The knight in the abyss

Chapter 129 Unrequited Love

Chapter 129 Unrequited Love

(Note: The content of this chapter is Chapter 120, Return to Order)
"My ears are fine, dwarf brat." Tijana gave Brutal a sideways glance. "It's okay if you don't hand it in. You can let them set up a tent outside Shuangqiao Town. Where is the pickaxe?"

Lancelot took out the pickaxe from the dimension bag and handed it to the succubus maid beside him.

Tijana took the pickaxe from the maid, and played with this ordinary mining tool with a complicated expression, while Lancelot took the opportunity to admire the beautiful profile of the succubus lord.

It's really beautiful. The purpose of the existence of creatures like succubi is to make people uncontrollable.

The dwarf priest Werther on the side was also staring at the succubus lord, but unlike Lancelot, his face was full of tension, as if he was afraid that the other party would accidentally break this precious holy object.

"Don't be nervous, old man." Tijana glanced at Werther, "This pickaxe can still break the floor here."

"I have absolutely no intention of that." Werther hastily denied, "As you can see, apart from the healing effect, this holy object does not have any special power, but as a relic of Dyne Frostbeard, it has great power for us dwarves. very special meaning."

"I know." Tijana's tone was unexpectedly soft.She stroked the pickaxe again, and finally threw it back to the dwarf priest.

"I allow you to keep this sacred object in Shuangqiao Town, and put it in the hall of the Craftsman Committee." Tijana turned her head to look at Lancelot, "Well done, knight, the two people you saw just now Now that's your reward. Besides this pickaxe, have you got the... stones you need?"

"Thank you for the information you provided. The spoils of this trip have been very rewarding, but there is more important information that you must know immediately." Lancelow looked at the Brezu Demon who was quietly standing aside, "Iados, Tell me."

"Batezu's army suddenly appeared and attacked Oasis Castle." Iados said succinctly.

"What?" Tijana stood up from the throne at once, her face became extremely serious. "When did it happen? What was the size and main force of the army? What were the results?"

"The attack was launched last night. The main force is Baba demons. The number is about [-]. There are a small number of Spina demons as the air force, and the logistics force is legion demons. There are no cannon fodder troops of lemurs." Iados said calmly. Answering the lord's question, "The devils made temporary siege weapons and put all their strength into the battle at the beginning. The battle continued until we left."

"Really." Tijana squinted at Lancelot, "It seems that you were lucky, and you were able to slip out before the siege began."

"When the siege battle started, we were still underground in the Succubus Palace. Thanks to the secret passage mastered by old Rip, we were able to escape from the Oasis Castle."

"That must be a very exciting story, maybe you can tell me about it another time." Tijana said this in a perfunctory way, and she couldn't care less about using the usual provocative tone of the succubus.At the same time, she also nodded to the werewolf, and then looked at Brezumo again, "Can you tell which army the enemy belongs to?"

"Sir Lancelot, Phil, and Rep all confirmed that there is an Enriyes in the devil's army." Iados hesitated for a moment, "My subordinates speculate that this is likely to be the army of the second army of Baatezu. Team."

"Second Army?" Tijana sat back on her chair, thinking about it, "this can indeed explain their sudden appearance, this navy is indeed familiar with shuttling on the River Styx. But that means Shuangqiao Town will meet first To this legion, unless..."

"I was among the baatezu and saw a guy with Wesker's ax."

"Did you see clearly?" Tijana stared at Iados, her eyes were as sharp as real.

"...The subordinate will not admit his mistake." The sheep-headed demon was silent for a while, but still confirmed it with certainty.

"Hehe, this is interesting." Tijana stretched out her claws at the end of her fingers, and tapped lightly on the armrest of the throne, "Why am I not surprised at all? No matter whether this is the group of cunning Baatezu The information that was deliberately shown to you is very important."

"In addition, when they escaped from Oasis Castle, they killed an Ossimo and its four Steel Demon guards in the underground secret passage."

"That kind of large skeleton? Aren't they spellcasters? What are they doing underground instead of staying in the frontal battlefield?" Tijana looked at Lancelot again, "Although you have a lot of people, you can defeat the Ossimo It's not easy either."

"Actually, the Ossimo killed by Sir Lancelot is probably the most important back-hand of the devils." Old Rip said, but now he obediently turned back into a human head. "Master Tijana, do you still remember the slave enclosure in Oasis Castle?"

"Of course I remember. I was very impressed by Molo triumphantly showing me the bottom of the cesspit." Tijana's face darkened, but suddenly she seemed to understand something, "Could it be..."

"During the battle with that bone demon, its spell made a large number of skeletons stand up again." Old Rip said the conclusion after their repeated discussions on the way back, "This bone demon seems to be quite familiar with necromancer magic. Proficient, we believe that his purpose of appearing there is likely to be preparing to perform some kind of large-scale ritual spell to awaken all the bones in the entire corpse pit."

"I knew that cesspit in Oasis Castle was going to blow up sooner or later, and that idiot Mo Luo still took it as a symbol of some kind of power, it's really stupid." Tijana shook her head, "I quite like this idea, you have to Devils' ingenuity in machinations. Well done, knight, and I suppose you've got a good deal from Molo?"

"In order to cover our evacuation, Lancelot fought against that birdman." Brutal couldn't help adding, "It's the Enrias you mentioned."

"Oh?" Tijana really had a look of surprise on her face this time, she looked Lancelot up and down, "You won't kill Enrias by yourself, right?"

"Of course not. With the help of my companions, I managed to escape from that Erinyes." Lancelot couldn't stand the eyes of the succubi lord, and quickly shook his head in denial, "Introduction, this is Ekmon, A Mimir. You can see that it has a unique advantage in playing a skull."

"I salute you, honorable lady!" Ekmon's rare seriousness said, "I am now following Sir Lancelow, but if you have any orders, I will be more than happy to help you!"

"This has to be counted, and don't forget to go to Sonam to pay taxes later." Tijana just glanced at Ekmon, then turned to Lancelot and asked, "Is Enriayes able to pay taxes?" How did you escape, you casually dismissed fellow?"

 Brothers, I'm sorry, I made a wrong setting today, and I sent out the latest chapter of the manuscript. After discovering this problem, I found that it could no longer be withdrawn, so I replaced the content with the normal content of Chapter 120. I can contact the editor to change the title, sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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