
Chapter 703, Fierce battle against the world of mortals

Chapter 703, Fierce battle against the world of mortals (49)
Looking at the huge dark cloud-like demon mountain surrounded by the gods of heaven and earth, Yanyu gritted her teeth, jumped off the lotus platform, and told Paixiu and Qilin: "Brother Qilin, brother Paixiu, you go back and follow me!" My third uncle said: Try to catch a few little devils, make a ghost for them, dress them up as heavenly soldiers and generals, and throw them in from the entrance of the Devil's Valley to try. If the result is any, send someone back and let us know. Let my third uncle make up his own mind for the rest!"

Pixiu and Qilin didn't dare to linger, and immediately returned to the black dragon's camp, reporting Misty Rain's intentions to the black dragon.

"This is a bit embarrassing. Now that these bastards are already frightened, how can we catch a little one of them? Well, just catch a few from Luofu Mountain or Miluo Mountain. Come here and use it." Heilong thought for a while, then suddenly laughed and said.

"Xuan Ni, you go! Ask your master for a few lively little devils, and say we want to get a few puppets to try the poison spraying machine of the Demon Mountain King, go quickly. Qilin will go with him, You have seen the power of that ghost machine, talk to Shui Mo well." Heilong stood up from his dragon chair, and said to Suanni and Qilin.

After Qilin Suanni left, the black dragon went to the forward position to look back and forth several times. He couldn't get tired anymore, so he went back to the tent of the central army to rest.

The king of Xiemoshan heard about the achievements of the two team leaders who urged the gods and food immortals in the vanguard, and sent a few soldiers to bring a lump of god beef cakes and a large vat of good people's blood to condolences and reminders on her behalf. The two little demons, Shen and Shixian, went.

On the other hand, she inspected her own territory with her own soldiers, and then she returned to the Demon Palace with confidence. I went down the mountain to inspect the military situation!
At this moment, Shui Mo and the others just repelled the magic army from Luofu Mountain, Miluo Mountain and other magic mountains who came to reinforce them. They sat down on the clouds with the four heavenly kings and a group of heavenly soldiers and generals, and they were resting and chatting.

Seeing the arrival of Qilin and Suanni, he explained the reason, and immediately sent Nezha and nine heavenly lions to catch up, and after a while, he captured more than a dozen little devils from Luofu Mountain and Miluo Mountain, and gave them all The shrunken bone pierced the lute bone, and it was dragged to the water ink like a sweet potato, and the delivery was completed.

Shui Mo has fought the Nine-Headed Lion many times, so of course he knows how powerful he is!
So he bid farewell to the heavens, took nine lions, unicorns, and 狻猊 together and rushed over to the black dragon's military tent.

Seeing that Shui Mo had brought Emperor Zhenwu's pet with him, Heilong hurried out of the central army tent to greet him.

Seeing Suan Ni dragging a bunch of little devils like they are dragging sweet potatoes, each of them seems to be depressed as if they have a serious illness, I am afraid that they will be played to death by Suan Ni before they can be used, so they can't care about talking to the nine lions After exchanging greetings, I hurriedly urged Suan Ni and Qi Lin to bring these little devils back into Devil's Valley to call for a fight.

Suan Ni also wanted to see those iron beetle monsters that Qilin mentioned, and dragged the little devil unceremoniously and was about to enter the Valley of Devils.

Shui Mo looked at the black evil spirit storm in front of him from a distance, a cloud and a near view, and vaguely sensed something was wrong, so he stopped Suan Ni.

"What did you find? Shui Mo, tell me quickly." Heilong is now the first line of defense that can't break through others, and he is very anxious. Hearing Shui Mo's tone, he guessed that this kid has an idea, so he urged him to speak up quickly. road.

"Master, this mountain is strange. It looks like a mountain-like black cloud, but it is not. These black clouds and mists are actually poisonous gas released from the inside of this evil mountain. There are five layers of mountains under this poisonous gas. According to the layout of the method of the parallel world, what we can see now is a living spider monster at work, and there are also poisonous snakes, centipedes, scorpions, toads, and geckos. Master, these five poisonous demons are based on the number of birth grams of the five elements, Take turns to fight against us, each demon has a lot of evil poisonous demons as the vanguard, according to Qilin's description, he should be a small cow! Also known as an underground tank, he specializes in spraying poisonous and harmful substances to anesthetize Devouring the opponent is very difficult to deal with. Because of the so-called underground tank, even if you crack his venom bomb, it is very difficult to get close to him! Especially at the bottom of Liumomo Mountain, it is even more difficult Already." Shui Mo combined what he had observed in the darkness with what he had eavesdropped on from the enemies from Luofu Mountain and Miluo Mountain, and reported the truth to Heilong very seriously, and said.

"Then what should we do? These things are highly poisonous, let alone us, I am afraid that if the gods and gods fight together, they may not be able to take over her lair!" Heilong listened to Ink's words Talking about it, he lost more and more confidence, he said to Shui Mo cautiously.

"Uncle Black Dragon, when it comes to fighting demons, I think that my nine lions plus Qilin and Suanni are enough to withstand thousands of troops! But this act of swallowing the sky with poison is really not something we can do." It’s time for Chen Piff’s bravery! Why don’t you ask Laojun, he likes to make these elixir and so on, maybe he will have a way, but it’s not certain!” Nine-headed lions listened to the analysis of ink and wash, and suggested to the black dragon Get up, said.

"It's not necessary. Not to mention that Laojun doesn't have such an antidote at all, maybe he can refine this antidote, but when he is ready, can we still rush to Kunlun Ruins as scheduled? That must be Impossible! Dealing with this group of demons is not difficult, but unfortunately they seem to have cultivated to the point where they can swallow heaven and food immortals. If we attack by force, we will give these bastards a lot of dragons and phoenixes! No way! , I have to ask my ancestors. Master, you let Senior Brother Tianshi and Qilin take these little devils to test it out first, and everyone stays put and waits for me to come back." After Shui Mo finished speaking, he rode on Suan Ni and drove up. Yuntou rushed to Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland.

Arhat Matsushita, the dragon girl was combing the hair of the ancestor, and when she saw the ink painting, she laughed and said, "Brother-in-law, the ancestor was still talking about you just now! You don't need to waste your saliva when you say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, hurry up Tianwai brought my aunt here, or you might be played to death by Rakshasa. Hahahaha!"

After hearing this, Shui Mo said goodbye to his ancestors briefly, and sent Suan Ni back, while he himself drove the lightning and golden light, and went straight out of the sky.

Ten thousand stars away from Andromeda, ten thousand stars are one, and they are listening to the old teachings!
Qiuyue saw the five stars in ink and wash from a distance, and rushed over panting, caught him and asked why, and looked at the old man with extremely embarrassed eyes.

"Go! Now that the sea of ​​stars and stars has returned to calm, go down and help the children to collect the Rakshasa girl and bring them up together. I have a way to make her live forever and never step into the Three Realms again. Go, go Let's go home and have a look." The old man waved his hand, signaling Qiuyue to follow the lower realm of ink and wash to subdue the demons, and then went on to talk about his starry sky method.

Shui Mo looked at it, and wanted to say goodbye to the old Taoist, but was stopped by Qiuyue, who pulled him back to the world in a gust of wind.

When Suan Ni arrived at the tent of the Black Dragon Army, it happened that Qiuyue and Shui Mo also arrived.

Heilong stared at Qiuyue dumbfounded, not knowing what to do for a while!

(End of this chapter)

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