Xinshun 1730

Chapter 1033 The Patcher's Despair

Chapter 1033 The Patcher's Despair

The conversation between Liu Yu and these investors became more and more in-depth. Gradually, some remarks made the Lianghuai Salt Envoy on the side a little bit overwhelmed.

It's not that Lianghuai Salt Envoy thinks the things Liu Yu said are unreasonable, but... too straightforward, naked, undisguised, and too utilitarian.

Although everyone in the court has always known that Liu Yu's words have always been like this, and they are often inconsistent with some benevolent and moral rhetoric in the court, but the more he speaks in front of businessmen, the more he "doesn't cover it up". It's better to take it back for a while.

At this time, Liu Yugang was talking about the construction of the saltworks.

"Salt is a national priority, and His Majesty also attaches great importance to it, so you are allowed to contribute money and the Xiang army to contribute. Huaihe River has already taken shape, and 6000 people will be allocated this year. Fortunately, it is not far away, and it does not need to spend too much money. .”

On the matter of who will do the specific construction, the imperial court's intention to support the chaebol is very clear, otherwise it would be impossible to use the Xiang army to do this kind of thing.

Hearing this, Lianghuai Salt Envoy thought to himself, as Jiangsu Jiedu Envoy, he is really just a secondary assistant officer.

It seems that His Majesty has already decided what to do, otherwise Duke Xingguo would not be able to mobilize the army.

The investor made some calculations in his mind, and although he felt that the cost was a little higher, he could only accept it.

At least in terms of food, using the Xiang army is much more expensive than hiring ordinary people, and the Xiang army also needs to eat imperial food, and the price of the imperial food is actually more expensive than buying food by themselves.

Not to mention the military pay during the construction period, they are definitely not eligible to pay the military pay.

They provide money, but the military pay must not be their money; they provide food, but the military food must not be their food.

It's a head-scratcher.

"That's very good, Your Majesty's grace, I will never forget it. If this is the case, the sooner the better, the materials needed, and the bulk purchases are also directly within the scope of the contract?"

Liu Yu said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about this. The so-called support should look like support. You pay for it, and here is a big bag."

"The current situation, I might as well explain it to you. Whether it is sea salt or well salt, the official court camp is no problem. However, if it is an official camp, there will be a lot of trouble."

"You have also heard about the situation that the Baoquan Bureau's coin miners joined forces to strike a few years ago. It made the court very unsightly, and the craftsmen also felt resentful."

"This Baoquan Bureau, the important matter of making money must not be left to private individuals. But other things...Let's leave it to you."

"The resentment at work is also resentment against you, and the court saves a lot of trouble. It mediates the arbitration in the middle, checks and balances, handles you when you should be punished, and treats them when you should be punished. You just need to know what to do."

The businessmen repeatedly said yes, of course they knew about it, after all, it was caused by the disturbance in the capital, and there was a great uproar.

It was probably the factory where the imperial court minted money. Some people deducted wages. In addition, an accident happened at the Xishan Coal Mine at that time, which led to a rise in coal prices, a decrease in the income of craftsmen, and it was difficult to maintain their lives, so they were extremely dissatisfied.

A foundry worker organizes artisans.Then there is a disobedient grinder who grinds money, and in later generations he will be a thief.

The sander started working with this edger who didn't go on strike with the big guys, and was killed accidentally.

Once the internal thief died, the rest was easy to talk about. Several coin-making workshops united to ask for wages.

There was a lot of trouble.

However, this kind of thing is really commonplace for these businessmen from Songjiang Mansion.

Even if there was no big protest by the coin-making artisans in the capital, similar things in the south, along with the development of industry and commerce, there are many, and they are psychologically prepared.

Before the Dashun Trade Center was transferred to Songjiang Mansion, stonemasons, silk weavers, and ready-made garments in Guangdong had already organized a westward association, and the "west family" was opposed to the "east family".The owner also formed the East Guild, and the two sides can discuss if they can, and do it if they can't.

Suzhou weavers marched together to call for a break, the rice subsidy campaign, Jingdezhen laborers’ protest, Songjiang prefecture’s cotton textile industry’s Knitting Craftsman Association, etc., were vigorous and vigorous, and these big businessmen had seen a lot.

Moreover, a textbook-like activity broke out not long ago: a textile industry trooper used "everyone join forces, let's find a troupe to sing a play" as a cover in the early stage, raised funds, and contacted trustworthy brothers, Buying rice and noodles in advance made the colleagues who participated in the work no worries about food and clothing. After half a month, the work convinced the employer and promised to raise the money.

The two major skills of "fighting the internal thieves first" at the Beijing Money Making Bureau; "raising funds and preparing food for long-term struggle" at the southern part of the country were realized by themselves.

With the rise of shipping, the transmission of information has accelerated, and some people with good intentions use the excuse of "slamming, criticizing, and exposing these people's wolf methods" to fool the useless magistrates of the court like fools, and write about these methods. Spread around in the newspapers, the technical exchanges of Qixing Xie are becoming more and more frequent.

Nowadays, these craftsmen are very accustomed to leading the "sacrifice" in exchange for their own requirements being fulfilled.

Craftsmen are still in the stage of "the river god is raging, and those who take the lead in resistance are selected as sacrifices and sacrifices to the river god".

The imperial court, again, the Dashun imperial court didn't even understand the affairs of the landlords and farmers, let alone the affairs between craftsmen and employers.

The capitalists have been abandoned by the hardworking people of Dashun, and brought to a level where they can sit on the ground and wait for money from Westerners by the developed handicraft industry of Dashun.

