
Chapter 678, Fierce battle against the world of mortals.

Chapter 678, Fierce battle against the world of mortals (24).

When the zombies wake up, what is the world of mortals going through the catastrophe?

"No, I have to go in and find out if there is really a celestial road. Yes... I have to sneak in to find out...!"

Thinking of this, Pixiu started to roll with the two little monks who were supporting him. He kept kicking the two little monks.

While kicking and beating, he began to scold his mother.

He purposely pretended to be ferocious and yelled loudly, saying: "Smelly monk, dead monk! Why do you arrest me? I am the entourage of the Jade Emperor, the chief guardian of the nine admirals of the real world. Let's make a joke, if you dare to treat me like this, aren't you afraid that I will sue you from heaven?"

"Hehe, did you hear that...? This fellow is an immortal? Why don't you say that you are the entourage of the nine admirals?" The young monk on the left said to the one on the right.

"It doesn't matter if it's a fairy or a zombie! The road to heaven was cut off by the admiral of the nine gates, so there will still be gods descending to the earth? I guess this guy is at most a loose fairy. Besides, I have to try him a little bit." Try." The little monk on the right took over the conversation and said.

"Right, right! Anyone who dares to come to Tianxiu City to tell fortunes must have a hard life if they are not brainless! Otherwise, let alone come to tell fortunes, whether you can walk in is the same thing! Brother, you Are you saying that? Let’s test him, how about that?” said the one on the left.

"There's no need to test him! Wu Ming, Wu De, you two brothers, take a good look. Where have you been walking for a long time? You just talked about it, and you feel uncomfortable when you follow other people's advice." You know! Please come in." Under the white jade Buddha statue in the center of the Buddhist hall, the big monk with the biggest head and the longest ears finally put down the wooden fish in his hand and spoke.

"Hahahaha! It turns out that an expert has come to Tiansu City. Dare I ask your surname Gao? Do you come to Tiansu City to stay overnight or to ask? Please tell me clearly." On the right side of the great monk, there is a portrait of monk Benyuan, a sergeant. The fake monk stood up immediately, holding the knife handle at his waist, staring at Pai Yao and asked.

"How about lodging? So what if you ask? Mr. Banxianpi never asks, and never lodging. Ever since he got to the deep mountains and old forests, the sky is the bed, the ground is the bed, and the white clouds are the magic blanket. You little Tiansu City , can I still come with the half-immortal skin?" Pai Xiu's soul went out of his body to inquire about the truth, but he pretended to be crazy and continued to act stupidly with the monks and said in a daze.

"I see that Mr. Pi doesn't look like a mortal half-immortal, but a real god who came down to help the world! Do you think that you can wipe out my Tiansu City by yourself? If you don't want to Your avatar is suffering, I advise you to take it back, don’t let him run around in my Buddha’s Altar of Mercy! What’s the matter, can we wait until the monks get rid of this group of poor ghosts?” Big Ear The monk took out the rosary beads from his cuff, stared into Pixiu's eyes, and said word by word.

"I'll go! Can you still know that I have a clone? It seems that you, a monk, are quite capable. Banxianpi doesn't understand why you are so bold in Tianxiu City, and dare to say that you have a celestial path here? Don't you I don't know if the celestial path has been cut off by the Eighth Prince? Could it be that you are really capable of finding another way?" Pixiu retracted the avatar that had hit a wall everywhere, and asked half-truthfully.

"Knowing that you have a clone is considered a ball? Let me tell you the truth! You are not the first Sanxian who wants to know the secret of the heavenly road. If you want to know where the heavenly road is, you have to have someone who can let the monks speak. Ability! Are you immortal? You can do the math! Hahahaha." Another fake monk who looked like a Taoist priest beside the great monk also spoke.

"Actually, you are not real monks. You were originally a group of heroes from the green forest, right? The one in the middle is related to my Buddha, and he looks so similar. The one on the left is the general of Tianxiu City who converted to Buddhism, right? The one on the right This one, I guess it was only recently that he changed his family and fell into the embrace of my Buddha, right? The three Bodhisattvas, are you right?" Pixiu carefully looked at the three monks under the white jade Buddha statue, and said to them sarcastically.

"This guy is trying to provoke us, two brothers, don't fall into his tricks." The big monk in the middle whispered demonic words to the monks on both sides quietly.

"Hahahaha! If the three of you don't speak, you're admitting it. I don't think these common people who offer treasures are ordinary people, but rather like puppets who become immortals! Brothers in love Is it the legendary soul-cultivator?" Pixiu looked at the three people opposite him with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, but his eyes wandered, as if it was not a good thing, so he deliberately pretended to know nothing and complimented them in a weird way, road.

"Looking for death! Come to find fault with us in Tianmen Temple in Tiansu City. Are you tired of your relationship? Wu Ming, Wu De, throw this guy out for me. Splash his head with dog blood, and then throw him out of the city." The fake monk who looked like a sergeant was finally irritated by Pixiu's yin and yang, and ordered the two young monks who were carrying Pixiu to say.

"Got it, uncle!"

Wu Ming and Wu De agreed, and signaled to the little monk who was watching the play to pour out blood, and drenched Pixiu into a drowned chicken.

They didn't wait for Pixiu to react, they set up Pixiu without saying a word, and threw him out of the city gate with a plop.

"I'll go! This dog blood can break Lao Tzu's Taoism? It's really strange." Pixiu stood dripping under the gate of Tianxiu City, while trying to get rid of the dog blood on his body, he was a little puzzled Puzzled, he started talking to himself, and said.

"Hahahaha! Brother, turn around and look at Tiansu City again, take a good look." Tu Xingqingyun floated down from the clouds and said to Pixiu with a smile.

"Ah! So it's a tomb? There is such a big tomb! It seems that we underestimated the strength of the ghosts and monsters in Hongchen Inn." Pixiu looked at the majestic tomb like Mount Tai in front of him, and exclaimed in awe .

"It's not easy to turn a tomb into an ancient city, and it's still in front of our eyes!" Muyun Beast put away a Muyun whip, and it floated down, whispering to Paixiu and the others Said.

"There are really not many people in the Three Realms using the blindfold method. I guess this guy must have something to do with Emperor Jiuyou, or... let's wait for the uncle and the others to come and send someone to the land of Jiuyou to inquire about it." , how?" Miao Miao also floated down, she looked at the bewildered Pixiu, and asked.

"It can only be like this! This guy is casting spells under the noses of so many of us, and none of us recognize him. He is definitely not an ordinary devil. We can't be soft when necessary. It will not be fun if we suffer It's gone!" Yang Jianan floated down following the Muyun Beast, and said to Miao Miao and the others.

"Hey...! I didn't expect that there is no road in the sky, ghosts and monsters are flourishing, and the little fairy in the world is going to bother to make a way! Hey...! There is no road in this Kunlun Ruins, so it's not easy to walk." Pi Jiaoniang was the last one to come down from the cloud, she sighed as soon as she landed, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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