
Chapter 694, Fierce battle against the world of mortals.

Chapter 694, Fierce battle against the world of mortals (forty).

If you want to fight against the world of mortals, kill the ghost first!

Suan Ni looked at the few Red River Valley water monsters left behind her, and felt very upset in her heart, it was very uncomfortable!

Yes!Only you will feel sorry for your own children, and no one else will care about you so much!

She said it as if it didn't matter, but at this moment, the blood in Suan Ni's heart was not much less than that dripping like water on her body!

Just when the leader of the devil team was triumphant, Qilin suddenly brought a wave of Tianqi endgame pieces that could kill magic swords all over him, and quickly killed them from behind the magic army with lightning speed.

Before the Devil Legion could react, a wave of windmill-like Tianqi endgame troops had already killed the Devil Legion, joining up with Suan Ni's Red River Valley Water Monster.

"Devil King, there are too many of these guys, and they are not weak! I have suffered heavy losses after this wave of attack, and their team doesn't seem to have much impact! Why?"

Suan Ni was on the verge of collapse, almost crying, and asked Qilin.

"You idiot, how many people are there? Isn't it the same as giving your Red River Valley Monster to others for drinking? Let the children stand down, and you and I form the Desert Eagle and send them off!" How about a wave of sand flying yellow?"

Qilin looked at the minions of the Evil Mountain who were still densely swarmed like locusts in the darkness, and when he rolled his eyes, he took his heart and said to Suan Ni.

"Just the two of us? There are so many demons and goblins, can the two of us do it?"

Suan Ni looked at the densely packed monsters in front of him, and asked a little unconfidently.

The endgame of Tianqi behind Qilin was unscathed, but once it was stained by the devil's blood, many clones were lost.

When breaking out of the siege, there was a lot less!

"I see that the monsters in the Gorefiend Mountain still have backup. Otherwise, how could they have withstood our two big attacks? Demon King, our two brothers will definitely wipe them out now."

After Suan Ni finished speaking, he also summoned the Dharma Body. Seven or seven 49 giant Suan Ni, like heavy tanks with strong bones, crunched and squeezed the bones of their ten fingers, waiting for Suan Ni's order, and followed the main body Let's kill the Devil's Legion on the Blood Demon Mountain together!

When Qilin saw it, he also took out his dharma body, ninety-nine and 81 Qilins got upright, and followed closely behind Qilin with gritted teeth.

"This wave of rushing and killing, flying sand flooded the evil mountain, and brought me all the wild sand in the desert, and our brothers drowned them in the sand together to kill them. Suan Ni, let's go!"

Qilin yelled like a thunderbolt hitting a volcano, kicked up a gust of wind and gusts of sand, and shot towards the large army of blood devils like iron eggs.

"Hahahaha! This is the devil king! Qilin, I have seen the honor of such a guy. They are some messy earthworms, centipedes, hedgehogs, pangolins, ants, mice, etc. The cave-dwelling animal became a spirit and came here to play tricks on our brothers! Hahahaha."

Suan Ni followed the golden afterglow of Qilin's desert mad sand flying away, and finally returned to his demonic nature, seeing the darkness as day, he shouted and set off the mad sand as a weapon, and killed him directly.

"Ah...! Sure enough, the Demon King is here, and they can see us. Your Majesty, we can't stand it anymore..."

Bearing the brunt of being buried by the wild sand, the little leader of the Xiemo Mountain was forced to endure the excruciating pain when he was swept all over his body by the yellow sand, and reported loudly to their king, shouting heart-piercingly, saying .

"You are the king of the desert, and I am the king of the underworld! Qilin, don't destroy your name as the desert boat under my evil mountain, then the gain will not be worth the loss! Hahahaha, even if you two brothers destroy me With the [-] vanguard troops, there are another [-] troops waiting for you! Hahahaha, demons fighting demons, evil spirits and fierce ghosts filling the desert! Hahahahaha."

A voice came out from the bottom of the Xiemoshan army, spitting out smoke and fire.

When Suanni and Qilin followed Huang Kuangsha to kill the group of demons, the squad leader who had been complaining to the sky touched his intact body, and then looked at his unscathed troops, he couldn't help laughing, yes His underground demon mountain king reported, and shouted loudly: "My lord, we are not dead, we are not dead! Hahahaha. This desert ship has a false name, so there is nothing to worry about!"

"Little..." Before the King of the Demon Mountain could fully utter the word "be careful", he saw that his [-] vanguard troops were all transparent, as if they had been pierced by countless laser beams, and there was a stream of black evil energy. Hulala spewed out, and within a short while, all the monsters and ghosts of the entire Xiemoshan army turned into a piece of illusory black air, scattered in the shallow darkness!

"Hey...! It's really amazing! The boat in the desert, you really have it! What a soldier to stop it, and the water comes to the soil! This battle, you are considered to have won. If you have the ability, we will see you at the bottom of Xiemo Mountain."

The King of Xiemo Mountain smiled wryly, sighed very heavily, and spoke to Qilin and Suan Ni in a very dark and terrifying way, saying.

"Don't worry, we'll come back soon! Don't worry."

Suan Ni patted the hard cinnabar-like blood stains on her body, and replied disapprovingly.

Qilin took away the dharma body, and just when he was about to restore his fairy body of Yushu Linfeng, he saw a large wave of black and dark demons killing him in the wind and thunder from the opposite side, and immediately grabbed the disapproving Suanni, and then put After stepping into his Huangshadu Demon Chaosheng Ligui Formation, he whispered to Suan Ni: "Don't worry, there are still ahead!"

Suanni was ready to lie down and be comfortable, but when he heard that there were enemies, he was immediately frightened out of the sky when he fell asleep. He opened the door of Xindan, and took out all the soul power and immortal energy; all the spiritual power boosting needles , Filled the whole body with chicken blood, and breathed in the air with a big gulp.

The whole body was filled with earth energy, and the soul power and immortal energy were bursting again. He spread his legs and stared at the front. He changed his previous hippie smile, and he was very quiet and serious, just waiting for the unicorn to give orders. Brother Only then can the two of them have another slaughter in which the ship of the desert dominates!

Qilin also opened the bag of soul power and fairy energy, and filled his whole body with soul power, fairy energy and spiritual power again. When he was ready, he stared at the powerful airflow rushing forward, and said nothing in his heart. Count how far they've advanced.

One hundred meters... 50 meters... 30 meters... 20 meters... [-], [-]...!
Qilin silently counted the distance scale of the enemy getting closer and closer, and couldn't help but laughed in his heart, secretly said: "Damn, this is not easy to deal with! It seems that the immortal energy, spiritual power and soul power are not there. Under myself and Suanni! What should I do?"

"Boss, we seem to have met our opponent this time."

Suan Ni finally couldn't bear it any longer, and his heart became uneasy, and he said to Qilin with a trembling voice.

Qilin's eyes were fixed on the front, and he didn't listen to what he said at all!
Time passed by every minute and every second, and in the gradually brightening world, the haze shrouded the hearts of Suanni and Qilin layer by layer, and it would not dissipate for a long time!
"Bang...! Bang...! Bang...!"

"Boom...! Boom...! Boom...!"

Suanni and Qilin could clearly hear each other's tense and slow heartbeats.

 Finally got out!
(End of this chapter)

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