
Chapter 701, Fierce battle against the world of mortals.

Chapter 701, Fierce battle against the world of mortals (47).

The demonic aura of the Xiemo Mountain is soaring to the sky, filled with cloudy aura, and the aura of ghosts is awe-inspiring!
On a huge spider-like black-red mountain peak, on a moist, smooth and flat mountaintop, the Demon King of the Mountain was wearing a blood-red cloak. She tightened the silk silk on her body, and handed a pair of poisonous spider black iron weapons behind her. The soldiers, with their magic eyes, carefully looked at the murderous generals and ghosts coming from all directions, the corners of their mouths slightly raised, and they said disdainfully to themselves: "Hey, it's the so-called soldiers who come to cover the water and the earth. Destroying my Demon Mountain is not an easy task!"

After all, she turned her head and led her men to sneak into the unique belly of her Demon Mountain.

The army of gods and Buddhas set up their positions and surrounded the Xiemo Mountain in all directions. It was as tight as an iron bucket, and even a fly could not fly past it.

Hearing Misty Rain's order, Yan Luo of the Tenth Palace felt troubled, saying that there are more than tens of thousands of evil spirits and ghosts in the eighteenth floor of hell, and you, a child, emptied it when they said it would be emptied?
The ten people discussed and discussed on the way back to the underworld, but they couldn't make up their minds, so they had to bite the bullet and came to Nantianmen.

Outside the Nantian Gate, the God of Heaven brought the three Qings and four emperors, as well as the five elders, the five elders, and the four heavenly kings, such as the Tathagata, and other gods and Buddhas. They were carefully observing the first battle of the little emperor Jiuyou on the cloud head.

When Yan Luo of the Ten Palaces saw him, he walked forward tremblingly as if facing an abyss, as if walking on thin ice. The Immortal of the South Pole saw him, and immediately greeted him. Yan Luo's meaning, quietly walked out of the fairy class and came to the ten halls of Yama.

Yan Luo of the tenth hall was about to kneel down, but Ziwei stopped them, and told them directly: "Just follow the arrangement of the little emperor, the underworld will be closed! This year, no one will die in the world of mortals, and those who are saved in the eighteenth floor of hell will be branded and sent to Go to the human world and reincarnate as human beings. In the future, when the mortal emperors fight monsters, let them all join the army under the ink and wash tent. Those who are stubborn will directly collect their souls and souls, and use their souls to strengthen the prison walls of the eighteenth floor of hell. Let them all go ! Those who are released to reincarnate as human beings must be locked up, and the bad guys are not allowed to fish in troubled waters and run out. This matter can be handled by the Bodhisattva. As for the matter of killing ghosts and strengthening my city, you must supervise it yourself. Flaw! If you are escaped from the [-]th floor of hell by this wave of monsters from the Evil Mountain, you should take down Hualing on top of you. Remember, this is a big event for our family, so we must Be careful and careful!"

Yan Luo of the tenth hall obediently agreed, and didn't mention it since he went back to the underworld to make arrangements.

Soldiers and horses from all walks of life surrounded the Xiemo Mountain, and only waited for the order from the little emperor Jiuyou, and then they could move out imaginarily and trample the Xiemo Mountain to the ground!

The army of gods, earth, demons and ghosts was arranged in a dense manner according to the pattern of the three talents of heaven, earth and man, and then the military academies were sent to the Yanyu Zhongjun tent to ask for instructions on the next battle.

Under the guidance of Holy Spirit and Aunt Lan, Misty Rain was planned one by one, and the general ordered the sergeants to take them back to the various tents without mentioning them.

The king of Xiemoshan said it as if he was not afraid, but seeing the heaven, earth, people, gods, demons, ghosts and other soldiers and horses in all directions, she was really shocked.

