid of them! It's not like I haven't fought before." Yuyan said coldly.

"Miss, let's not be careless. After all, my master and your master were there last time, it's different." Shui Mo reminded Yuyan.

"You idiot! Coward. You dare not go out without your master here? This world is ours after all. How can you protect this lady if you are so afraid of trouble? If you worry about this and that, I will really beat you up." !” Yu Yan said to Shui Mo very unhappy.

"Otherwise, I'll ask Xiao Qingniu to come and help too! Okay." Shui Mo asked Yu Yan without confidence.

"This...it's okay! The question is how do you call him! Don't you delay things if you come and go?" Yu Yan was confused by Shui Mo's words, and agreed to him.

"I'll call him, he's also a half-apprentice of Master Yue! When you get to the No. [-] mansion, don't rush to do anything, wait until we get there." After the emperor called, he changed into a little sparrow, flapped his head, Fly out of the foothills of Zijin Mountain.

"Hey! He's a little sparrow, and the little sparrow is a little monk? When did Sister Qiuyue accept a little sparrow as an apprentice?... Hey! Headache..." Shui Mo rubbed his head and muttered.

"You don't care about him! As long as you have helpers. Qiuyue's little apprentice and my little junior brother are here, and we can clean up those little monsters. Come on, let's go to Mansion No. [-] first, and don't let them run away again." Yu Yan dragged the ink and floated towards No. [-] Meilin Road.

In Mansion No. [-] on Meilin Road, the Asura Saintess is inducing Lin Qingshan to approach the Demon Realm step by step.

Ms. Yingzi from the island country, Ecstasy Dafa releases a weird fragrance on her body, which makes people want to indulge themselves when they smell it.

"Commander Lin, isn't Yingzi beautiful? Am I fragrant? Everyone calls Yingzi Xiangxiang..." Asura Saintess is still inducing Lin Qingshan to go deeper into the evil path step by step.

Wearing a low-cut kimono and clogs, she sang and danced gracefully.

Lin Qingshan seemed to be possessed by a demon, he opened his eyes wide and looked at the little beauty in front of him, and became confused.

"Miss Yingzi, I...I will listen to you, as long as...you...you treat me well, whatever you want, I can satisfy you. You, you...ah! So beautiful..." He began He started talking nonsense.

"I didn't expect, what kind of person he is!...This bastard dad, bastard. None of you men are good...!" Yu Yan began to scold Shui Mo.

"Slap!" With a sound, she slapped Shui Mo loudly across the face.

"Miss, you! Why did you hit me?" Shui Mo rubbed his face and said to Yu Yan aggrievedly.

"Just hit you, who told you to bully Miss Ben?" Yuyan entangled nonsense.

"I...I..." Shui Mo was speechless for a moment.

In Mansion No. [-], Ms. Sakurako started stripping.

When Shui Mo turned his head, he was frightened half to death.

That's okay, I heard that there are such things everywhere in the nightclubs of Shanghai!
Yu Yan blushed, turned her head and walked back without turning her head.

It's over, this time dad doesn't want it anymore!Forget about saving lives.

Shui Mo hurried to catch up and grabbed her.

(End of this chapter)

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