
Chapter 706, Fierce battle against the world of mortals.

Chapter 706, Fierce battle against the world of mortals (52).

Qiuyue stopped Suanni and Qilin and ordered them to go down the mountain and bring their master up the mountain.

Suanni and Qilin didn't dare to shirk, a gust of wind swept back to the tent of the army, briefly talked about the battle situation, and then explained the meaning of coming back to pick up the master.

Shui Mo and Yu Yan rode their beasts and immediately reached the top of the mountain.

At this moment, most of the dark clouds and mist in Xiemo Mountain have disappeared, and above it there are three cold moons at midnight, one black, one white, and one blue, illuminating the entire mountain peak as if it were daytime. The desperate gods, demons and fairies are still chasing each other all over the mountains and plains.

Pixiu led a group of little fairies, Heishuihe Xuantiewan shot every bullet, and the little monsters and goblins were smashed and bleeding, their souls were scattered, as if they had entered a land of no one.

Pixiu was so frightened that his hairs stood on his head, and the little God of War of Heishuihe, who killed people like hemp, also developed a heart of compassion.
There are so many moves in the battle between gods, ghosts and demons. As long as they are not of the same order, no conspiracy or trick will work. Killing with one move is the norm!

After a while, the evil mountain was completely cleared of its demonic obstacles, and the original appearance of the mountain became more and more clear.

It turns out that this is a unique large poison nest in the Three Realms with mountains within a mountain: the outermost layer is a spider-shaped mountain bag, with a length and width of hundreds of kilometers; around the spider-shaped mountain, there are five dormant hills stretching for tens of kilometers , Wushan takes Spider Mountain as the core, like a huge palm dragging a giant spider, it is unavoidably creepy to look at, and you can only get goosebumps all over your body!

What's more, there are quite a few mung bean-like little things devouring each other inside, which makes people feel a little more compassion.

When Shui Mo and Yu Yan saw each other, they both sighed softly, and then stayed obediently by Qiuyue's side.

Qiuyue heard the sigh of Yuyan and their young couple, and realized that they already knew their next mission, so she smiled and said to them: "Shuimo, Yuyan, you are going to make the world rise again. Although this mission does not have so many killings, but I have encountered stubborn people, I hope you will also learn the method of my Buddha's slap in the face, don't blindly be merciful, and miss the great opportunity to eliminate the scourge of the world! Misty Rain sits in Jiuyou During this time, you must seize the time to rectify the monsters in the world of mortals, and don't delay too long."

"Ah..., cold... ah! No..., Sister Yue, isn't Yanyu Emperor Jiuyou? Can this be changed? Then it won't be too long for me and Shui Mo to spend time in the world of mortals, right?" Yu From Qiuyue's mouth, Yan heard the meaning of urging them to make a quick decision, and asked her cautiously.

"That's natural. After all, you are fairies. Naturally, you can't stay under the sun for too long. In that case, others will gossip about your grandpa! Remember, things that can be done in one month, don't use three months." Time, do you know?" Qiuyue said directly to Shui Mo and Yu Yan without any concealment.

"Yuyan, you have to remember, you and ink will only be in the world for ten and a half months at most, you must kill the seductiveness of the world in the cradle of flooding as soon as possible, otherwise you and ink will not be able to return to heaven , must be remembered. It is best to settle this matter in eight or nine days." Aunt Lan smiled and said to Yuyan.

"Sister Yue, that won't work! It will take us ten days and a half months just to beat the Rakshasa girl. The world of mortals is now enveloping the heavens and the earth, and the world is full of lust. It can't be solved by force! This heart disease has to be cured by heart medicine, and it can't be done in a day or two! The time is too short." Shui Mo didn't understand what Aunt Lan meant, and hurriedly begged Qiuyue to come, and said.

Qiuyue smiled slightly, pulled up Yuyan and Shui Mo without making any statement, walked forward slowly, and pulled up the Demon Mountain King and her five sisters one by one, saying: "If you want to talk about the Fa-rectification, There has always been no lack of Fa-rectification, but how can there be night without day? Similarly, day without Hey night would be meaningless, right! So Zhu Er, you take your five younger sisters and go ahead, Go to the human world and teach those crazy people who are arrogant and go against the sky! After the Nine Nether Demons subdue the magic and the Rakshasa girl returns to the stars and the sea, Yuyan will invite the six of you sisters to return to the sky together! Remember, you must not Killing Zhongliang by mistake, harming kind people!"

After listening to Qiuyue's order, the six demons were about to kneel down and kowtow again, but were stopped by Aunt Lan and Mozun Heiyue.

"Hurry up! Loosen the shin bones of those madmen with inflated desires in the world of mortals first, and wait for the arrival of the emperor's army! Hurry up, with the help of sister Qiuyue, little fairy Misty Rain and Water Moon Fairy children attack Kunlun Ruins, that is just around the corner. Hurry up, let us avoid the worldly gift!" Black Moon Demon Venerable smiled and said to the six poisonous beauties.

Liu Yaomei agreed repeatedly, reluctantly came out of the ground, and the world of mortals went into chaos.

Seeing that Shui Mo and Yuyan were called away by Qiuyue, the Holy Spirit knew that Shuiyue and Misty Rain were staying because they wanted the two sisters to deal with the aftermath, so he led a group of little fairies to surround Misty Rain and Shuiyue. Leading the charge with the Muyun Beast, they drove up the Xianyun Lotus Terrace one after another, and also headed straight for the mountain.

When they hit the top of the mountain, the six female devils had already played in the world of mortals, and they had gone to worship the gold and the five desires in the human world.

"Ah Yue, why are you here? You are here, sir, who will take care of you?" Holy Spirit looked at Qiuyue standing with Aunt Lang and another black beauty from afar, and asked about Qiuyue's coming out of control. ,road.

"Uncle Holy Spirit, look at you, the stars and the sea are not mine, but his old ones, and I need someone to take care of me more than he does over there! Just look at you, and you will know that you are my little master, and you don't care at all. I’ve passed someone else’s house. You don’t even ask me if I’m doing well there, and I think about your master whenever I see you, Qiuyue is a little sad! Hehehehe.” Qiuyue laughed and hurriedly greeted the Holy Spirit Here it comes, said.

"Sister, it's not my sister, I don't care about you! You have to know that Mr. is afraid of guilt. If you don't bully him, you are already Amitabha. You will be wronged over there? I don't believe it." Holy Spirit also said with a smile, He bumped into her and hugged Qiuyue tightly.

Seeing Yanyu, she quickly jumped off the Baiyun lotus platform, and plunged into Qiuyue's body, which was broken.

"Wow...!" With a sound, she couldn't help but let out a surge of longing, and burst into tears without saying a word.

 I feel a little stressed, I am very tired at work, and I feel dizzy after work, and I barely managed to finish a chapter.

  Hey... I can hardly remember the characters!
(End of this chapter)

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