
Chapter 664, Fierce battle against the world of mortals.

Chapter 664, Fierce battle against the world of mortals ([-]).

"Hey! It seems that the dead old man really fell asleep. You said that you fell asleep, but you still want to cut off the only fairy road between heaven and earth. Now there is no God in this land, and the devil is evil. Ghosts and villains are rampant and domineering, we have embarked on such a road of rectifying chaos, which is a vicissitudes of life, and this is a difficult journey that will inevitably lead to bloody storms and people's lives!" Heilong looked at the disappearing Heiyunjing, and suddenly felt good. There are too many, he complained and said.

"Master, it should be my grandpa and the others who are asleep! If it is the oldest one in our family, he will fall asleep as soon as he sleeps. As long as one of the three is clean and four is awake, we will not be so hard. We haven't come out yet. The boundary of Jinling Yuexia’s hometown first broke down two generals, and this is a disgrace given to us by that temptress, Rakshasa girl! Don’t you think so? Hey..., everyone said that the right way in the world is vicissitudes, a bit It's true! I hope the gods and gods in our family can wake up earlier!" Yu Yan's eyes became moist, and she also followed the black dragon, and said to the big guy.

"I think it's a bit mysterious and difficult! One day in the sky, the world will be ten years, and grandpa and the others will have to work hard for ten years! It's better to ask for help than to ask for ourselves. Let's be self-reliant. The big deal is that the soil of brother-in-law The little planet exploded for him, and the five-star ball turned into a six-happy ball! Hahahaha." Yanyu laughed loudly, and said jokingly.

"Don't be nostalgic and sentimental about God's will! The purpose of building your team is for today's day when all demons are in trouble in the world of mortals! Please cheer me up. Otherwise, why would he ask the black dragon to protect you? Do you still want the Holy Spirit to follow you? Your team includes descendants of immortals, descendants of gods, and successors of demons and demons. Such a big battle is not for you to come down and complain. You should know that, generally Immortals don’t have the opportunity to enter the sea of ​​stars to practice! Not to mention that they are all little immortals who have been a star player for a while. Isn’t it so that you can learn something when all the demons are in the world of mortals? As, bring them all to justice? Don’t bother complaining. Without your master, you are nothing. Do you still dare to come here and make sarcastic remarks? Just pack up and let’s go on. " Aunt Lan also talked about Yuyan and the others' coming, said seriously.

"Have you heard? Aunt Lan's words, I don't know how you feel. But I want to tell you, Aunt Lan was sent here by the old as soon as she entered the immortal class! Otherwise, the dead black dragon will be punished by the gods." At that time, I didn't know where to hide to survive in the world! A mere mortal, can he escape the thunder and fire of heaven and earth, and the five stars are in succession? Of course he can't. Everyone must remember, for the sake of Zhennian Wumo, Lao and Qiuyue worked tirelessly and paid a huge price! Let's fulfill his star language and star wish well. After clearing away the evil obstacles in the Red Dust Inn, when we return to Jiuchongtian, your grandfather and the others will definitely treat us Looking at it differently, our benefits are indispensable. We all need to know that we are all personally selected and trained by the boss. The real heaven is over, and the task of exorcising the demons in the world is the last task he gave us. We all work hard , No one is allowed to back down halfway." Heilong's eyes were moist, and he immediately added Lan Gu's propaganda and encouraged everyone.

"Pixiu, Miao Miao, you brothers and sisters lead the way ahead. Everyone, be vigilant, the Ghost Festival is coming again, and the gates of hell will open. Fighting along the way will be inevitable." The Holy Spirit ordered Pixiu and Miao in a low voice. Miao said coldly.

"That's right! There is a tin rod to knock on the gate of hell, but no matter how bright the pearl is, it can't illuminate the way to heaven. Because after Lao He and Sister Yue return to Yuan, even if they don't cut off the fairy road ladder, if there is no them, Who can still lure a soul to the sky? Hey... I can't say it, but I have to have a hard fight with such an evildoer." Sun Bie pulled up Lolita, and followed Pixiu Miaomiao without hesitation.

"Don't even mention it, if we, the super heavenly group of immortals and earth gods, want to drive the mortal demons into the Land of Nine Nethers or the Palace of Hades, then it's really nothing to worry about!"

Yuyan looked at the two subordinates of the Empress Dowager Emperor who were arrogant and arrogant, and he was in a happy mood and couldn't help feeling deeply moved.Bursting with pride, she pouted her little mouth, and cheerfully said to Holy Spirit and Aunt Lan beside her, and said.

"Ten earth dragons deep in the center of the earth, nine cloud dragons among the clouds in the immortal class, there are descendants of our dragon clan in the sky and on the earth, in the future we can really go to the sky and the earth to do whatever we want! Hahahaha." said the guy.

"Elder sister! Younger sister! Don't underestimate the enemy. This road to subdue demons is not that simple! Have you ever thought that now that the road to heaven has been broken, we can't rely on heavenly soldiers and generals. We thought we could still Rely on the help of Emperor Jiuyou! But he gave his most powerful subordinates to Emperor Jiuyou. If we fight all the way, I am afraid that the great gods of the underground palace will have to watch from the sidelines! Thinking, the Rakshasa woman can go to heaven and earth, not only wanting to compete with grandpa and the others for the supremacy of the star sea nine days away, but also to settle the emperor Jiuyou. This is enough to show: this old lady is extraordinary! We still have to be careful Some are good, be careful with the ten-thousand-year ship!" Shuiyue said quietly to Yuyan and Misty Rain.

"Shuiyue's analysis is correct. If the road to defeating demons could be so easy and easy this time, it would be impossible for Lao Heyue to take us back and forth with them from the sky to the ground, and from the world to the world. Stars and seas, it has been a protracted battle for so long! This fight will take tens of thousands of years, it is really not that easy!" Holy Spirit looked up at the full moon in the sky, smiled slightly, and said .

"What are you afraid of? Soldiers are coming to cover up the water and earth, and now the Ghost Festival is coming, at worst, let the underground ghosts help find them. Hahahaha!" Seeing the previous emotion, the black dragon made everyone a little cautious, So he changed his previous depression and pretended to be high-spirited and talked nonsense.

"That's nonsense tens of thousands of years ago. People look for ghosts during the Ching Ming Festival, and ghosts look for people during the Zhongyuan Festival! Is it possible? People now know magic, and it's almost the same to catch ghosts. Come on, don't talk nonsense, quickly bring Let the children follow up, don't break some of our beasts in a while, it will be a big loss." The holy spirit glanced at the black dragon, cursed, and said.

"That's right! What you women say is right, what we men say is wrong. I'll take everyone to catch up. The earth is green, the north is the wind, don't be so sad! Hurry up, let's go." Heilong cursed. Followed by a group of little fairies, they followed the direction Pixiu and the others left the team without stopping, and chased after them without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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