
Chapter 728, Fierce battle against the world of mortals.

Chapter 728, Fierce battle against the world of mortals (74).

"This daughter is bare-chested and has no sense of shame. No wonder grandpa is so afraid of her."

Yan Yu shook her head, slapped the little green cow to sit down, and each of them rode a flying bird, and they had already killed them along the way.

Shuiyue and Yuyan did not know when they had touched the back of the Rakshasa girl. As soon as they sensed the murderous aura of Misty Yu, the two sisters unceremoniously pulled out the Nine Heavens Bright Moon Knife from their waists, and rushed to kill the Rakshasa girl. And went.

The rakshasa woman's black hair is like an abyss, and a rakshasa giant covers an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers.

She shook off the dragon-like black-brown skulls on the thin hair at the mouth of the bowl, and shot them quickly according to the rain and smoke coming along the face.

"The sky is eight layers high, and the ground nine is deep. Little girls, don't worry, take your time, I will save you one by one in a while!"

Rakshasa looked at the little fairies who came rushing towards her angrily, and said coldly.

"Extraordinary...? Rakshasa girl, are you worthy too?"

Yanyu had already disliked her a long time ago, and after hearing her big talk, she said coldly with contempt.

"Oh! I can't beat one, and I don't believe that she has three heads and six arms, and she can walk sideways in the fairy world."

After hearing what Misty Rain said, Little Qingniu kicked Sheng Feng, and unavoidably speeded up.

Qilin spread out his golden fairy wings, and was about to fly up. He flew towards Rakshasa girl very proudly.

Hei Yue and Lan Gu danced in the wind with a lotus petal Leng Yue Xiandao each.

For a moment, the black and blue lotus petals flying all over the sky caught Rakshasa's black-haired skull with crackling force.

"Little Heiyue on the evil mountain, you dare to come and fight against my old lady? What a fool. Supporting the little princess in your hometown, you are at most a protector, and at least you will be a king of heaven if you hang out with my old lady! Stupid."

Seeing that Hei Yue and Lan Gu had completely destroyed her black-haired skull magic tomb, Rakshasa couldn't help but said angrily.

On Misty Rain's side, Xiaotian and Dali Ghost King saw countless strange skulls only galloping towards their little master. As early as one of them flew to meet them at low altitude, and the other beat them hard on the ground, each of them released a wave of fairy energy, He rushed forward and shot down those skulls one by one.

On Yuyan's side, Qilin glanced at those magic skulls with grinning teeth. The five pieces of Tianqi Endgame formed a sky, packed these skulls that had been domineering in Jiuyoukou for many years, and packed them into the box without missing a beat. Canopy.

After the light blue sky surrounded by the chess pieces wiped out all the skulls, it gradually shrunk, shrinking an originally flat sky into a large sky blue pocket, which spun rapidly in the air.

As the big bag shrank and turned, the skull inside immediately howled.

The tragic cries pierced the originally peaceful sky, and after a while, billowy clouds rose from time to time above Rakshasa's head.

"Qilin, stop playing, get them away."

Seeing that Qilin had started playing, Yu Yan actually stopped, so she urged him.

"Five sons of the desert, send these lonely ghosts to the Red River Valley of Suan Ni's ancestor! It just so happens that the number of ghost fish in his Red River has dropped sharply and needs to be replenished urgently. Hahahaha!"

With a wave of Qilin's hand, the Tianqi pocket instantly disappeared into the air.

Rakshasa's big plain face turned pale in an instant, and she was so angry that she burst into flames.

"Yeah, you guys are ruthless. I won't be polite to you anymore."

The Rakshasa girl flicked her thick black hair like a waterfall, and there was a thunder in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Misty Rain and Yuyan were all pushed out for thousands of meters by a strong air current.

Dali Ghost King and Xiaotian happened to receive the skulls that Rakshasa shot at Misty Rain, and they were completely smashed by this gust of wind, and the skull powder scattered in all directions like snowflakes. go.

"Fuck me!"

The Vigorous Ghost King couldn't help but began to speak ghostly, he casually picked up a ghost from the depths of his soul, chanted a formula, transformed the ghost into a sword energy with incomparable spiritual power, and directly killed the big face of the Rakshasa girl went.

"Be careful, Dali!"

Knowing that Dali Ghost King was a little impulsive this time, Yanyu couldn't help but cried out from a distance.

"As long as you can, how can you protect my little niece if you can't protect yourself? Reckless man, what a reckless man."

A voice scolded the Vigorous Ghost King from the unknown, and Yin Shen roared in terror.

"Ah! Auntie... Since you are here, why don't you show up?"

As soon as Qiuyue heard this voice, she who was going to save Dali Ghost King suddenly stopped and said with a smile.

"Why do you have to ask me to come down for your own business? Isn't a little Rakshasa girl backed by the Queen Mother? As for asking me to come down to earth with my aunt? It's really ignorant."

The owner of the deep and terrifying voice seemed to be a little angry, complaining about Qiuyue's arrival, and said coldly.

The little fairies at the side originally thought that Qiuyue was cold enough, but after hearing this, they realized that there were women in the Nine Heavens and Three Realms who were more ruthless than their sister Yue!

"Auntie, it's not that I want to call you an old man! It's the rules of the game made by the old man. He insisted on besieging Rakshasa in July and sending your little granddaughter to win the position of Emperor Jiuyou! If you want to blame, blame your good son-in-law, don't Blame me."

Qiuyue explained softly.

"Don't just use your old age to block my mouth. As long as you put in more effort in your cultivation, as for our family affairs, do you have to rely on your son-in-law? You still have the face to pay back!"

The cold voice in the nameless said with some discomfort.


Qiuyue was a little less calm.

"Are you that green onion? Dare to come in front of my Rakshasa girl and pretend to be a wolf with a big tail? If you have the ability, come out and fight, don't let her grandma be a turtle with a shrinking head. It's all pretending, grandma, I don't eat this set."

Rakshasa girl didn't know that a master had sneaked into her nine-story demon tower until now, and she was a little uncomfortable to reveal her true colors, and became furious.

"You...? If you want to meet my elder sister, my primordial spirit, you are not qualified! Qiuyue, if you can't win the Rakshasa girl, Yanyu, the emperor of Jiuyou, handing over to others is the best policy! Don't you think so? "

Yin in Wuming sneered with a deep and terrifying voice, and said to Qiuyue impatiently.

"Who are you scaring? Leng Qiuyue, if I can't kill you, I won't have a place for me in the Nine Nether Lands, so why not give it up to that little baby! If you have the ability, you can come here."

The Raksha girl stopped talking, and directly twisted the ten thousand zhang blue steel wires into steel ropes as thick as wrists, crackling and pumping randomly, only smashing the nine-story demon tower to pieces.

The Ice Moon Immortal Realm formed by the autumn moon on the nine-story demon tower disappeared in an instant and disappeared without a trace.

The imprisoned souls in the nine-story demon tower turned into black clouds and fled in all directions, as if they had seen the ghosts of the demon world, they had already disappeared.

"Damn it! I wasted my hostility for nothing. They are a bunch of stinky men who only know how to do bad things. When they see a powerful opponent, they run faster than rabbits."

Rakshasa girl dragged a wire rope as soft as water, and cursed angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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