"Damn it, this Raksha girl has hurt my old lady. I told my old lady well, just a few scattered immortals and night wandering gods. Look at this battle, what kind of stragglers are there? It is clear that all the heavenly soldiers and generals are dispatched! She Damn, how are we going to fight this battle? We won't have any soldiers left after a wave of attack." The King of the Demon Mountain was in a hurry in her palace, not knowing what to do for a while, and kept cursing Rakshasa girl is here, said!
Rakshasa woman led a group of monsters, ghosts and trolls, and firmly occupied the entire Kunlun Ruins. She also felt the immortal energy on the Demon Mountain thousands of miles away, which had never been stronger than before, and instantly guessed that the gate of heaven has opened. The Heavenly General may have completely surrounded the Demon Mountain!
"No way, I have no choice but to give up the pawns to protect the car. Xuntian, send people to the Nether Ghost Island in the three holy places in the west to ask the Nether Ghost King to lead troops to Kunlun to help out! Wutian, you send people to the Huawai Magic Palace to invite the Phantom of the Great Demon Palace Bring troops to help out. Gorefiend, go to the camp of the demon lord at the foot of Fangcun Mountain in Fangwai and ask the demon lord to lead his troops to help out. In this battle, the world of mortals has no evil thoughts, and life and death are in an instant. It's all done." The Rakshasa woman felt a burst of panic, hurriedly finished her orders, and immediately started doing tricks in the Kunlun Ruins, sending the evildoers from the Luofu Mountain and Miluo Mountain to the Evil Mountain. The battle at Xiemo Mountain can consume most of the vitality of the Misty Rain Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals.

The King of the Demon Mountain was hiding in her Demon Palace, and she was almost out of breath under the pressure of the fairy energy. Suddenly, black resentment swept from all directions, and she felt that there were more people in the Demon Valley. With countless troops from our own side, his expression softened a little, and he ordered without hesitation: "The leader of the demon tribe, lead the tribe of the demon tribe to the top of the mountain, and face the heavenly soldiers and generals. The commander of the demon tribe, lead the demon tribe Everyone, set up camp at the entrance of the Devil's Valley to meet the enemy coming from the front. The leader of the ghost tribe, led the ghost tribe, and set up a camp behind Moshan Mountain to resist the attack of the Jiuyou Ghost Dao. The rest of the monks in the yang world will join the king to hold the formation and supervise the battle !"

After the allocation was made, the king of the Xiemo Mountain sighed and said: "It's God's will. I have waited for this day for thousands of years. If I succeed, I will be honored as the king of the immortal class. Wrathful ghosts, brothers and sisters, it’s a mule or a horse, this time we have to speak according to our ability. Everyone will come with me to the Devil’s Valley, and only the younger generation who are less than a hundred years old will be left to guard the devil’s palace. Remember Yes, once we are defeated, the children immediately set themselves on fire with poison, then lowered the magic palace by seven meters, moved it forward seven meters, sunk another seven meters, and then moved it forward seven meters... In this cycle, a total of 49 meters was made up. It takes a few days to stop. Remember, you must not be caught by the gangsters, otherwise there will be no place for my generation in the Three Realms in the future."

The king of Xiemoshan made arrangements for his funeral, and then he led his own soldiers to the entrance of Devil's Valley. Looking at the dark army of devils in front of him, he couldn't help but smiled.

"Fighting against the sky is endless joy; fighting against the earth is endless joy; fighting with people is endless joy! Little brat, our battle is over, see you in the world of mortals! Hehehehe." The evil spirit mountain king closed his eyes slightly. After closing his eyes, he became overwhelmed with emotion, and said.

After squinting for a while, she suddenly opened her eyes, and gave the last order to the soldiers behind her with glory, saying: "Pass down the order, but any little girl who sees the moon between her eyebrows, Don't let any one go, kill without mercy!"

The soldiers got the order and trotted to each ministry to deliver the order.

Mountains and rains are about to come and winds fill buildings, demons and ghosts want to sleepwalk!

The evil spirit mountain is covered with dark clouds, and the evil spirit is soaring to the sky. The desire has hollowed out all the living beings in the four miles and eight towns, and is ambitious and always ready to fight with the Xian family.

On the wide avenues more than 100 kilometers away from Xiemo Mountain, there are densely packed large numbers of soldiers and horses from various gods, gods and gods, either open or dark. !

(End of this chapter)

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