
Chapter 633, Profound Sky and Yellow Earth.

Chapter 633, Tian Xuan Di Huang ([-]).

Every change in the characteristics of life is to enable it to live better!

People need to live well, and a planet also needs to live well.

The owner of a planet may not be able to completely change the fate of the planet, but the star soul can, because it is the foundation of the fate of the star!

"Ah...! Master, I'm about to lose one of my five-star lianzhu, what should I do?" Shui Mo looked at the earth-type planet in his hand that was continuously gushing out of sewage, and his heart was pierced like a knife. Then he choked up, and asked me a little sadly.

"Now the Star Lord Hanhai has fallen, you are the master of the five stars, pay more attention to your five elements and five stars, otherwise the five star souls will automatically activate their savior mode without reporting to you! Once the star soul leaves your five star Lianzhu, then you, the five-star master, will be nothing! They will leave the interstellar orbit and become nothingness, and then scatter to any corner of the interstellar vast ocean, maybe they will join their team It’s not guaranteed to be gone! Therefore, in the next time, you have to continue to practice hard, and at least make sure to use your five-star lord’s great soul power to nourish the star for more than three hours every day, and stay for 49 days. In the future, you can take a good look at your five-star lianzhu, they will have new changes! Don’t worry now, just put it back into the specific magnetic field of the five-star lianzhu, the star soul of the wood system planet will also I will thank you very much! It will not be too late to make other changes when we make an agreement with her." I comforted him with a smile.

"Who is...with her? Why did you make an appointment with her? What is the agreement?" Qiuyue immediately became alert and asked me.

"Who else? The current world is so difficult and dangerous. Isn't it because she brought demons and ghosts into the hearts and minds of the mortal world, causing everything on the ink planet to be sensual, bloody, and lustful? Wearing clothes, like animals, you can have sex with the opposite sex anytime and anywhere without shame! These are the bane planted by Rakshasa women! In fact, these are not terrible, the terrible thing is that human beings have already lost Lost your mind, your soul is hollowed out by the five aggregates, and everyone has become a walking corpse! Everyone must be careful when you see them, they are more terrifying than ghosts! Especially Yu Yan, don’t be careless anymore! Although you are now It is a three-star star, there is a soul in the soul, and the soul is invincible, but you have to be more careful. Every flower, grass, water, and tree in this world is weird and unpredictable, and has the ability to kill and set fire , don’t fall into a desperate situation at that time, it will be too late later on. After all, Dali is not by your side right now, so it’s better to be careful.” I thought about it carefully, and then Xie reminded them, and said.

"Boss, what you said is scary. Don't I still have brothers Shui Mo and Mo Xuan to help? Besides, you and Sister Qiuyue are not vegetarians either! Are you worrying too much?" Yuyan laughed disapprovingly and said.

"Yu Yan, Shui Mo. This time, the great changes in the Three Realms are beyond the control of the gods and demons! Unlike the past few melee battles in the Three Realms to seize the control of the Three Realms, this time it was the Demon Dao who made a mistake in cultivating the soul and got a big one. Misfortune has come! The five-star Lianzhu star soul of the ink painting is trembling, and there are too many obediences! Everyone, don’t be fooled, the atmosphere of this world has changed, and there will be countless three-headed and six-armed things appearing in the world to make waves. , You’re going to go against the sky! Yuyan, you’re just three heads and six arms, and next you may meet four heads and arms or even many people with thousands of hands and eyes! You must not be fooled Dad. Now that I have regained our interstellar vast sea, it is inconvenient to meddle in many things in the depths of the Red Dust Inn! Otherwise, I will violate the Tao, and I will never be able to get back. God! You should be careful yourself!" I explained patiently to them again.

"Well, I'll just listen to you once. Don't cause trouble casually. Sister Yue, let's go down to the Buddhist hall to have a look first! I don't know how it is different from when you came here from Japan! Okay? Or else After a while, the flood will flood in, and it will be too late to see it." The rain and smoke entangled Qiuyue, and she was about to go down crying.

Qiuyue glanced at me, and somewhat helplessly led her down from the bell tower first, and into the Buddhist hall!
In fact, Qiuyue and I both know that the Buddhist hall at this moment no longer exists. Because of an accident, everything in the human world was destroyed in an accident 1 years ago. Most of the creatures that can survive now are gods. Generally speaking, they are all products of nuclear fission or nuclear fusion. If they are not soaked in water, they will explode in all kinds of strange ways for fun!

I also went down to the Buddhist hall with my ink and wash. Once I entered the Buddhist hall, I saw Qiuyue and Yuyan standing blankly in the empty main room, looking extremely lost.

After all, this place has many of their childhood memories from 1 years ago!
"Let's go! After a while, the flood will submerge the small bamboo forest, and the celestial soul power I thought you left behind will disappear, and all the illusory mirror images here will also disappear!" I whispered to their mother and daughter. Yes, said.

"Go...? Go there! Aren't you the proud son of Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland? You can't retreat from this flood?" Qiuyue looked at the empty and dirty main room in front of her, and said to me with sobs.

"Don't say it's me, my ancestors will be in the same boat! After all, the seawater that rolls ashore is not ordinary seawater, it is the magic angel of nuclear fission and atomic fusion carrying tens of thousands of virus strains." Tears! It is a blessing to be able to keep them out of Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland and Jiuchongtian. How can we let them go back to the sea? Anyway, these things are made by humans and demons themselves , we are at most returning their things to them, and it’s not something we made....Forget it, let’s go! The hometown of Jinling Yuexia is gone this time, let’s find another place, and we’ll do it Make up your mind! It may not be so easy to catch her this time, so take your time. As long as the Holy Spirit and the others don’t fall into her hands, we still have a chance to gamble with her. Let’s go first! We've reached the mountainside, and the small bamboo forest will soon be submerged!" I urged Qiuyue to come, and said.

"Master, there seems to be a strange noise in the small bamboo forest! Listen..." Shui Mo's ears moved slightly, reminding me very cautiously, said.

"Hurry up! Go back to our territory, Tayun will go into the air, hurry up!" I grabbed Qiuyue and Yuyan, and threw them into the white clouds in the sky without mercy.

Immediately afterwards, he pulled up Shui Mo and flew to follow.

(End of this chapter)

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