
Chapter 662, Fierce battle against the world of mortals.

Chapter 662, Fierce battle against the world of mortals (eight).

Black clouds overwhelmed the city to destroy it, and the grass and trees in the heavens were in chaos.

The twenty toenails that Snow Wolf snapped off came first and penetrated into Tian Shi's body.

However, even so, it did not affect the unity of Tianshi's human sword and pierced through the chest.

With a muffled groan, the Snow Wolf King fell down straight.

Right behind Snow Wolf King's body, Tianshi raised his sword to the sky, seemed to be frozen, but didn't move at all!

Seeing the ten little earth dragons, they hurried over and were about to pull him!

"Don't move! Don't move." Bei Guofeng saw that there seemed to be ten or twenty faint lights flickering on and off in the domineering back of the Tianshi, and he knew something was wrong, so he immediately shouted to stop the ten little ones who were walking in the earth and flying in the blue clouds. The earth dragon came, and said in a choked voice.

"Ten dragons, don't move!...Don't move. Brother Tianshi is in a bad situation, don't move." Tu Xingqingyun followed and shouted loudly, roaring hoarsely.

Looking at the dead body of the snow wolf that had been disembowelled by the Tianshi, Yang Jianan and Pi Jiaoniang who came afterward couldn't help being taken aback.

Obviously, this Snow Wolf King is already a divine beast that has been cultivated into reality, but why is it so ungrateful?
Pi Jiaoniang's mortal nature is much more human than Yang Jianan's. She carefully inspected the body of the Snow Wolf King. From the purple-blue blood that was as thin as a gossamer, she found a trace of dark black blood mixed with it. Xuanbing airflow, and these airflows are still sucking the purple fairy blood!
Snow Wolf's originally thick and white torso was gradually shriveled at an extremely rapid rate of dehydration.

"Sister Canaan, look quickly, the Snow Wolf King is not the evildoer who caused the mischief, the evildoer is drinking his blood!" Pi Jiaoniang whispered to Yang Jianan timidly, and said.

"I'll go, I said why it was fine when I came here, why did I suddenly look like a different person when I got here, and surrounded me and Tianshi! It turns out that there are demons playing tricks!" Beiguo Fengru When I woke up from the dream, I couldn't help crying and weeping bitterly. After crying for a while, I choked up and blamed myself, and said fiercely.

"Since you have seen it, why don't you stop him? Let's go together, don't let him destroy Tianshi's fairy soul in a while." After all, Tu Xingqingyun has fought several tough battles with Shui Mo and the others, and he has already lost ten The dragon released it again without hesitation.

The ten dragons were in front, followed by Tu Xingqingyun, ten dragons surrounded the snow wolf's corpse, eleven streams of immortal energy erupted together, and all hit the snow wolf king's corpse.

The black air current of profound ice was impacted by eleven strands of true energy, and it slid out from the almost skinny corpse of the Snow Wolf King as if unable to bear it.

Quickly, he jumped to Tianshi and swam over like a black water snake.

"Stop him, this guy is going to destroy my Tianshi mount. Junior brother Tuxing Qingyun, hurry up and help stop him." Bei Guofeng yelled and rushed towards Tianshi the first time he reacted.

"Beiguofeng, Senior Brother Tuxing, be careful! You two come back quickly. Tianshi and Snow Wolf King have already left, so let's stop letting the sorrow flow against the river. Whether they go here will be Ying Ying Ying Xue or Lying Snow Covering Frost, God's will There are arrangements. But you and Tu Xingqingyun and you yourself, why are you so impulsive? Like a child, the tears are so low, there are giant evil monsters in the heavens, you all be careful."

Yang Jianan watched the black stream of black ice escape from the skeleton of the Snow Wolf King. Unable to hold back the northern wind, it suddenly twisted and disappeared in place when it was about to enter the body of the Tianshi, so he reminded loudly. The wind from the north and the blue clouds from the earth came, said.

Pi Jiaoniang also saw the strange black air current, she rushed towards the direction of Tu Xingqingyun without hesitation.

Seeing Yang Jianan, he quickly moved closer to Bei Guofeng.

"Hahahaha! I laughed so hard. These little brats still want to compete with me for the immortal energy and soul. They really don't know what to do!" A black object wrapped in a black cloak, Youhu appeared not far in front of them. It's time to go, the voice of neither male nor female was hoarse and low, and Yin spoke to them deeply with some disdain, and said.

"Okay, you Black Cloud Sutra! You're really good, boy! You dare to steal the ghost of the fairy family's mount, and take advantage of the fire to rob you? Let the horse come if you have the ability, don't dodge it, as if you dare not see people , I really really despise you from the bottom of my heart." Tu Xingqingyun secretly winked at Shi Dilong while talking, and Shi Dilong understood what his master meant, and quietly turned towards him. The back of Heiyunjing touched it.

Who is Heiyunjing?
He is the chief protector of the Rakshasa woman and first husband Xun You of Luofu Mountain. After all these years of lurking in the land of the Nine Nethers and concentrating on cultivating, he has already reached the point where lawlessness and no god can stop him. The Heiyun Heart Sutra has been cultivated to the point where gods, demons and immortals inside and outside the Three Realms are hard to get close to!
It is no exaggeration to say that if it weren't for his humble background, no background, and a mountain of Rakshasa women pressing him down, maybe the position of Xuntian would have long been lost!
"Ten little snakes raised by people on the edge of the Nine Nethers, dare to call themselves dragons? Since you can't wait, why don't you just pack and send you to the Nine Nethers together with Tianshi and Snow Wolf King! Hahahaha." Yun Jingyin laughed deeply and said.

With a wave of his hand, a cloud of black mist dissipated as soon as it rushed out, and the corpses of Shilong and Tianshi Snowwolf King disappeared without a trace...!
When Bei Guofeng and Tu Xing Qingyun met, their eyes were blood red, they both jumped up suddenly and rushed towards the black cloud-shrouded figure.

Pi Jiaoniang and Yang Jianan's hearts were already in their throats, they were so frightened by this sudden change that they forgot to shout...!
"Hahahaha! Well done, well done. Collecting monsters and giving them to the little master of monsters, this business is not a loss, not a loss! Hahahaha." The black cloud-shrouded figure laughed very loudly without moving, proud Complacently, he started talking to himself, said.

When Yang Jianan and Pi Jiaoniang saw that guy took away ten lively little earth dragons and the physical bodies of Tianshi and Snow Wolf King in a burst of black mist, they knew that he was not an ordinary demon.

Just when I didn't know what to do, there was a thunderbolt in the sunny sky, and a thunderous voice shouted, saying: "Heiyunjing, you old boy has come to hide in our heaven! If you are acquainted, just Let go of Beiguofeng and Tuxingqingyun, they are the closed apprentices of Emperor Zhenwu and Emperor Jiuyou! If you touch a hair on them, you know how serious the consequences will be! I don’t need to remind you! ?”

Canaan and Jiaoniang looked at each other, the black figure seemed to tremble slightly, and then returned to his self-righteous original appearance!
(End of this chapter)

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