
Chapter 638, Profound Sky and Yellow Earth.

Chapter 638, Tian Xuan Di Huang (eight).

Under the light of the green photoelectric light, the black hole seemed less oppressive. I exhaled lightly, and couldn't help speeding up my pace.

"Don't be angry, or you will touch the mechanism of Liangjie Mountain! Keep your voice down." Qiuyue turned her head and pinched me gently, and said in a low voice.

"There is still a mechanism! Wait for me, don't run too fast, I am blind without your breath, but don't touch the mechanism, it will be embarrassing." I grabbed the back of Qiuyue's clothes and whispered Said to her pettishly.

"Don't tear my clothes, just be gentle and I'll walk slowly." Qiuyue whispered to me.

After walking for a while, the green light spot became brighter and brighter. It turned out to be a green low-carbon light source crawling all over the stone wall!
It is indeed very similar to the fluorescence of fireflies.

These green light sources all come from a large stone in the shape of a door frame opposite us. It stands majestic and domineering in this small cave, and has already blocked our way!

The large green photoelectric characters on it are like someone writing on the slate with a brush. It is a dark green broken word.

The word said: "The animal who walks the bird and sings the bird comes here, so charming that the world will not eat it!"

On the top of the remnants of the poem, there is a horizontal comment in a straight line, saying: Beasts and humans, the black mouth of the two worlds.

I wanted to laugh when I saw it. Is there such a messy couplet?It's an insult to the intelligence of cultural people!

"Don't laugh, this was not written by humans, it was fabricated by Xiaotian's subordinates!" Qiuyue sensed my disdain, and immediately whispered to me, saying.

"Ah? That little apprentice of yours has become the king of the mountain? Yes! We can enjoy happiness with her in the future, hehehehe." I said with a small smile.

"What blessings do you enjoy? They are all a group of animals and plants that have become spirits, either birds or beasts, all of them have no desires and desires. They don't even know when others eat them! What's so good about it?" Qiuyue Said to me a little sadly.

"Miss, all of you keep your voice down. After crossing the mountain passes of these two realms, you are about to enter the heinous land of cherry rain and flying flowers. Stop talking, so as not to cause trouble." It was the Holy Spirit, she stood there Under the crooked big green characters, whispered to Qiuyue.

Standing next to her were a bird-shaped figure and a lion-headed burly man. They nodded slightly to us, and then gently opened the stone door under the big green characters through a small gap. The lion-like man He waved his hand gently, motioning us to hurry out.

After leaving the cave, there is an endless field in front of it. There are piles of rubble on the field, and there are bright lights emitting from the rubble, making the black night as if it were daytime!

Surrounding each pile of rubble, there are some disheveled barbarians holding flaming torches in their hands. The surrounding area is full of people of different colors, including yellow-skinned Asians and black-skinned people. Africans; there are white Europeans and red Americans. . . .

"What are they doing? Qiuyue, I look at them and they seem to have no clothes on! They are all black, yellow, brown, white and red. Is this the Torch Festival?" I asked in a low voice when Qiuyue came.

"You know the Torch Festival! It's also the Sun God's festival...! These guys are actually holding a competition for the high priest to choose beautiful women! The Torch Festival...? They wish it would stay dark and do some animal-like activities! You carefully Watch out, these guys are half-human, half-demon, and their big heads know how to use demons, so don't get too close, or you will be beaten to pieces by you with a few slaps on the board! Quietly don't talk, let's After passing this human world, it’s time to go to the demon world. Once you get to the demon world, you’ll be safe.” Qiuyue whispered to me and said.

"What are you talking about? The demon world is safe? The human world is dangerous? Why am I becoming more and more confused the more I listen?" I said to Qiuyue in confusion.

"Blindfolded, don't look at anything, just follow me. If someone comes up to say hello, don't bother with me!" Qiuyue grabbed me and gradually quickened her pace.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I heard a lot of cheering voices coming and going in all directions.

It was also mixed with a lot of heavy breathing sounds that would make people blush, and at the same time, there were also a lot of strange and very unpleasant smells filling the hot air!
"Sure enough, it is a place where the five aggregates are not empty, and the dry soil produces gold. Isn't this place very rich? Otherwise, that high priest can hold this kind of beauty contest like the emperor in ancient times? Cough cough, this Is there no tree or grass in the place? Isn't it, Qiuyue?" I asked her in a low voice.

"You know and still ask? Don't talk, follow me." Qiuyue whispered to me impatiently.

"Two old things, most of them are buried in the earth, one is deaf and the other is blind, as far as you can go for your aunts! Hey... I said, this kind of beauty pageant does not accept the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled. What are you looking at? Didn’t you receive the queen’s notice? The old man is not allowed to pass through the place of night carnival, you two old things, where did you come from, hurry and go back to where you are!” A panting woman’s voice sounded, seeming to be cursing Like two old people, they said very unhappy.

"Miss, you see, we are all wrapped up tightly according to the requirements of the king of the human world! It's just that the wife at home is blind, and he never went back after touching it during the day, so the old lady just I went out to look for him! It’s just a pity that I couldn’t rush home before the night! I hope that the little beautiful sister will not remember the villain’s fault, and let the old lady spare us this time! We also People who don’t live long, if you offend Miss Sister and your family, hit the old woman a few times and let us go there!” Qiuyue stopped, as if we were blocked by someone. !
"It's okay to let you go, detour! Looking at your dead black pine bark, do we children still feel affectionate? Get out of here quickly, and go around the side." Another The whiny woman's voice scolded Qiuyue very bluntly, and said.

"Oh!...Okay, Miss Sister. The old lady will take a detour now, now I will take a detour!" Qiuyue said pretending to be old-fashioned, and pulled me to turn a corner, and detoured past .

After about another cup of tea, the strange smell and noise gradually disappeared, and then I dared to complain to Qiuyue in a low voice, saying: "Who are these children? You don’t know how to respect the old and love the young at all!”

"Respect the old and love the young? What are you thinking? Do you think this is the period of the Republic of China 1 years ago? Shut up and walk properly." Qiuyue said to me impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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