
Chapter 915, Imitation Immortal Art.

Chapter 915, Imitation of Immortals ([-]).

The darkness was still ravaging hundreds of miles away from the four of them, attacking their fairy energy shields from time to time. Strong external forces knocked on the outer wall of the fairy energy shield like glass. non-stop.

"Brother Long, are you ready? I'm about to start the show."

Suan Ni waited for Shui Mo to agree, and then said to the white-clothed boy at the top of Yunshan Mountain again.

"I can start at any time, you start to give a signal, and I will start to crush them from top to bottom."

The keel is no longer showing off, so I packed it up and put away the Haitian landscape painting. It turned out to be a landscape cloud fan of Haitian Fairy Mountain Miaojue Picture.

He agreed to Suan Ni, and began to prepare to clean up these little devils under the feet of the cloud.

Longmu Kaitian held the big ax tightly in his hand, watched them prepare to fight the devil from a distance, and waited for the arrival of the ancestor by the way.

The old turtle supported the Haitian Miaoyin Little Wonderland and the old ancestor, lowered the cloud head, and landed firmly behind the Longmu Bodhisattva, waiting quietly to watch the show without saying a word.

Qiuyue and Bodhisattva led the immortals, and they all waited quietly behind the ancestor, always ready to save people.

It is said that the mountain rain is about to come and the wind fills the building, but this is only in the world of mortals, the fairy mountain is calm, because the wind god is behind Qiuyue.

The tranquility at this moment may be the rare comfort before the storm is coming!
The atmosphere was eerily quiet, so quiet that it was almost cautious.

Fengshen is present, but there is no wind...!
Vulcan is everywhere, no fire can live...!
The dragon kings of the four seas gathered together, but there was no drop of water...!
The sun and the moon are on the same stage, but there is no sky... All of this seems so disharmonious, there is no routine to speak of, and there is no vitality to look for...!
Everyone is waiting, waiting for the arrival of a struggle with no end in sight.

No one wants it to come soon, and no one wants it to never come!

If he is not a troublemaker, he is not suitable for troublemaking.

People with jumping thinking like Suan Ni, when they start things, either scare people to death or make people laugh to death.

No matter what he does, as long as the opponent is not his opponent, he will die in an ugly way!

After all, he used to be a big devil in the depths of the desert!
There is no achievement in studying Buddhism, but it will be great if you start something.

Returning to the underground world once again, Suan Ni's demonic nature will inevitably become a little difficult to control once it becomes noisy.

The Red River Valley Bloodfish could smell its master's breath, and had already swarmed here from the other side of the underground world.

Bloody fish are everywhere, the sand is crazy and the water is dry, and there is no grass left like a wind and clouds. This is a group of invincible existences who can eat sand, gravel, mud, gold and iron!
"I'm going...! Suan Ni, these little blood fish at the bottom of the Red River Valley, haven't eaten in how many years? They're so hungry, they won't even let go of sand, earth and rocks!"

The Qilin behind Yuyan saw that the yellow sand in the darkness in front of him was sunken in patches, followed by little scarlet sharks whose heads popped out of the ground from time to time, he immediately understood what Suanni would do next. The means to be used, couldn't help but laughed and scolded Suan Ni, said.

"What is he trying to do? If he brings all the bloodfish from the Red River Valley, won't the west of Lingshan Mountain be turned into a desert soon?"

Yuyan asked Qilin a little puzzled.

"Sister Yuyan, this dead scorpion wants to use the hungry Red River Valley blood fish to devour those little monsters who are loading the god-killing cannons! I reckon that these shells and those little monsters are about to It has become a delicacy for the blood fish in the Red River Valley! Let's just watch it, these blood fish are monsters that eat earth and rocks and eat gold! They have been panning for gold in the depths of the desert for many years, and they will eat everything One bite, and they are especially good at biting, the nuclear bomb will not be exploded by them, it will only become a big meal! Let alone such a small scene."

Qilin told Yuyan very confidently, and said in a low voice.

"You know him better. Can he cooperate with Dragon Bone to deal with the initiator of the Immortal Art?"

Yuyan changed the topic a little uneasy, and asked Qilin.

"Master, are you careful of Brother Shui Mo? It's okay, don't worry, don't you still have Sister Yue and the ancestors? Nothing serious will happen. This kid wants to take the opportunity to feed him the bloody fish at the bottom of the Red River Valley! So , kill two birds with one stone, not only can help them abolish the outer fortress of imitation immortal formula, but also wipe out all the demons and ghosts hidden in the darkness, he is very smart! Hahahaha."

Qilin whispered to Yuyan.

"I hope so!"

After listening to Qilin's words, Yuyan nodded and said nothing more.

Qilin is different from Suanni, most of the time he talks and does things without running the train, and he has always been trusted by everyone, so after hearing what he said, Yu Yan stopped being wary of Suanni and the others.

Sure enough, as soon as Qilin finished speaking, he saw piles of yellow sand piled up in the darkness, as if he could run away, he frantically retreated towards the bright places.

After a while, small mounds as tall as a man piled up one after another.

From the darkness, from time to time, there would be bursts of strange sounds like mice grinding their teeth.

It seemed that someone was pulling the saw in the dark and was sawing the steel pipe, and it was creaking and creaking.

It lasted for about ten minutes, and then I saw that the darkness gradually seemed to withdraw for a long time.

In the places that were originally sunken above the open space, small raised and raised mounds slowly emerged.

The sound of sawing the steel pipe ended, and the rows of shells from the huge Mie Shen cannons that were densely arranged in front of Shui Mo and them suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Everyone held their breath, quietly waiting for Suan Ni and Long Gu to kill all directions next.

"Senior Brother Long, you are optimistic about the doorway, don't let that fellow slip through the air! I found his position, I counted one, two, three, and we immediately surrounded him and killed him."

Suan Ni's hoarse voice came from the ground, and he called the keel loudly, and said.

"Hahahaha! Don't be careful on my side, just keep your own underground well. We two brothers will surround you and let him show his prototype immediately!"

The keel turned over like a kite and landed under the cloud mountain. He raised his hands high and spun the cloud mountain quickly. He laughed and agreed to Suan Ni, and said.

"Come on! I'm starting to chase him out."

Suan Ni got the promise of the keel, and sent the blood fish who had eaten the shells back to the Red River Valley.

After a while, he fully fired, and the big stick stretched out from the ground, immediately stirring up the sand dunes made by the blood fish, turning the sand dunes into pieces one after another. Countless spinning tops, shining yellow and golden, went away.

Under the golden light, the God of Darkness burst into tears.

A heart-piercing wail came from the golden mausoleum, and every one of the Bodhisattvas and gods felt great compassion, and they almost stopped Suanni and Longgu's crazy demon slaughter!
(End of this chapter)

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