
Chapter 90, Jinling ascends the moon.

Chapter 90, Jinling ascends the moon.

The moon in Jinling City is so extraordinary every season.

No matter round or short, no matter cloudy or sunny, no matter bright or hurried, they are all so charming and comfortable!

After deliberation, we finally left Black Dragon, Little Green Niu, and Ming Tianzi as master and apprentice to stay in the cloud disk (actually, I want Black Dragon to teach Little Qingniu and Ming Tianzi a good job), and the rest of them all go back to Hongchen Inn !

According to each person's temperament and the principle of complementing each other, we divided into two groups, one way went back to Yuyan's jade firm, and the other way lurks into the Zhuangyuan building.

Under the protection of the Holy Spirit, ink painting and rain smoke continue to guard the Jinling Jade Soul.

I asked Miaomiao and Pixiu, dressed as employees of the Zhuangyuan Building, to go back with Qiuyue.


"Yuyan, it's time to get up for school. Your recent academic performance has plummeted! The teacher has already called home." Qiu Yueluan urged Yuyan to get up with a face full of confusion.

"What time is it? Just remind me. Isn't it Sunday?" Yuyan kicked off the quilt, turned over unwillingly, and fell asleep in a daze.

"Damn girl! Take a good look at your final exam results, there is still Sunday!...You?" Qiu Yueluan has been standing outside Yuyan's bedroom, and has not left.

"Mother Lin, are you ready soon? Well, call Shui Mo, he should go to work too. Call him, get up and have breakfast, and I'll take him there by the way!" Qiu Yueluan called out to Lin Ma loudly.

It was obvious that she was very angry.

For her precious daughter, she has nowhere to vent her anger. She owed her in her previous life.

She knows this very well! ! !

"Aunt Yueluan! I'm already up." Shui Mo answered Qiu Yueluan loudly as he washed his face and brushed his teeth downstairs.

"Look at Shui Mo, what a sensible child. He is also good at doing business, and he has never been lazy. Look at you, Yu Yan, with such good conditions, what will you do if you don't study hard!" Qiu Yueluan said sadly.

"Yuyan, did you hear me calling you? Are you up yet?" Qiu Yueluan called Yuyan again helplessly.

Why!Poor parents in the world.

"Understood! Everyone said that today is the new holiday, and you don't have to go to school. Shout out! Mom, go and do your work! Don't worry about me, I will remember to study later, so don't worry." Yu The cigarette holder promised, but the body was very honest, turned over again, and then fell asleep.

"Hey! I really can't do anything about you." Qiu Yueluan went downstairs helplessly and went to eat.

She knew that only her eldest sister Zhang Ailing could persuade her daughter.

"Sister Zhang, you should go to the store later! You call the driver and come back to the store after sending Yuyan to school. This damn girl, let her sleep for a while." Before Qiu Yueluan picked up the bowl, Let me explain to Yuyan about going to school first!

"Okay, Yueluan!" Zhang's mother promised her hostess in a low voice.

"Let's eat!" Qiu Yueluan picked up the bowl and said to Shui Mo and Zhang Ailing with a forced smile.

After eating, Shui Mo went to the store with the proprietress.

Before Zhang Ailing finished eating, she asked Lin's mother to eat together.

While Mama Lin was clearing the dining table, Zhang Ailing went up to call for Yuyan.

"Miss! It's time to get up." She knocked on the door and carefully called to her hostess.

"Big Mom, what time is it! I still want to sleep for a while." Yu Yan almost rolled to Simmons.

"Miss, what do you want for breakfast? Let Mama Lin make it for you, okay?" Zhang Ailing asked Yuyan carefully.

"Big Mom, I don't want to eat what Lin Ma made. I want to eat the spring rolls and fresh meat sushi you made." Yuyan said in a daze.

"Okay! I'll do it right away. Miss, I'll call you when it's done." Zhang Ma said, trotting to the kitchen to do some work.

No idea!Although she grew up on her own milk, she is not her own after all!

Zhang Ailing's heart is like a mirror. Although she calls herself a big mother, she is her own little master after all.

It is already very good for people to kiss themselves.Not so kind to her own mother!

Mama Lin and Mama Zhang worked for a long time, and finally got it done.

The two of them put the dishes and chopsticks and heated the milk, and the other trotted upstairs to call Yuyan again.

"Hey!... Sishuimo, why did you kick me?" Yuyan suddenly yelled.

Strange!Didn’t Shui Mo go to the shop with the proprietress?Why did you run back again?
These two little brats!They were pinching each other endlessly before, what's going on this time...?
Zhang's mother couldn't help but stopped, even though they were two children, she couldn't run into such a thing by herself!
It's not good for a lonely man and a widow to live in the same room! ... You said you were really hit by yourself, did you tell the head of the house or not?

Don't tell me!If he is discovered, how can he continue to stay in this house?Although the head of the family has one sister after another, she still doesn't know what she thinks in her heart...? !

tell it!It's time for this girl to find a playmate.Even if it's not for her sake, if Qiu Yueluan really gets into trouble, that little brat might not be able to stay in this house any longer...!
Why! ....Zhang Ma fell into a dilemma.

The moon in Jinling is fat and white, as if trying to pretend to be the sun.

But the rising sun shone brightly on the door lintel.

(End of this chapter)

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