
Chapter 783, Entering the Demon Realm Mountain Gate.

Chapter 783, Entering the Demon Realm Mountain Gate ([-]).

"Follow me, I am a body of hundreds of thousands of tons, if I roll over with my armor, I will inevitably drive out a spacious and transparent underground road! Be careful not to be hit by a magic net My primordial spirit will do."

Pixiu turned his head and whispered to Tu Xing Qingyun.

"Brother, what should I do?"

Tu Xingqingyun asked in a low voice.

"Release your ten earth dragons, and let them become ten sharp knives, ready to be called at any time."

After Pixiu finished speaking, he curled up early.

This change, just like a large armored gear, rolled all the way into the earth boundary under the magic forest.


The little devils on the ground of the Demon Realm, who were guarding the home and nursing home, noticed that there was movement underground, so they couldn't help but shouted loudly.

"It's too late, Martial God Asura has come to Ghost Treasure Land, come out and die!"

Tu Xing Qingyun released the ten earth dragons, followed closely behind, followed by the terrifying big wheel transformed from Pixiu, and crushed it all the way.

The gazes of Shidilong and Tuxingqingyun are always inseparable from the light blue fairy cloud the size of a palm above Paixiu's head, and they don't dare to blink, chasing after him like crazy.

With the howling of ghosts and wolves one after another, many little devils all fell into a straight and slender pit made by Pixiu.

"Brother, we have entered the magic forest completely. Stop running, there are already many little devils falling from behind."

Tu Xingqingyun called out to Pixiu, and said.

"Then start here, and fight back! Junior brother, get ready, senior brother will lead the way, and you will end the rear."

After Pixiu finished speaking, he changed back to his original appearance, closed the light blue fairy cloud above his head, and shot out a wave of black iron balls first, and then popped out from the ground.

With this psychic operation, the periphery of the magic forest is called a landslide and ground crack!

Pixiu dragged a big black lacquered black iron stick upside down, dragging out a long path of sparks on the gravel.

Tu Xingqingyun also jumped out from the ground, and with ten small earth dragons, retreated while fighting.

"Brothers, beat me to death! They want to run."

Behind Pixiu and Tu Xingqingyun, all kinds of ancient spirits came one after another, holding all kinds of exotic weapons, wearing tight outfits one by one, just like gods descending from the earth.

Pixiu turned around and sent another wave of black iron balls, and then made great strides to retreat to where Shui Mo and the others were.

The Tuxing Qingyun Langya list opened, and countless dark ghosts from the oriental glazed light world jumped out of it, shouting: "Kill!"

Seeing these oriental dark ghosts rushing towards the Asura demons, they rushed straight up regardless.

Pixiu and Tu Xing Qingyun took ten earth dragons and retreated quickly.

A harsh sound of swords and soldiers facing each other rose up behind them one after another, and after a while, blood flowed into a river, and flowed past the place where Shui Mo and the others were located along the big hole made by Pixiu.

Seeing this, Pixiu picked up the earth and the blue clouds, jumped onto the bank of the pit, and flew towards the bank while flying the black iron stick.

Frightened by this burst, the demon gods guarding the gate of the demon forest completely exposed their tracks, and even got into a panic.

They patronized Pixiu and Tu Xing Qingyun, unexpectedly Tu Xing Qingyun brought a helper, this time they were unprepared, they were caught off guard by the dark ghosts in the Eastern Glazed Light World, and by the time they realized it, more than half of them were dead or injured .

After this battle, the demons arranged outside the magic forest were killed and injured countless times, and countless arms and legs were broken... It's so miserable to cry for father and mother.

Those little demon gods who fell into the pit of Pixiu, have never seen such a huge beast as Pixiu!
Those who were not swept to death by Pixiu Xuantie's big stick were also swept by the weapons of their companions flying wildly, and were killed in the pit like chopping melons and vegetables.

Within a few minutes, the little devil who guarded the gate of this mountain was dead and injured, and the bright red blood filled the big pit to the brim, like a long river of blood.

Suan Ni couldn't smell the smell of blood, so she was already eager to try it.

