
Chapter 673, Fierce battle against the world of mortals.

Chapter 673, Fierce battle against the world of mortals ([-]).

Facing the wall and thinking about the past is the best way for Hongchen Inn to encounter all difficulties.

At this moment, the black dragon and the others are like helpless passers-by in the world of mortals!

The most troublesome thing is the place where you can't go up or down, and there's no place in the front of the village and the back of the shop.

The sky rains and flowers fly, and all the vain numbers hit them. It seems that there is nothing to be nostalgic for the illusory life.

But the common people in the world are still baptized in the tribulation, and it is not an easy task to rescue them!

Therefore, the wall in front of him must be demolished, there is no other way.

Thinking of this, the black dragon slammed into the white moonlight-like wall again.

However, apart from a few light bangs, there was no response at all!

Heilong sat down helplessly under the white moonlight wall, and he began to talk to himself weakly, saying: "There is still a place that I, Mr. Heilong, can't get through! What the hell is this place?"

"Are you in a hurry? Don't take your own body seriously. Let me tell you, this wall was set up by a Rakshasa girl to make things difficult for us! If you don't want to get over it sooner, just continue bumping into it." Seeing the black dragon, the Holy Spirit I was already hurt all over from the collision, so I blamed him angrily, and said to him loudly.

"Don't worry, this is the magic wall made by Rakshasa. The purpose is to force us all to be unable to move forward! This kind of magic stone wall is made of the bones of all things and mixed with the ghosts of all insects. Its hardness is It is the only one in the Three Realms. Moreover, this is in their Demon Realm. We should not use brute force to open it! We need to use willow leaves to beat the magic whip to draw out the ghosts first, and then wash them with sea and sky water. Once the resentment inside is removed, the iron wall will collapse naturally, and we don’t need to play tricks anymore.” Aunt Lan looked at the ghost-possessed wall in front of her, nodded lightly and then smiled, which was right. said the big guy.

"Haha! I know what my aunt's Liushen water purification is for! It's used to help us pass this test!" Misty Rain couldn't stop laughing, and said to everyone.

"Miss, the ghosts here have been strengthened by magical spells, and it is not easy to get rid of them! I think, let's give it a try! Let me use my powerful ghost king claws to give it a try. Just let it go and keep them safe." The Strong Ghost King stepped forward and was about to start.

"Wait a minute, big brother. If you go on like this, how many souls will be homeless? Don't be rough, wait a moment, let me send these poor children home."

After Aunt Lan finished speaking, she took out a small bottle from the blue ghost's cuff, gently uncorked the bottle, inserted a willow branch into the mouth of the bottle, and started chanting.

After a while, the half-withered willow branches turned green all over, and they kept emitting a fresh fragrance.

"Everyone covered their mouths and noses. After a while, the willow fairy will leave the clean bottle, and the immortal energy will fascinate everyone. No matter whether gods, Buddhas or immortals, they will all be sent to the annual reincarnation entrance of the hell on earth!" Blue Auntie held the clean bottle in her palm, muttered something for a while, and then gave instructions to everyone, said.

"Auntie, do I have to cover my mouth and nose for a master of an interstellar giant like me? Does the Vigorous Ghost King also want it?" Yan Yu asked Aunt Lan very confidently, as if she didn't quite believe it.

"No matter how arrogant you are, you are still Xingjun. Even if the Dragon King and God come, there is nothing wrong with the wall of magic thoughts blessed by this kind of magic spell! You still cover the door of the five aggregates well. , don’t be defiled by him! I’ll take them first, and then I’ll let you, Sister Meng, take them to be reincarnated as human beings! Namo Moonlight Bodhisattva, Namo Amitabha, Namo Amitabha, Namo Amitabha!” After Aunt Lan finished speaking, she waited quietly for a while before closing her eyes slightly.

She waited until all the little fairies were silent, and then she quietly closed the door of the five aggregates, and then the branch that had grown into a green willow branch as thick as a thumb was light. She took it off lightly, as if a small sapling had grown in her palm.

Aunt Lang glanced around, and saw that at some point under the white wall in front of her, a quiet pool with a square meter had been born, so she poured all the clean water in the water purification bottle in her hand into this small pool I went inside.

When clean water was added, the water in the pool immediately burst into cold mist. These mist seemed to have some vitality. They swayed slowly on the pool, and after a while they turned into One by one, there are little ice crystals the size of rice grains.

These little people seem to have been trained, one by one, they walked up and down the water in an orderly manner, as if they were waiting for someone to come, and they seemed to be protecting the pure pool Don't let outsiders get close to the general land!
Sure enough, when a fly flew over from nowhere, it was instantly frozen into black and white sickly ice sculptures by these small ice crystals when it passed over the pool!It turned out that they were all frozen instantly in the air about one meter above the pool, which is unbelievable!
Looking at the amber light of the frozen flies, it turns out that there is a thread of ice as thin as a gossamer that connects them, rippling gently in the breeze, it seems that these ice bodies are undoubtedly protecting this extremely cold small pool It's over!
Lan Gu opened the fairy eyes, put down the fairy air shield in all directions, then closed the fairy eyes, opened the ghost eyes again, used ghost words to deal with the lonely ghosts watching the excitement around, and finally Call Po Meng to report.

Po Meng rushed all the way from Huangquan Road, and when she came to this white jade cliff, she saw that she was really amazing: so many innocent souls were driven into this seemingly innocent bone powder wall by the magic spell. I went inside, and quickly knelt down in front of Aunt Lan with a thud.

"Qigu, it's my niece's fault. I didn't find out about that female devil in time, and she actually did such an outrageous thing at the junction of the yin and yang plates. I'm so sorry! Damn my niece, damn it!" Po Meng just kowtowed and kept explaining to Lan Gu.

"I don't blame you! Go to the pool over there to get some yin and yang cold water, then go back to your Huangquan intersection, add a little to your Wangchuan River, and make a pot of ice soup for the rest , When I get them all out, you send them to reincarnate." Lan Gu said ghostly to Po Meng.

"Qigu, no! There are so many, how can so many people be reincarnated as human beings? You say that the population in this world is not large, and the birth rate is low. I can't help it!" Granny Meng heard After hearing Lan Gu's words, he couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

"Don't evade me! If that's the case, no matter what animals, as long as they are about to give birth now, regardless of the size of the species, they will be picked first." Lan Gu and Meng Po ghostly said.

"Seventh Aunt, even if this is the case, you still have to report to the Ghost King, Earth Store Bodhisattva, and Emperor Ziwei? After all, the number is too large, and I'm afraid I will be punished by the heavens!" Granny Meng knelt in front of Aunt Lan, She didn't dare to get up at all, she said tremblingly, as if she was walking on thin ice in an abyss.

"No need! The road to heaven was completely cut off by your master, so you can just go about your own business with confidence and boldly, and I will take care of the rest." Lan Gu continued to whisper to Po Meng.

"What else are you talking about? The big gang leader of the Ghost King Gang and a group of Jiuyou future emperors are all empty here, Miss Meng, hurry up! It will take a long time, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold back anymore !" Dali Ghost King sensed the words of Po Meng and Aunt Lan, so he spoke in a ghostly way.

"Okay, okay! I'll go now, I'll go now." After Meng Po said, she stood up and transformed into her soup bucket, and then carried a bucket of ice water in the ice pool, and then escaped into Huangquan Road I have gone to the other side of the river of forgetfulness.

(End of this chapter)

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