
Chapter 683, Fierce battle against the world of mortals.

Chapter 683, Fierce battle against the world of mortals (29).

On the edge of the Nine Nether Lands, the wind is eroding the bones, and the cold air is oppressive.

Heilong is used to seeing the unpredictable ways of gods and ghosts, he is a person who has gone to heaven and earth to do everything, now he can't help feeling a little creepy.

"Brother Dazang, who is this year's Emperor Jiuyou? Old Ziwei or Tianqi?" Heilong asked in a low voice with some trepidation.

"Temporary vacancy! It is said that she is a little girl in her teens, and she is also the granddaughter of God. But I heard that she has always been followed by the king of ghosts, and she is truly protected by ten thousand ghosts! I came here a while ago. I went to the world of mortals, I didn't catch up, and there was no news after that. Now the heavenly road is cut off by Mr. Tianmen, and all the information between heaven and earth has been cut off for many years, and I don't know Xiaodi When will you be able to come down to perform your duties!"

Monk Dazang looked at the surrounding environment, and spoke to the black dragon in a low voice.

"Hey hey hey! So, the Land of Nine Nethers is also my old Heilong's territory. Hahahaha, this place is too dark and terrifying, Brother Dazang, otherwise I will withdraw first, and you can find your idiot by yourself ,OK?"

Heilong really couldn't stand the cold anymore, so he retreated, and said to the monk Dazang.

"Cough, cough, cough...! Villain, what you say is one thing, but what you do and think is another thing. Old nigger, didn't you say that you want to pull my tendons and skin my skin? Why... Are you admitting defeat?"

That rough voice rang out again, carrying gusts of bone-eroding wind, only piercing into the capillaries of the black dragon, and he was trembling all over.

"Naughty beast! I have killed gods and subdued demons a few times with me, but you don't remember your last name? Get out of here quickly and follow me back to the mountain."

Monk Dazang showed his spirit of crossing ghosts, and the ring of the tin staff ring rang, and he shouted sharply.

The monster, which was already on the verge of death, was subdued by the sound of subduing the demon with excessive heavy metal, obediently showing its original shape, drooping its head and crawling on the ground, not daring to move!
"Brother Heilong, this guy's hearing is damaged, it's not as good as Shunfeng's ear now! I'll take him back to punish, and your brother will give brother a thin noodle, let it go this time! Another day, I will bring it when the emperor boards the plane Come to congratulate you, how about it?"

After the monk Dazang finished speaking, he rode on the divine beast, and then yelled loudly: "Evil animal, if you haven't returned to the land of nine seclusion, do you want to wait for the emperor to come down and punish you to face the wall?"

Heilong still wanted to greet him, but a faint black fluorescent light flashed across, and the two of them, master and servant, had long since disappeared!


The black dragon quickly withdrew from the gate of Jiuyou Land with Haitian Huihun's thoughts, and when he arrived at Tiansu City, he sighed softly.

After the illusion, Tiansu City is the real Tiansu City. An eight or nine-meter-wide bluestone official road stretches along, and the shops and restaurants on both sides are well arranged. People come and go, as if they It's as if they don't even know what happened to them just now!

"Hahahaha! I didn't expect that there is actually a city under the Jiuyou Great Tomb! Interesting, interesting!"

Seeing Yan Yu, she kept clapping her hands, she said to Yu Yan and the others with a smile.

"Otherwise, what do you think? Could there really be such a big tomb? The Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang are not so exaggerated!" Yuyan smiled and said to her.

"Then what do you think? Sister, is this the legendary two-dimensional space overlapping effect? ​​Isn't it?" Yan Yu smiled brightly like a pink lotus flower, she squinted her eyes and asked Yu Yan.

"What two-dimensional space? Take a good look at the middle of the bluestone pipe, what's unusual? What about a little fairy! Not calm at all, how can there be a fairy?"

Yuyan glanced at Yanyu, pointed to the spacious and bright road ahead, and said to her.

"Sister, there are two big rocks, and it seems that there are traces of lightning scanning on the body! Why is this? Why can't people walking around on the street see them? How strange!"

Misty Rain scratched her head, and said incredulously.

"Maybe everyone is used to their existence! Otherwise, it would be a bit strange that no one could see such two big stone sculptures in the middle of the road. If everyone has become accustomed to their existence, Then there's nothing surprising about it."

Seeing that both Yuyan and Yanyu were talking, Yang Jianan interrupted and analyzed it carefully with the big guys, and said with a smile.

"No! No. Look, those people are passing right through them, as if the two big rocks we saw didn't exist at all! It's really weird."

Mu Yunshou secretly laughed happily in her heart, and almost burst into laughter. She held back her breath and said to the big guy pretending not to know.

"That's because the two giant stone statues have already been devoured by Long Tianyun's flesh and soul, because their accidents happened too fast, there was no time to escape, and now there is only a picture left there! What's so strange about this? Girls, the killer weapon of Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland is in the "Book of Dragon Mausoleum". If you reach a desperate situation, you will be invincible in whatever you want! You can seize the souls and ghosts of gods, demons, and ghosts on earth, and you can control the galaxy in the sky and become an emperor!"

Until now, Aunt Lan explained patiently with the little fairies and little fairies with a smile, and said.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, all of them praised the black dragon's strange attack just now.

"Lan Gu, it's just that Hei San may have made a big mistake this time! Take a closer look, who are the shadows of these two stone heads?"

The holy spirit carefully looked at the three-dimensional stone beast shadow painting on the ground, and he couldn't help but became a little cautious, and said to Lan Gu.

"It's okay! Isn't it just the black sparrow jade in the hands of the old Nuwa? When they disappear, they should be decisively sent back to nature, right? Don't be careful, it's possible that the Nuwa empress would have already sold them for the two pieces. Is it the broken stone that she discarded and torn face with our ancestors in Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland? She shouldn't be like that! After all, we are fighting the world on behalf of the master of the hometown of Jinling Yuexia! Haha Ha ha."

Aunt Lan smiled, and said to Holy Spirit confidently.

"That's what I said, but what if she really comes back and finds fault?" Holy Spirit whispered to her as if he didn't quite believe Aunt Lan's words.

(End of this chapter)

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