
Chapter 652, Chapter Never Round.

Chapter 652, never reincarnation (ten).

The sky is mysterious and the earth is yellow, and the stars are moving.

Divided into three realms by nature and earth, it is the realm of orcs, fishes and shrimps on the ground, the realm of gods of underground demons, monsters and ants, and the realm of flying birds, white clouds, dogs and celestial beings in the sky.

"In this way, if we want to go back to heaven, we really can't use the world's desires casually! After fighting for a long time, I want to go back to Nantianmen, so I don't want to suffer from the scourge of the smell in this lower realm!"

Yang Jianan was the first to jump up. She bit her lower lip, looked secretly at the brothers and sisters around her, and said in a low voice.

"Who isn't! Canaan, don't worry, we can all go back, don't worry." Muyun Beast looked at Nenyazai and said with a wry smile.

"Sister Muyun, I don't know if you have heard of it!...? Sister Lao Heyue walked away, God and they closed the fairy path of the Soul Shouyun Road! It is said that the ladder in the Kunlun Ruins was also stabbed by them It has been cut off! From now on, mortals who cultivate immortals will not be able to go to heaven! At most, they can cultivate as many as earth immortals. I don’t know if we can go back!” Pi Jiaoniang whispered timidly to Mu Yun said the beast.

"The monk is not in a hurry, the eunuch is in a hurry, God's granddaughter is here, we are afraid of a ball? I am not afraid of Tuxin Qingyun. What's the matter with the earth fairy? It is also a fairy! Speaking of which, don't we still have Mr. Yuyan sister Is it the light of the last spirit? It’s not easy to go back? You’ll be superstitious.” Tu Xingqingyun shook his head and said to her with a sigh.

"Hahahaha, I don't plan to go back. Even if I never reincarnate, I will be the eternal master of this earth. Who said that I have to be a fairy to live forever? I want to be an ordinary person once, you guys Let's see if I can live forever?" Shui Mo couldn't help laughing out loud after hearing the conversation between Tu Xing Qingyun and Jiao Niang, and said.

"Don't get entangled! Shui Mo, you haven't sat on the throne of the Emperor yet, so please don't worry about it? Do you know what dies the fastest? Small sample!" Yu Yan cursed in a low voice, and said.

"Hahahaha! Sister, what are you talking about that dies quickly? Don't say that about brother-in-law, he is here to save the immortal souls of the world!" Yan Yu was amused by Yu Yan's scolding of Shui Mo, and said with a smile.

"I've never heard of it: Whoever wants to die will be made crazy? Mad people usually die quickly! Hahahaha." Yu Yan couldn't help but secretly laughed, and said to Yan Yu.

"Okay, okay! Everyone, don't just talk and practice. It's time for our Xiaoxian team to go out to subdue the demons. Shui Mo and Yuyan will lead the big guys to the rear, and Black Dragon, you will bring Little Qingniu and Xiaotian to watch. Home, Miaomiao and Paixiu, Muyun and Yazai, you are the pioneers, let's open the skylight to be born and subdue the demons. If there is no objection, let's set off immediately." Holy Spirit and Lan Gu looked at each other, smiled, and instructed everyone.

"I'll go! Girl Lan can go, why should I stay at home? Who of you knows better than me about Rakshasa's subordinates and methods? I'm going too, and the little green cow and Xiaotian is going too, and no one will be left at home." Heilong was a little unhappy, he protested to the Holy Spirit, and said.

"You went too, so who will come to see the house? If those scoundrels got in, wouldn't we have no way out? Why don't you come and see me, your own nest?" The Holy Spirit was also a little displeased. I was happy, rejected the black dragon's proposal, and said to him coldly.

"It's okay if I don't go, but you take Niu Niu and Xiaotian, and keeping them here won't help me much. Besides, they are also part of Xiaoxian's team! You don't want them to go, right? They're unfair, don't you think so?" Seeing that the Holy Spirit disagreed with him to go, Heilong turned to send Xiaoqingniu and Xiaotian out, and said to her.

"You look after the house by yourself, do you think I'm at ease? Maybe if you hook up with some vixen casually, you won't lose your soul? No... Xiaotian, A Niu, you must take care of your master , don't let him be abducted by monsters." Holy Spirit laughed coldly and said.

"Look at what you said, it's fine if I don't abduct others, and...!" Heilong was only halfway through saying this, and suddenly felt as if he had been tricked by the Holy Spirit. He opened his mouth wide and looked at the coldness of the Holy Spirit. Smile, no longer dare to continue talking.

"That's right! If you talk too much, there must be a mistake. This ground is now full of Rakshasa girl's demon girl and ghost disciples. You old boy is going up, why don't you hold us all back? Shut up." Holy Spirit said very Talked to him bluntly.

After hearing this, Heilong felt a little weird. Just as he was about to explode, Yuyan took over from the head of the Holy Spirit and asked, and he said lightly: "Uncle Holy Spirit, didn't Rakshasa say that we are going to meet in Kunlun?" A duel under the market? And it will be a year later! We don’t need to worry now, do we?”

"Yuyan, what the Rakshasa woman said was already the last battle between her and us. In fact, the war started from the moment we drove those messy things out of the ground and from the sky. Now on the ground It's a mix of fish and dragons, humans, monsters, gods and ghosts, people who are intriguing and deceitful everywhere, and the flames of war are raging! If we go out late, I'm afraid we may not be able to beat the Kunlun Market in a year!" Lan Gu smiled, and immediately helped the Holy Spirit and Yuyan explained and said.

"I'm going, aren't we gods? It only takes a few minutes to fly here! Another year? No way, Aunt Lan." Shuiyue asked a little puzzled, and said.

"Fly...? You can fly. Could it be that the disciples and grandchildren of Rakshasa girls can't fly? Besides, if we want to get there safely, I think we have to be ordinary people honestly and ride horses and horses along the way." Lawton, it's more reliable to rely on your own strength! Maybe you can get away with it by mistake." Shui Moxuan imitated the appearance of ink painting, and said in a naive manner.

"Don't think so simply! As soon as the gods go out, demons and ghosts will come. We are already under the surveillance of others! Let's fight all the way honestly." Heilong laughed loudly and said.

"Senior Brother Heilong is right, we can only reach the Kunlun Ruins as scheduled by fighting a bloody road! Brother Holy Spirit, there is a March ceiling in this deep blue night, evil spirits and ghosts cannot enter, let Senior Brother Heilong come with you Right! There should be one more caretaker on the way, and in this situation, one more person will give you more strength! Okay?" Lan Gu looked at Heilong, and knew that he could not be a master of peace at all, so she helped him Interceded with the Holy Spirit, said.

"Lan Gu, you don't know, this black guy can't follow us, it will cause bad things! He is impulsive at every turn, I'm afraid it will drag everyone down!" Holy Spirit said helplessly.

"Guaranteed! Guaranteed. Guaranteed that my little apprentice's good deed will not be ruined. Don't worry!" Heilong raised his hands and said to the Holy Spirit in a gesture of surrender.

"I also agree that Master will be with all of us." Yuyan expressed her opinion in a low voice, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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