The knight in the abyss

Chapter 149 Kobolds

Chapter 149 Kobolds

Arrows, throwing knives, and explosions are left behind by Brutal, traps that seem designed specifically for slow-moving targets like zombies, while the dwarf smashes everything like a bull in a china shop.

"Wow ha ha ha ha ha! This is so much fun!" Brutal laughed wildly and ran forward, even a few traps that hit him occasionally couldn't break through the set of Father's Love brand dwarf heavy armor produced by Master Barend. .

Until he stepped on an ordinary-looking suspension bridge.

The drawbridge was designed to barely bear the weight of a half-kobold, or about 60 pounds, and the dwarf's armor was already close to that weight.The seemingly normal suspension bridge broke suddenly the moment Brutal's right foot stepped on it, and the sprinting dwarf had no time to react, and fell straight down.

With a flash of Lancelot's figure, he rushed behind Brutal from dozens of feet away almost instantly, and grabbed the dwarf's left ankle.

"AH!!!!" Brutal let out a terrified scream, but all that really fell was his helmet with the toad figure on it.Lancelot thought something had happened to the dwarf, so he quickly looked around, only to find that Brutal's eyes were tightly closed, and nothing happened.

"Stop shouting, I'm grabbing you." Lancelot pointed out angrily.

"If you just built up a little mighty image in the minds of those kobolds, it will be completely destroyed now." Ekmon's voice sounded from behind.

"Ah~~~~~~~~! Ah?" Brutal realized that he hadn't really fallen, "Uh, why..."

The second half of the dwarf's words could not be uttered, because he suddenly found that the winding tunnel below was full of kobolds, and each kobold was holding a crossbow in his hand and was aiming at him.

"I X!"

The sound of the machine spring being released sounded, and countless cold lights shot at him. The scene was like a sky full of stars suddenly falling down, but it was upside down.

Brutal's instinctive reaction as a fighter was still there. He instantly raised his shield and tightly protected his head and upper body. Unfortunately, his exposed buttocks were not so lucky.

With a strong force, Lancelot pulled the dwarf back.The first thing Brutal did was to pull out all the arrow shafts on his buttocks, but the armor covering his buttocks was already riddled with holes like a hornet's nest. The demon beat him hard with a mace.

Luckily, the dwarf has no way of knowing what's going on with his own ass, at least until the next time he sits down, or Brutal's going to storm out in a rage and give every kobold's ass below him a slap in the face. Come on.

Seeing that the attack failed, these timid and desperate kobolds immediately wanted to turn around and flee, but Lancelow yelled in time:

There was a kind of deterrent power in the voice that contained true energy. Many kobolds were frightened and stood on the spot. They wanted to escape but found that there were two wars, and they couldn't take a step.

At this time, everyone walked to the edge of the cliff, looking at the kobold 'city' below.

It was the first time for Lancelow to see kobolds. It is said that they are very common in many worlds, and they are also the weakest intelligent race.They have a humanoid build, with an average height of only about two and a half feet, with a crocodile-like head around their neck (which, according to their own claim, is the symbol of dragonborn) and a lizard-like tail.

"Look! What is that?"

"That's impossible! A dangling skull!"

"Is it the legendary king of bones?"

"It must be! The King of Bones! The King of Bones!"

After seeing Ekmon, the group of kobolds below quickly changed from being shocked by Lancelot's roar to worshiping the skull floating in midair.

Ekmon himself was also taken aback for a moment, but immediately entered the state, and said loudly in a voice with echoes and pretense:
"I am Ekmon, the king of bones, ruler of tombs, skeletons, and death. These warriors are my followers." He then said in a voice that only those around him could hear, "Kalarin , give me some special effects!"

The scholar rolled his eyes, quietly stepped back out of the kobold's field of vision, took out a scroll of a secondary phantom, and created a bunch of floating skeleton phantoms around Ekmon.This is just a 0-level trick, and there is no limit to the number of times it can be cast per day, so the scholar continued to create some faint, ethereal hymn special effects to make the image of the skull look more convincing.

Karalin was already very proficient at creating illusions, and the duration of this spell was only a few seconds, and the kobolds' little brains, which were a little bit stupider than human civilians, couldn't see through the nature of these illusions at all.

"Who is your king! Let him come and talk to me!" Ekmon was obviously having a good time, and the others raised their heads so that the kobolds below could not see their expressions of suppressed laughter clearly.

A severely obese kobold was pushed out. He seemed extremely reluctant, but he still spoke in a dangerous manner:

"Great Lord of Bones, why did you come to our dirty tunnel? We are a very poor tribe and cannot provide any valuable..."

"Your junk is meaningless to me." Ekmon interrupted the other party directly, "I came because the boundary between life and death was broken here. Do you know who awakened those who have already Dead people, so that they cannot get the peace of death?"

Upon hearing this question, the kobold 'king' opened his mouth, but his words were immediately drowned out by the shouts of the other kobolds.

"It's the big ogre! The big ogre!"

"Blue-skinned monster! Ten feet tall!"

"He has occupied the corpse room! We can no longer touch the corpse!"

"Uh." Facing the chaotic scene, Ekmon cast a look of help to Lancelot, who understood, and immediately shouted again in a voice full of anger:


The effect can be said to be immediate, all the kobolds seem to be choked, and only Lancelot's voice can be heard echoing in the tunnel.

"King, you can talk now." Ekmon said calmly, without any psychological pressure on letting Lancelot play his younger brother.

"About three or ten days ago, a blue-skinned ogre came to the sewers we built and occupied the corpse room." The kobold king said tremblingly, his eyes kept sneaking at Lan who was standing aside. Slo.

"The mortuary? Where is that?"

"No matter where the corpses are thrown into the sewer, they will always be caught there, and we can rob those who won't fight back! There are so many harvests!" The fat kobolds seem to be very proud of their strategy , but his expression dimmed again, "But when that ogre came, not only would it keep us away, but it would also make the dead stand up and wander in the tunnel. It's really scary!"

 The challenge level of the kobolds is 1/8, which is really the weakest among the naturally intelligent races, and the challenge level of the goblins is still 1/4, haha.By the way, let me explain the meaning of challenge level (CR). An enemy with a challenge level of 3 should be easily defeated by 4 level 3 player characters with sufficient preparation, but everyone should be a commoner. Challenge level 0 haha
(End of this chapter)

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