Paixiu took the earth and the blue clouds, and ran back to Shui Mo and Hei Long with a smile.

"It's done, Junior Brother. At least a few hundred little devils were killed and disabled."

Pixiu poked the black iron stick on the ground, wiped off the blood on the stick head, reported to Shui Mo without changing his face and heartbeat, and said.

"Okay, senior brother. Let's look at Xiaotian and Sister Miao Miao next. As long as there are no accidents, our Xiaoxianling can be rescued."

Shui Mo looked at Xiao Tian and Miao Miao flying in the air, and said to Pai Yao excitedly.

Xiaotian was in front, Miao Miao was behind, Muyun Beast and Yang Jianan took cover from left to right, a group of four, brought the vitality of several great gods, turned into a group of seabirds, and headed towards the cliff chirping. Flew past.

At this time, the two little devils guarding the red rope on the cliff had already been smothered by the yin and yang anger of the ghost messenger and the little devils who had been killed down the mountain, and they were in a daze. I only saw a few black dots flying towards the cliff, worried that someone would snatch the Xiaoxian Token, so I immediately raised the flying hook sickle and hacked at random.

In the panic, he stepped on the loose stones and rolled down the mountain with his weapons.

"Sister Miao Miao, the opportunity has come, set it on fire! I'll follow her."

The Muyun Beast sent out a wave of cloud worms, and buried the cliff in the billowing clouds.

Miao Miao sees the opportunity not to be lost, and the loss will never come again.

She slashed through the fire clothes of the god fire with a knife of Jiutian Mingyue, only to see that the sky fire burned through it without hesitation when it saw the red-headed rope of the evil spirit and heretics.

It only took a second to light the red rope from beginning to end.

The dying Xiaoxianling was blessed by the spiritual power of the divine fire and immortality, and immediately after waking up, he turned into a beam of blue sky light and shot into the rainy sky spirit.

"Sisters, you're done! Retreat."


Following the orders of Miaomiao and Muyun Beast, Xiaotian and Yang Jianan made a 360-degree turn on the edge of the cliff, and flew towards the place where Yuyan and the others were standing.

Miao Miao and Muyun Beast withdrew all their fairy energy, and flew back gracefully wrapped in a cloud of black clouds.

The red rope ignited from the beginning, and burned from the edge of the cliff to the hand of the tree spirit who was still dozing off.

"My mother! It's on fire!"

The dryant's paw was burned with a small hole by the flames burning on the red-headed rope, and he screamed strangely in pain.

Open your eyes and take a closer look, the red-headed rope has already been burnt clean.

Is this still available?

That old bastard Wutian knew, why didn't he take my skin off?

The tree spirit didn't care too much, and jumped down from the mountainside.

It's okay if he doesn't jump, but when he came, the foot of the mountain was already torn apart by the Pixiu's large-tonnage gear. Driven by his uprooting, the whole foothill collapsed more than half.

Before the Dryad landed, he was smashed to pieces by the overwhelming rocks from the mountain.

All the minions on both sides of the gods and demons who were still fighting with swords and soldiers were not spared, and they all belched.

The big hole that Pixiu made just now was filled to the brim with rocks and vegetation in an instant.

Blood gushed out from the big pit, making it hard to bear to look at.

The mountain moves slightly, and the magic is deep.

Wutian, who was embracing left and right in the depths of the magic forest, sensed the collapse of the mountain gate, and immediately pushed the vixen in his arms to the ground, shouting loudly that Xuntian and his son are here.

"Xun You, Xuntian, you father and son hurriedly led troops to take a look, the gate of the mountain was broken by those little fairies and little fairy children. Hurry up and take a look, hurry up!"

Wutian opened his eyes wide, and roared very angrily.

The magic sound was deafening, and it came out along the collapsed magic gap.

"Sure enough, these bastards did it! Xuntian, stop playing, let's go! Go and meet them."

Xun You strode towards the mountain gate and rushed towards the mountain gate, like a bleak north wind, whistling and rumbling the mountains and forests.

(End of this chapter)

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