The knight in the abyss

Chapter 133 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 133 The Uninvited Guest

"As for the third army, they are Barthez's cannon fodder or the main force, depending on how you understand it." Seeing that Lancelot had no other questions, Ekmon continued, "This army consists of a large number of low-level troops. They are composed of high-level devils, and they are also looked down upon in the devil society, but don't underestimate them. Relying on steel-like discipline and excellent command, the Third Army can often achieve terrifying battle loss ratios in battle. It is precisely because of Thanks to their outstanding military exploits, their former commander Bayer was able to be promoted to the lord of Avernas, the first floor of the Nine Prisons, and became the supreme commander of the three armies of the devil."

"Your news seems a bit outdated." Karaline looked at Ekmon strangely, "Even I, a scholar who lives in the main material plane and studies the abyss, knows that Bayer has been deposed by Astimoth. Now the Grand Duke of Avernas is Zariel again."

"Uh..." Skull's eyes showed embarrassment, and he repeatedly defended his mistake, "The knowledge in my mind is not automatically updated, isn't it normal for some outdated content?"

"Who is this Zariel?" Lancelot couldn't help asking, "Why do you say that Grand Duke Avernas is 'again' her?"

"It is said that she used to be an angel, and she was once imprisoned by her subordinate Bayer, but a series of major events seemed to have happened in the lower plane about 100 years ago, and even the time was faulted. Riel has taken over again." Karaline looked at the skull floating in the air, "I believe Ekmon has more accurate information about her past."

"Things that have already happened may also be changed." Skull sighed, "Zariel was the angel in charge of monitoring the bloody battle. After all, this war is related to the fate of the entire multiverse. She has repeatedly asked the gods to send troops , took advantage of the fierce battle between the devil and the devil, and wiped out these two evil forces. After being repeatedly rejected, she took the lead and decided to do it herself, but the result was naturally drowned in the bloody sea."

"Then how did she become a devil?" Brutal asked curiously.

"Astimores, witnessing the death of the battle-hungry angel, dispatched a special force to find what remained of her consciousness beneath a hill of dead tanar'ri created by Zariel." Ekmon talked eloquently, "The Lord of the Nine Hells personally took action to resurrect Zariel. Unlike the fallen angels who usually turn into erinia, Astimores directly promoted Zariel to a great devil, and Appoint him as the Grand Duke of Avernas, the first floor of the Nine Prisons, and this is also the supreme commander of the devil side in the bloody battle."

"But this doesn't sound like a fall." Lancelot frowned and said, "It's more like a meaningless sacrifice."

"According to Zariel's own statement, she has never fallen, and her legion is the only barrier between the beautiful upper plane and the endless army of demons." Kalarin explained.

"Arrogance is the seed of corruption." Ekmon blurted out, and even himself was stunned after speaking.

"Occasionally, you can get some insights from your leaky jaw." Brutal joked, making everyone laugh.

"When she insists that her point of view is correct and refuses to listen to the opinions of others, she has already embarked on the path of degeneration." Kara Lin agrees with Ekmon's point of view, "and, even if she has just been resurrected by the Lord of the Nine Hells She has not fallen, and the long time in the company of the devil is enough to corrupt her completely."

"Dinner is ready!" Kora's voice floated from the kitchen, interrupting everyone's gossip about the bigwigs in the multiverse, while little Isa was running in and out of the kitchen, dishing out plates of tempting food. Aroma-scented food is served on the table.

"Wow! This smells so good!" Brutal was the first to jump off the couch and rush to the dining table.

"I don't know these foods at all, but they look really good." Kara Lin also praised, "Corra, can you tell us what these are after we finish eating?"

"Hahahaha, don't worry, there is nothing too strange." The halfling's smile was a bit forced, and everyone decided not to pursue the details behind that smile.

"Sir Lancelot, tell me the story of your adventure!" Little Isa, who had put the tableware for everyone, was already sitting in her seat, looking at Lancelot expectantly. The story is the little vampire's favorite part.

"Hehe, I can really tell you about this experience for several days." Lancelot laughed, "Let's take a look at what we have gained this time. Let's distribute the spoils while eating."

"Oh!!!!" Brutal and Kararin cheered at the same time, even Aramiel couldn't help smiling, little Isa was full of anticipation, and only Cora couldn't figure out the situation.

"Why are you still standing there, help me move these sofas away." Lancelot said with a smile, Karaline and Aramiel immediately got up to help, and Brutal took the opportunity to secretly grab a piece of unknown origin from the plate. The meat was stuffed into his mouth, and then he ran over.

Everyone cleared a large space, and Lancelot stood in the center, carefully turning over the dimensional bag that collected the loot.

There was only a bang, and everyone's eyes were temporarily blinded by the sudden flash of light. When their eyesight recovered, the originally empty floor was filled with a variety of treasures.

A hill was piled up with gemstones collected by Lancelot and Brutal, and the magic equipment dotted among them was the result of Karalin's battle. At that time, he didn't have time to choose carefully, and he picked them completely according to the strength of the magic aura. I'm afraid they were mixed up. Many items with powerful curse effects came in; those exquisite and luxurious works of art were brought out by Aramir, his goddess taught believers to obtain all kinds of beautiful items, no matter when and where discovered them.

Hearing a 'click', the fork in Cora's hand fell to the ground, and little Isa beside her was in the same situation, her face was full of shock.

While Lancelot was admiring the expressions on everyone's faces, his own expression suddenly changed.

A blue-white light lit up beside the dining table without warning, a beautiful figure appeared from the teleportation magic, Tijana's voice sounded in the room:
"Lancelot, let me remind you of that Enrui... what the hell is going on with me!!!"

The succubus lord stared dumbfounded at the pile of blinding treasures, and was also extremely shocked.

"Good evening, Tijana." Lancelot's tone sounded very helpless, "Have you eaten yet?"

 Thank you Lord Abyss for your monthly pass!Separately explain the history of Zariel and Beyer: before the 5th edition, Zariel was always the first Grand Duke, Byer took over in a coup, Astimores failed to become a god, and Zariel, who likes to attack, was re-supported. Riel came to power (Bayer is a tortoise), but in the latest official module Descent to Avernus, the setting has become that Baier was the first Grand Duke. It was about 150 years ago that Zariel fell and replaced The position of Bayer's Grand Duke was lost, and the original setting of Bayer's rebellion against the superior and being masturbated again was all eaten... This book chooses to ignore 5E's book-eating behavior, and uses the original setting: Zariel's fall took place in the distant In the past, Bayer succeeded in ascending the position, and the current situation is consistent with the latest setting of 5e. Asti Moores reactivated Zariel as the Grand Duke of the first floor of the Nine Hells. Bayer was demoted to the deep hell and lost his military power. , but there are still a large number of supporters in the devil army.

(End of this chapter)

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