
Chapter 799, Fairy and Demon War.

Chapter 799, Fairy and Demon War ([-]).

Mo Xuan carefully looked at the devil forest shrouded in purple-blue fog on the opposite side, and whispered to the black dragon fairy.

"That's right! That guy is trying to cast a venom on us! If someone among us is poisoned by his venom, then they don't have to do anything. We will directly kill Xiaoxian's team by fighting among ourselves."

Buddha put his hands together, he glanced at Daozi who said nothing, and said in a low voice.

"Hahahaha! The little monk who came out of Xitian Leiyin Temple, you can tell fortunes! Besides, it's amazing to tell fortunes for gods. However, it doesn't matter whether you know or not. Enter my magic world. You have to abide by the natural method of my magic forest, come and go, and go back to where you go. If you want everyone to be safe, don't waste your energy, let's go."

A flesh-red object was wrapped in a purple-blue mist, and it flew out of the magic forest very strangely.

It stopped on the opposite side of the little fairies and little fairy boys, and began to persuade them with kind words.

Obviously, it doesn't want to start a war with the little fairies and little fairy boys!
"Where are you sacred? How dare you come in front of my little immortals to show off your supernatural powers? You are the one who played Gu?"

Miao Miao saw the warm, flesh-red light coming from the person, so she also spoke to him politely and asked.

"Nine Heavens Little Immortal Cat! Hehehehe, are you guys forming a group to come to my magic world to collect your soul power? Teacher Holy Spirit, 1 years ago, I heard about my ancestors' natural avenue method on the Bund of Haitian Miaoyin Fairy, and I was able to cultivate it. It has been greatly increased. After leaving the Bund of Haitian Miaoyin Fairy, it has been more than 3000 years. By the agreement of both the Emperor of Heaven and the Prince Mozun, he was appointed as the envoy to mediate the disputes between the gods, demons, and immortals of the Western Asura. You don’t need to know me Who is it? If it is to collect soul power, I personally think that everyone can come here. There is no need to enter the next six thousand miles of evil fog sea! I am afraid of accidents."

The flesh-red object smiled, persuaded the little fairy, Xiao Xiantong, and said in a low voice.

"The phone is busy. Hey, you are a demon! Naturally, you are going to speak to the evil demon. We are following the order of the Jade Emperor this time, to get rid of a demon in this magic forest who wants to destroy the world and help the emperor to unify Great world of gods and demons in the lower realm, don't be a good person."

Heilong also laughed, he had never seen such an amiable devil, so he also spoke to him very kindly.

"Mr. Black Dragon, what you said is a bit inaccurate. I didn't receive the order from the Emperor of Heaven to say: cooperate with you to unify the world of Asura! Let alone the order of the Emperor of Heaven, even the order of Emperor Asura did not accept it." It’s here! So, you can go there, but you are at your own risk. I only care about the devil in the Asura Black River, as long as he can’t get out of the mouth of the Black River. As for how you fight, I don’t care. Just don’t lead this Western murderer to set fire It is enough for a demon with all five poisons to enter the east land. Please go ahead, I hope to see your mother come out alive at the east gate of the magic forest. I hope God bless you, amen!"

After the flesh-red irregular object finished speaking, it turned into a red line, flew over the head of the little fairy Xiaoxiantong, and returned to the east gate of the magic forest six thousand miles behind Xiaoxian's team.

"Here, he sounds like a believer! He should be a believer of the Western religion. I don't know if what he said is true. Leave him alone, let's go after resting!"

Heilong looked back at Shui Mo, and whispered to him as if mocking himself.

"Looks like! Brother Shuimo is not so easy to be the emperor! God is the same, why do you treat your granddaughter and granddaughter Xu like this? At least send some great gods to help!"

Yang Jianan is the daughter of the head of the Nantian Gate, and naturally she often sees the Jade Emperor. She is very close to Yu Yan and Muyun Beast, so she complained for Yu Yan and Shui Mo, and said.

