
Chapter 66, The House of Great Soul Power.

Chapter 66, The House of Great Soul Power.

A place of holy white, paved like jasper on our way home.

In this world, every day, there will be people who come back from the world for a short time, and there will also be immortals who have just returned from the mortal world.

Yueluan Jade Warehouse - a holy place second only to the soul altar in the real world. Ice cubes and jadeware are intertwined, making it difficult to tell which one is ice and which is jade...

Yes, every time a great god comes back to visit his relatives, it will be a grand event in the world of ice and snow.

Because of the earth, only by letting its body temperature drop below zero in the icy and snowy world, can the gods who have gone through all calamities in the real world better adapt to the environment of the earth...

The ice and snow jade firm is like a holy white lotus blooming delicately in the bottom of the pear blossom beside the Qinhuai River.

Snowflakes, snowflakes flying all over the sky, are dancing on the transparent streets of Jinling City.

Only when the sky and the earth are clear can the people, animals and plants in the world be safe with each other, human beings can live in it better, and gods can find a more suitable place to stay and a platform for ascension.

Qiuyue and Holy Spirit walked ahead with Yuyan and ink, and Xiao Qingniu and Ming Tianzi followed closely behind. They didn't speak, and quietly entered the jade business through the back door.

Perhaps because of the snow, there were not many customers in the jade business.

Every time Qiuyue goes to a jade trading firm, it is customary to take away a few little jade souls who have some fate, and now Yu Yan understands the mystery! ....

A few guests saw Shui Mo and Yu Yan, greeted them briefly, nodded for a while, and they left the Jade Ware Firm with just a vessel they liked.

After they were all gone, Shui Mo and Yu Yan led Uncle Holy Spirit, Sister Qiuyue, Little Qingniu and Ming Tianzi to stroll around the jade shop slowly.

As Shui Mo walked, he introduced the source and use of each piece of jade in the store one by one, as well as its use value and the unusual value of the real object...

Yuyan listened patiently for a while, then sneaked out, and ran home.

What she was worried about, after all, was her bewitched father!
Not to mention that Yu Yan went home to visit Commander Lin, but that Shui Mo introduced various information about each piece of jade one by one with the attitude of a half-head of a jade business...!
When everyone walked up to a small blue calf, Shui Mo glanced at the little green calf, and said to everyone: "This is a small green and white jade calf polished from a whole piece of green and white jade. At the same time, there are some bronze mines in his body." Material elements, so this thing should not be a rough stone, but an antique that existed in the pre-Qin period! Because of its rough appearance and poor water color, many soul insects don't like it . . . ”

"This is the magic entrance key to the Niuwang Palace of the Great Qin Empire in Tianjie. As long as anyone masters how to use it, then even the hegemony of Emperor Qin and Hanwu will instantly cease to exist in front of it. .” Qiuyue added coldly.

"In this way, it is a very good treasure!" The little green cow's eyes were shining, and he stared at the little cow ornament, looking left and right, and said to everyone very happily.

"But! Everyone should pay attention, this is a very rare and excellent thing in the magic world and the real world. Most of them will choose their own masters, and they will not easily change their original intentions. So, if you really If you like it, you have to be prepared for the Three Lives Three Worlds to bloom on the rock. Otherwise, it’s best to stay away from it. If you choose it, you will have a new home, and you will be private for life. So, You really have to be cautious about raising it! Be careful..." Holy Spirit explained to the little green cow kindly.

"Whoosh!" With a bang, the little green cow has been captured by his house!It's too late to hum.

"Everyone, don't be afraid! The little green cow was originally transformed by the soul power of this green cow and white jade. He is not the son of the white cow's old mother, but just brought him to the human world and the Asura world to gather some spiritual energy. It's just strength, we don't need to worry about him." Qiuyue said coldly.

"Master, doesn't that mean he's gone home? We really don't have to pay too much attention to him." Asked Tianzi to ask Qiuyue.

"Yes! Que'er is right, Qingniu is going home." Qiuyue said to the emperor.

"But Shui Mo, don't you have an emerald parrot ornament in your office? Don't you want to invite your Uncle Sheng Sheng and Uncle Qiuyue to take a look?" Qiuyue said to Shui Mo with a smile.

"Oh! Master Qiuyue, do you mean the little green parrot my master gave me?" Shui Mo asked Qiuyue in confusion.

"Yes, that's her!" Qiuyue said lightly to Shui Mo.

"Okay, two senior uncles, called Brother Tianzi, come with me." While talking, Shui Mo took us to a small cabinet at the east corner of the shop and stood still.

"Ink, you hid all the good things your master gave you! Not bad." Holy Spirit said happily to Ink.

"Uncle, Shui Mo dare not leave the things that the master sent around, or even sell them!" Shui Mo opened the small door at the bottom of the cabinet, and gently took out what looked like a small box. His eyes flickered.

Whistling, he unwrapped the bark that wrapped the small box (it seems to be) layer by layer, and then opened a small box of simple peach wood inside. Inside the box was a small green parrot lying quietly: yellow beak , green feathers, purple feet, blue feathers, red top.

"Oh! Not bad. It should be it..." Qiuyue said to herself, looked back at the holy spirit and called Tianzi, took the emerald parrot from Shui Mo's hand, and placed it in the container opposite to called Tianzi superior.

"What is so rare about this parrot emerald? Can it make you respect it so much, Master?" the Son of Heaven asked Qiuyue in doubt.

"Hey! You kid, take a good look at it, and then you will know." Qiuyue said to her apprentice with a smirk.

"Ouch!..." The Emperor called the emperor before he had time to say hello to us, so he also went home.

With a puff of green smoke, it was sucked in by Parrot Jade.

"Only home is the best place to start cultivating immortals! Welcome home, Master." A crisp voice spoke softly in the jade shop.

(End of this chapter)

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