
Chapter 757, Xiaoxian's pursuit order.

Chapter 757, Xiaoxian's Pursuit Order ([-]).

"Brother, is it about the father-in-law and the mother-in-law of the land? You don't need to say more, I know everything. Together with the little witch in this city, let Xiao Qinglong deal with it. It's not convenient for us to stay for a long time, and we have to chase and kill Xuntian non-stop , we have to leave now!"

Yu Yan smiled slightly, nodded and said to Mo Xuan.

"Then it's not too late, let's go."

The Holy Spirit also urged everyone to come.

"Big sister, to chase and kill that Xuntian, you still have to cross thousands of mountains and rivers, sailing across the ocean and bursting with flames, why don't you send a hunting order for our little fairy to the heavens, so as to avoid those blind people on the way?" Wolf cub, you are delaying your trip, sister."

Xiao Qinglong whispered to Yuyan.

"My little brother said so."

After listening to Xiao Qinglong's words, Yuyan agreed, and at the same time took out a piece of Baiyun Fairy Token from her bosom, took a breath of fairy spirit, and let it fly out like a white dove.

"Big sister, the heavenly girl will scatter flowers, it will be everywhere, the grass and trees will be in spring, and the evildoers will flee along the way, no one will be able to recognize the little fairy. Hahahaha!"

It turned out that boy Xuntian flew all the way back to the western demon world, drawing portraits of Yuyan and their team of immortals, and sent little witches and demon gods to distribute them around to confuse people, and those who win the immortals win the world.

The monarchs of some countries who were in a mess along the way, once they heard that the little fairies and little fairy children won the world, who would not be moved?
There is also the black-faced country and the white-faced country. Because of the heavy killings, the country has always been in war, and the people are in dire straits, but most of them don't want to make progress and behave well. Shengsheng has turned into a magic cave.

It is said that Yuyan took advantage of the rainbow-like grand will of his younger brother Qinglong, Lengyue Xiaoxian chased after him, and the whole small earth planet of ink and wash shone everywhere, and trembled fiercely.

There are men and women from the black-faced country and the white-faced country who are running naked on the beach. The handsome men and women have no time to put on their clothes, and they swarm to the coastline, looking helplessly at the wicker-like tall buildings swaying like smoke outside the beach. , all of them looked ashen, they thought it was an earthquake!
However, the high-rise buildings swayed like weak willows in the wind for a while, and then returned to calm.

Immediately afterwards, lightning and thunder erupted, covering the entire earth system planet of ink and wash.

Ever since Yuyan returned to the human world from the sky, where has she ever seen such brute force?
He looked at Shui Mo stupidly, and didn't dare to say a word.

Shui Mo himself didn't respond, pretending that nothing had happened.

"Sister Yuyan, is your little fairy's pursuit order too harsh? The earth is shaking."

Shuiyue glanced at Xiaoqinglong and Mingyue in the water, rolled her eyelids, and said to Yuyan.

Little fairies and little fairies, except for Yu Yan, Shui Mo, and Xiao Qinglong, they all felt the thrill of bungee jumping.

And that boy Xuntian, Wutian and others just entered the border of Heiface Country, looking at the high-rise buildings wandering here and there under their feet, how dare they land on the ground.

I had no choice but to stay in mid-air obediently.

Only when there is no more movement under the feet of the cloud, can we tremblingly fall down like walking on thin ice in the abyss.

Just then it landed, followed by thunder, lightning and lightning, but there was no trace of thunderstorm at all.

"Be good, the drought is thundering, and the desert is about to bloom."

Wutian raised his head and looked at the savage girlfriend and boyfriend who were running away, he couldn't help but secretly rejoiced that he had landed earlier, and said in a panic.

"What do you know? Wutian, this is a crooked move by that little Qinglong on his stupid sister. Damn, we have to go back to the Asura Dojo as soon as possible, this little girl has ordered us to chase after the immortals. You guys Look quickly, isn't that glittering and shining in the midst of thunder and lightning, isn't it Thunder Wedge and Tianxian's arrest warrant? Go, go! When we get to our hometown, we won't be afraid of her coming to chase us down."

Like a frightened hare, Xuntian held up the ghostly ghost's hand, risked being struck by lightning as he spoke, and flew hundreds of meters away.

"That's right! I said that little Qinglong should not be messed with, right? My lord, at that time I asked you to make friends with him, but you just didn't like it. Hey..., I lost a good helper in vain."

"Isn't it? That kid looks like an expert at first glance, or he would have settled a hundred kilometers away from our magical capital, and we don't even know."

"If I hadn't met the witch once, who would have known that he had lived beside our couch for so many years? Hey...!"

"Don't even talk about it, let's run for our lives as soon as possible, don't let them catch up here, then we will be in big trouble."


The ghost ghosts and sprites began to chirp with sighs, and said.

"You don't feel tired from rushing, otherwise, you sisters can go on your own, so you have the nerve to tire our little master?"

Hei Yunjing had a cold face, and became a little unhappy.

"That is, to increase the ambition of others and destroy the prestige of our own family."

Xuehun Banner was not happy anymore, he followed closely in the footsteps of Xuntian and Heiyunjing, complaining with a dark face while running, said.

The entire earth-type planet, except for a purple-blue skylight flashing across the sky above the magic capital, and the ground shaking a few times, there was no more movement.

"Little sister, don't blame me. If you want to complain, you can find your brother-in-law! His own territory was accidentally touched by my younger brother. I can't blame me. Sister, I am doing this daily operation, without adding Any excess fairy energy and soul power!"

Yuyan looked at Shuiyue's somewhat dark face, and said to her with a smile.

"Sister Shuiyue, don't you feel bad when you see a little girl who is exactly like you, who is more tender than you?"

Bai Meigui poked her head down from above Yuyan's heavenly spirit, looked at Shuiyue on Yuyan's forehead with a smile, mocked her and said.

"Shut up! Anyway, I'm also a sister, why should I be angry with my sister?"

Shuiyue laughed embarrassingly, the ice on his face melted instantly, he slapped Bai Meigui and said to her.

"Okay, okay! Don't make trouble. I discussed it with Senior Brother Moxuan, and this place will be handed over to the Landlord and Landlady to be stationed in the future. Junior Brother Qinglong, you are the Lord of the East, and you should report to your uncle yourself. Go! We will not get involved in your fairy class."

Shuimo stopped the fight between Black Rose and Shuiyue, and said to the big guys.

The face of the land lord and the landlady turned green in an instant.

Damn!Didn't it mean that the little Qinglong couple came to take over our land?

This is a shriveled calf, he turned out to be the grandson of God's family!
... The land lord and the land mother are not calm anymore. Seeing that the city god and grandma Chenghuang have won, they may be about to have another owner!

What kind of person is Xiao Qinglong, he has read their minds from the faces of the land lords and land mothers earlier.

"Don't worry! Land father-in-law, land mother-in-law, my little Qinglong will not let the brothers' explanations go away! You are definitely the city god and grandma of the first city on the east coast of me. As for the new owner of the land temple, I will find another person to replace you. You can rest assured to wait for the news! I will send it to the two old people as soon as possible!"

Xiao Qinglong was not polite anymore, he agreed directly, and said very frankly.

Just when everyone was about to congratulate the land father-in-law and the land mother-in-law, the ground of the magic city cracked, and gusts of wind tore the calm air from the ground, and Gududu burst out in all directions.

"What the hell?"

Mo Xuan, who had been keeping silent all this time, was the first to jump up while riding on the bridge of Shui Mo's nose.

As soon as he spoke, he opened the dragon bone fan with a clatter.

(End of this chapter)

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