The knight in the abyss

Chapter 138 Fragments of History

Chapter 138 Fragments of History

After Kara Lin's 1st-level spell slots are used up, it is temporarily impossible to continue the identification of equipment.But there is no equipment identification master, and there is also a gem identification master.

Brutal, who got the dwarf belt, was in a very good mood, and worked hard to identify the gems for everyone.For dwarves, they can roughly judge the value of gems at a glance. This kind of work, which is similar to counting money, obviously brings him great joy. Of course, Cora is also very enthusiastic about it.

While dividing the gems into several small piles according to their value, Brutal introduced the types of these gems.

There are sapphire, malachite, turquoise, etc. worth about 10 gold coins. Because the value of these gems is too low, Brutal did not take them at all.There are various chalcedony, moonstone, and zircon worth 50 gold coins, and amber, emerald, and amethyst worth 100 gold coins.These gems are very popular with merchants because of their moderate value, and they are the most collected types this time.

There are cold crystals, topaz, and black pearls worth 500 gold coins, and jewelry of this grade is relatively rare; further up, there are sapphires, emeralds, and fire opals, each worth a full 1000 gold coins; and jewels worth more than 5000 gold coins There are diamonds, rubies, and black sapphires, and these are even rarer. This time they found two rubies. Brutal swore that these were definitely the only two in the entire treasure house, and he put them in right away. up.

From this point of view, although there seemed to be a lot of them this time, most of them were 'trading' gems worth only 50 or 100 gold coins. The gems obtained after killing the sandworm seemed to be worth a little more.

According to the final statistics, the value of the gemstones they harvested this time was about 8 gold coins. This huge number made even the elf priests breathe heavily.In the end, Lancelow proposed that each person should share gemstones worth 1 gold coins, and the rest should be used as team funds to pay for expenses such as rent, spell-casting materials, and food.

"I've never seen so much money in my life." Cora held her share of gems, looking a little at a loss, "But here, what can the money be used for?"

The words of the halfling made everyone feel a little discouraged.The role of wealth in the abyss is very limited. The lords need money to buy equipment, pay military salaries, and recruit recruits, but ordinary people can buy very limited things with money.Shuangqiao Town is already a neutral town with relatively active trade in the first layer of the abyss. Even so, the price of food here is more than ten times that of the main material plane, and the choices are very limited.

However, the prices of some special products in the lower planes are relatively cheap, such as worms with human faces, poisons that can kill even demons, and various highly addictive hallucinogens. There is no use.

"But just looking at these gems makes me happy." Little Isa also held a small bag of gems, which was the 'logistics fund' given to her by Lancelow.

"I have to think about what I can do with these stones." Molo also got its share of gems. "Maybe I should find a blacksmith to make a pair of false teeth?"

"Good idea, I think it's better to spend the money on arming yourself." Lancelot suggested, "Who knows what is waiting for us in this dangerous place in the future."

Everyone nodded in agreement.It wasn't long into the night at this time, and it wasn't time to rest, so everyone sat on the sofa in the living room and chatted.

"Lancelot, why do you have the blessing of the elves?" By chance, Alamel asked Lancelot this question that made him curious.When he was in the Succubus Palace, it was this kind of blessing that only good-aligned elves could discover that made him believe that Lancelot had come to rescue him.

"It's a long story." Lancelot picked up the glass, "Are you sure you want to hear this story?"

"I want to hear it!" Little Isa blurted out, but after she finished speaking, she seemed to feel that she was not ladylike enough, so she immediately lowered her head shyly.

Everyone was amused by little Isa's cute behavior. Lancelow shook his head with a smile, and said slowly:

"I come from a world called Gaia. When I was born, the entire human world was ruled by an evil and cruel royal family, and magic and elves have always existed only in legends and stories..."

Lancelot slowly told the story of the first half of his life.As the second son in the family, he received training as a knight, and later followed the leadership of Alberto and devoted himself to the uprising that overthrew the Faris Empire.In this process, elves and magic, which were always considered to be non-existent, appeared one after another.

His story goes on for a long time, ending with the moment he steps through the portal.What followed was a long silence in the living room.

"This emperor is really not a thing!" Little Isa couldn't help but speak first, and she said angrily, "The kingdom and the subjects are the objects of the king's service. What kind of Turas is completely reversed!"

"That Albert is not worthy of your following." Brutal commented, "The charisma of a leader comes from his determination to achieve a certain goal. It is precisely to overthrow that useless Emperor Faris that you will Gather under his banner. If it's just to fight for some interests, what's the difference with a group of bandits?"

"Thank you. It's a pity that Albert didn't understand this truth, and I... didn't understand it at the time."

"This is the strange thing about you humans." Brutal spread his hands and slumped back on the sofa.

"You mentioned just now that the elf high priest who blessed you has experienced wars tens of thousands of years ago?" Aramiel's focus is different from others.

"I didn't realize until you said that." Karaline murmured, "How is this possible?"

"Is there a problem?" Lancelot asked strangely.

"Our elves can indeed live for a long time..." Aramir seemed to be thinking about something, "But under normal circumstances, the average lifespan of an elf is about 700 to 800 years, and very few elves can live beyond 1000 years."

"How could this be? Aren't elves immortal?"

"All mortals will die, this is the law of nature, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless there is a living tree of life in your world." Aramir's eyes became a little blurred, "It is said that the elves originated from a world called Fairier's hometown, Corellon Larethian, the elves The main god of God, created the earliest elves with the twigs of the tree of life. The elves once established a very brilliant magic empire, colonized countless worlds from Fairlier, and always carried the seeds of the tree of life, Because as long as there is the tree of life, the elves will not grow old."

"And then?" Brutal asked curiously, "When did you tree-dwelling guys become mortals?"

"Because of some long-forgotten disaster, the connection between other worlds and Fairier was cut off. I don't know about other worlds. In the world I came to, the tree of life died tens of thousands of years ago. It was destroyed in a magical accident, and the entire continent was blown into several pieces, those self-righteous Highborne wizards!" Aramir shrugged helplessly, "Since then, the elves are no longer immortal. That's why I was so surprised, maybe the disaster of the demon invasion that year taught the elves in your world a good lesson, allowing them to maintain a sense of awe when exploring the unknown."

 Thank you brothers for your recommendation tickets~ The setting of the tree of life was added by myself, and the original version of DND does not have this setting.


(End of this chapter)

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