"Don't talk about it! This is not the time to mess around in heaven. Our family has a rule: if the children and grandchildren want to get ahead, they have to rely on their own strength, and they can't rely on the immeasurable merits of their ancestors. So, ink, you will Begging under the moon in Jinling for a living Sansei III, where would Sister Yue and I have endured the smog of gunpowder and chaos all our lives? If it weren’t for Sister Yue and I, there would still be a few days for the gods and nuns to go down to earth to replace you In one life, maybe in the next life you will have to go down to the earth to experience calamities in order to repay your great crime of killing people like hemp and destroying demons all over the world! Let’s listen to the angry words of Canaan! It’s okay, don’t take it seriously.”

After hearing Yang Jianan's words, Yu Yan was afraid that Shui Mo would be supercilious, so she immediately explained to him, she whispered to her.

"Okay! Have you rested yet? If you rested well, then let's go on. No matter how poisonous the magic fog and magic energy is, there is nothing wrong with it. Even if it is really a dragon's lake and a tiger's lair, we have to go through it."

Seeing that Yu Yan had already said what he had said, Holy Spirit saw Heilong's disapproving expression, he laughed, and immediately urged everyone to come and said.

"Master, I have rested. I can leave anytime."

Shui Mo looked at Yu Yan, he agreed to Hei Long with some trepidation, and said in a low voice.

"What are you saying? You are the commander! You can't just represent yourself, you have to represent the big guy. You can't decide the big guy's opinion with my master, you know? Ask other people's opinions .”

Yu Yan glanced at him, and softly reprimanded him, and said.

"Oh! I forgot that this is my home field! I always depend on the master and the others for everything."

Shui Mo looked at Yu Yan, he stuck out his tongue, and said to Yu Yan with some embarrassment.

"Then everyone said, let's rest well? After resting, follow my master's instructions and start immediately!"

Yuyan let out a snort, and she laughed.

"Miss, we are all rested."

The little fairies agreed with one voice.

"We rested too."

Pixiu and their little fairies also agreed boldly and arrogantly.

"Don't take it seriously! The ones you fought just now were all little demons, ghosts, and monsters. Next, you can't be careless between the sea of ​​fog. Everyone on the cloud road is familiar with it, but this sea of ​​fog, after all It’s not easy to see it on the cloud! Be careful, don’t be careless.”

Shui Mo knew very well that these junior sisters and juniors who have gone down to earth for many calamities, few of them have seen the danger of the sea of ​​fog in the magic way, so he reminded them earnestly and said.

"Hey! Shui Mo, isn't it just a group of demons? What's the big deal? Xun Tian and Wu Tian have already belched, and the most powerful Xun You old thief and Rakshasa girl were also killed by us Is it? I guess, they don't have any powerful roles now. Don't scare everyone, since everyone has rested, pack up and go."

Although the black dragon has been rolling in the world of mortals for a long time, he has never entered the magic forest, and has been hanging out in the eastern world of glazed light all the time, so he doesn't know the dangers here!
So he said to Shui Mo with a smile.

"Heilong, don't compare the magical forests in the western world with our little demons and ghosts in the eastern land! This place is a forbidden place that even the Buddhas and Taoists are reluctant to enter. Don't be scared. Even if it is ink and rain, there are people in the heavens. God protects them, so they can only practice them casually. Everyone must be careful along the way, and don't be careless. On the cloud road, it's better to have our little sister, Muyun. Inside the sea of ​​fog, it is a completely unfamiliar realm for us, we must guard against it!"

The Holy Spirit looked at the magic forest where the purple-blue mist was spreading, and she didn't know what to do. She immediately blamed the black dragon.

Heilong heard the Holy Spirit's words and knew that he was used to being careless, but he really didn't know what would happen here!So, I didn't dare to talk anymore.

Inside the sea of ​​fog, it looks like a fairyland, and the mist is very pleasant!
However... But it is true that nothing can be seen clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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