Shenhao starts from system downtime

Chapter 1354 Lei Hong Injured

Chapter 1354 Lei Hong Injured
Both online and offline.

Under such a strategy, this trend of indiscriminately spreading rumors was immediately severely stopped.

It’s not that companies such as Reli Culture gave up, but that the following marketing accounts and big Vs have gone on strike. In the past, they said whatever they wanted on the Internet and spread rumors as much as they wanted. No one would really take them seriously.

But this time it is different. Eggshell Media is serious with them and even deadly. In just a few days, seven people in their circle were arrested by the police for defamation. Most of them directly The sentence is full, and I am happy to mention three years in prison.

In addition, there are dozens of people who have violated civil laws because they are not criminal enough, and thus paid huge compensation, ranging from 10,000+ to hundreds of thousands. , It is definitely quite painful.

Under the thunderous means of Eggshell Media, those rumors on the Internet quickly disappeared and disappeared without a trace.


6 month 24 day.

Lin Qian, who had just finished a subject exam, followed Jiang Yaoyao and others out of the teaching building. Looking at the hazy night outside, it was almost seven o'clock in the evening.

"Eat out or in the cafeteria?"

Lin Qian was carrying his schoolbag on one shoulder. He rubbed his stomach and casually asked Jiang Yaoyao, Li Xiaoxiao and Ma Lu beside him.

"Let's eat in the cafeteria."

"There is an exam tomorrow morning."

"Eat early, I still want to go back to the dormitory and review."

Jiang Yaoyao was wearing a light yellow pleated skirt, her smooth white legs were exposed outside, and she was wearing a pair of black lacquered leather shoes. Her hairstyle was her favorite bun, and the red ribbon was on his bun. There is a bow tie on the top, and the whole person looks like the little girl next door, pure and sweet.


"Then go to the cafeteria."

Lin Qian didn't have any objections, he responded directly with his mouth, and Li Xiaoxiao and Ma Lu also meant the same thing. They don't have the privileges like Lin Qian, no matter what they answer on the paper, the final score will be above average. If they If you don't do well in the exam, you will really fail.

The four of them mixed in the crowd and walked towards the school cafeteria.

With the advent of summer, the whole campus is full of youthful atmosphere.


Just as the four of them were about to reach the entrance of the cafeteria, Lin Qian's cell phone in his trouser pocket suddenly vibrated.

Lin Qian took out his phone, looked at the caller ID, and saw that the caller was Zhang Xingyi, so he directly picked up the phone, and without saying a word, Lin Qian's originally smiling face instantly turned gloomy.

"Which hospital are you currently in?"

"People's Hospital, right?"

"on my way!"

After a brief conversation, Lin Qian hung up the phone directly.

Jiang Yaoyao and the other three who were walking beside Lin Qian, when they heard Lin Qian mention the hospital and saw Lin Qian's ugly face, they immediately realized that something must have happened to Lin Qian.

"Brother Qian, what's the matter?"

After Lin Qian hung up the phone, Ma Lu asked Lin Qian tentatively.

"Something happened in the company, I need to go out now."

As Lin Qian said so, he took off the schoolbag on his shoulder and stuffed it into Malu's hand: "Old Ma, help me take the schoolbag back to the dormitory."

"Yaoyao, Hanhan, you guys eat as usual, I have small problems on my side, don't worry about me."

Lin Qian patted Jiang Yaoyao's head habitually, and then said this to the two of them.

"be careful!"

Jiang Yaoyao gave a warning.

"Drive slowly!"

Li Xiaoxiao couldn't help but add something.


After Lin Qian finished speaking, he didn't say anything more. He turned around and walked towards the parking lot of the academy. He drove his Night God and sped towards Yanjing People's Hospital.

Since it was evening rush hour, it was already half an hour after Lin Qian arrived at Yanjing People's Hospital. According to the news Zhang Xingyi sent him, he quickly found Zhang Xingyi and his head and Lei Hong with white gauze wrapped around his hands.

"Hey yo..."

"Dong Lin, why are you here?"

Lei Hong, who was being examined by the doctor, saw Lin Qian coming, he showed a little surprise, and then said to Zhang Xingyi who was standing beside him, "What's the matter with you, kid, didn't I tell you not to shout outside!"


"Stop yelling and cooperate with the doctor quickly."

Lin Qian heard Lei Hong's angry voice, and immediately knew that Lei Hong was fine, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Lei Hong angrily.

"Xingyi, come out with me."

After Lin Qian finished speaking, he immediately called Zhang Xingyi out of the ward.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

"How did Lei Hong get hurt?"

Standing outside the advanced ward, Lin Qian asked Zhang Xingyi with a slightly serious face.

"Director Lin, that's right."

"Tonight was originally Lei Ge's wrap-up banquet, and before going to the wrap-up banquet, Lei Ge said that he had a few bottles of good wine in the store, so Lei Ge drove me back to the store, and we just entered In the store, I suddenly heard a scolding sound coming from the side, and then a man stood in front of us, holding a beer bottle in his hand, and smashed it on Lei Ge's head."

"Due to the sudden incident, Lei Ge didn't react at all, so he was hit on the head firmly by the beer bottle, and after the beer bottle was smashed, the man was still relentless, holding the fragments of the beer bottle, Swipe towards Lei Ge."

"At this time, Lei Ge started to resist, and the clerk in the store and I also reacted, but in the process of entanglement, Lei Ge's right hand was inevitably swiped twice by the other party. The doctor just finished checking and said that Lei Ge's There is nothing serious about the head, just a slight concussion and extracutaneous trauma, but Lei Ge's right hand has injured his tendons, if the recovery is not good, there is a certain chance that it will affect the hand function of Lei Ge's right hand in the future."

Facing Lin Qian's question, Zhang Xingyi recounted the whole incident to Lin Qian, and told Lin Qian the doctor's diagnosis just now.

"Where is the person who injured Lei Hong?"

"Does he have any grudge against Lei Hong?"

"You can't suddenly explode and hurt people for no reason?"

Lin Qian frowned slightly. From Zhang Xingyi's retelling, he could faintly hear a hint of conspiracy.

"The person who injured Lei Hong has now been taken away by the police."

"As for why he beat someone, according to the interrogation by the police after he was subdued by us, he said..."

When Zhang Xingyi said this, he hesitated for a while, and then said again: "He said he drank too much and admitted the wrong person."

(End of this chapter)

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