These three parties can be said to be "excellent and well-matched opponents" under Dashun's own national conditions.

Therefore, the imperial court prefers to be gentle, and they really don't want too many troubles to be found on themselves, and they find that they really don't understand.

In addition, I feel that the imperial court can stand aloofly on the economic basis of small farmers and reconcile and deal with the two seemingly marginal contradictions between craftsmen and employers, which are not the main contradiction at all.If you don't understand it, don't take it directly, but let them both fight and control it in the middle of the court.

This can be regarded as the inertial thinking of good families to check and balance the imperial examinations since the founding of Dashun.

In fact, if we go further, it seems that we are going on the road of Germany: the emperor pretends to be the emperor of small producers and small farmers with Confucian righteousness; Horror scares small farmers, small producers and hired workers to tell the horror of the new era; the army is maintained by the army of good families;

Although in fact, due to factors such as the land issue and the division of the chaebol group and the gentry group, this road seems to be feasible, but in fact it is completely unworkable.

However, Liu Yu wanted to create a false impression that it was feasible, and make the emperor think that he, the emperor, had found a reasonable path, and then lured the Li family dynasty into an incurable abyss step by step.

If the emperor thought that there was a hopeless abyss ahead, he would not go forward.

But it would be different if Liu Yu kept creating false appearances, making the emperor think that the front was not an abyss, but a light.

One of the keys to this illusion being recognized by the emperor lies in the contradiction between "labor and capital".

The emperor was afraid of the new era, new things, and new production relations.

But Liu Yu continued to lure the emperor, saying, look, in fact, you can "frighten capital with the help of small farmers and hired workers and Confucian utopian morality, and scare small farmers and hired workers with the fear of capital gluttony."

That is to say: You gangsters, if the imperial power did not follow you, you would have been killed by hired workers and small farmers and Confucian morality; All you bring is bankruptcy, abject poverty, and doom. Leaders of the new era like Liu Yu have been thinking about getting rid of you all, how terrible!
The emperor acquiesced in the spread of some new ideas, but to the point, it was "following orders to cause chaos" and intimidating each other, creating an illusion that "except for the emperor who can calm down, the rest will die no matter who comes to power".

As the most "loyal" "loyal minister" around the emperor, Liu Yu even used this topic to say at this time: "The so-called impartiality and non-inclined, allowing to stick to the middle, what do you mean by being indifferent? It is [do it when you should do it. You, deal with them when it is time to deal with them], that is to say, when it is necessary to restrain you, the imperial court is the only one that the hired workers can rely on; when it is necessary to help you..."

"The imperial court is right, it doesn't mean that there is a straight line, the imperial court must stand on the right line..."

The Lianhuai Salt Envoy on the side swallowed, coughed lightly, and told the truth that Liu Yu was scaring investors there, and hurried back: "This... er... this, what the Duke means, is It is said that the salt administration of this dynasty will restore the old system of Liu Zhengzhou in the Tang Dynasty, and eliminate the great disadvantages of the previous salt administration. The key here is production. That is you."

"The beginning of the collapse of the salt government in the previous dynasty was that there was no salt. Then in the Wanli period, they had to drink poison to quench their thirst. There were even merchants who hoarded salt and sold it to make money. This dynasty is to get rid of this poison. , The key to the period lies with you manufacturers."

"You must not disappoint the painstaking efforts of the imperial court, and you must not disappoint His Majesty's grace, you should work hard to produce..."

Rao is that the two Huaiyan political envoys have read a lot and are familiar with ancient and modern history and politics, so they made a big detour to stop Liu Yu who was telling the truth there.

The corner of Liu Yu's mouth twitched slightly, he smiled, and didn't speak any more, but let the envoy of Lianghuai Salt finish the scene.

Anyway, Liu Yu has said enough before, and the problems that investors really care about have been solved and explained. After the scene was finished, he praised again and again.

After all the words were finished and the investors dispersed first, Liu Yu asked with a half-smile: "Master Lin, do you think that what I said before is just tinkering, or talking nonsense?"

The Lianghuai Salt Envoy was silent for a moment, and couldn't help laughing at himself.

"Guogong, I said that I heard the words of Guogong before, and I just felt that the books in the past 30 years were all in vain. Now I really don't talk about it. Guogong is trying to make me feel that I have read many books in vain in the end."

"Forgiveness, duke, this is not the kind of white reading that is just a quick word, but to say that the duke made all the sincerity and ambition of the subordinate come to naught."

"We used to talk about sales, but now we talk about production. We used to talk about the unfairness of citing votes, but now we talk about the government's support and division of labor and employers."

"Thinking about it now, it's really the most powerless two words."


"Mending, mending, mending, mending, every mending is drinking poison to quench thirst. It was like this in the past, but this dynasty seems to have gone, but the antidote contains crane crest red, which cannot be separated. Either the poison To the bone, or the poison is cured, drink Hedinghong, tinkering, tinkering, tinkering, there is no cure for the root cause."

"The Duke of the Kingdom knows that in the reform of the salt administration during the Wanli period of the previous dynasty, the biggest enemy of the reformers was reason, which was so correct that it could not be refuted."

"So much so that the reformists have repeatedly raised their voices, urging [the government wants to ban salt, it is to severely punish the people]. We must first debate the classics to see that the government's control of the salt policy is correct and should not be too loose, otherwise it will not be able to change at all. "

"As for the truth, people-oriented, the lower officials really can't refute those who support the deregulation of the salt administration. Can the Duke discern it?"

Liu Yu directly shook his head like a rattle, and made it clear: "I don't have the ability. If you can't win an argument, you will lose."

(End of this chapter)

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