The knight in the abyss

Chapter 157 Dwarf's Weight

Chapter 157 Dwarf's Weight

"That kind of situation is really possible." Lancelot smiled and looked back at Brutal.He immediately noticed that Kalarin and Cora were fast asleep in their respective bedding, and that Aramir was meditating.

"How long have I been like this?"

"Fortunately, it's about three hours, just enough for me to comb them again." Brutal held up the braided beard on his chest, "I think I have to thank you for my belt, it's a shame What a baby..."

At this time, the other partners also woke up from sleep or meditation. Aramir stared at Lancelot and showed a smile:
"Are you awake? How do you feel? Do you still need my healing technique?"

"I still have several bottles of healing potions here!" Cora also held up several red bottles.

"Thank you, I'm fine." Lancelot jumped up from the ground and moved his body.Although the zhenqi in the dantian was still pitifully low, his body had returned to its best condition.

"Lancelot, what happened inside?" Karaline asked curiously, "We heard some disturbing whispers outside..."

"This..." Lancelot scratched the back of his head, "Actually, I'm also quite confused. Have you ever heard the name Cardu? That's what the voice called itself..."

"Kaldu..." Kara Lin frowned tightly, "I must have heard this name somewhere, but I can't remember it."

"He calls himself the Lord of Barlow." Lancelow reminded.

"Lord of Barlow? Karl?" The scholar slapped his hands, "I remembered! Kardu! The lord of the first floor of Abyss No. 20!"

"Does his title of the Lord of Balor refer to the Balrog?" Lancelow asked curiously, "I remember you said that the Balolo is the strongest demon form. One of them has the strength of a lord, do they also have a king like Mecanxiet?"

"Kaldu is indeed a very powerful Balor, as can be seen from the fact that he ruled the entire layer of the abyss, but the title of Lord of Balor is his own." Kara Lin shrugged, "Even the dark It is impossible for a group like the religious order to focus on the abyss to ask a certain Ballow demon about Cardu, but based on the information we know, almost no Ballow demon will obey his orders. This kind of website The demons at the top of the evolutionary chain either become generals in the bloody battle, or maintain a close cooperative relationship with a certain abyss lord, and it seems that no Barlow is interested in challenging Cardu's title."

"In other words, his strength is terrifying." Lancelot nodded, "Next time we encounter a large group of zombies, it's better not to dig a hole and burn it. Cardu seems to think that this is an attempt to please His ritual, his face appeared directly in the flames of the burning corpse."

"Ugh." Karaline turned pale, "So that's why the high fever and whispers? It's incredible that you survived! I mean, I'm sorry, I didn't expect this..."

"It seems to regard me as an ordinary devil worshiper, and injected me with a burst of violent energy as a reward." Lancelow shrugged, "I was just trying to dissolve this 'reward', it wanted to Turn me into...something else."

"Did you succeed?"

"Don't worry, I'm still the person you know." Lancelot smiled, took out a pajamas from the storage bag and put it on, "I kept everyone waiting, let's go back, if Axmennon has The information is not satisfactory, we can only rely on Brutal's stomach to help us pay back."

"Haha, put it on me!" Brutal patted his stomach proudly.

It was only then that Lancelot noticed that the dwarf's belly was a whole circle bigger than when they first met a few months ago, but he hadn't noticed it because of his beard.Brutal was already taller than the average dwarf, and he had seen him every day before, but now that he looked closely, the dwarf was as strong as a bull.

"Speaking of which..." Lancelot approached Brutal maliciously, and hugged him before the latter could react.

"Wow! Lancelot, what are you doing?"

"Weigh you." The human put the dwarf down, and then quickly ran away, "At least three hundred pounds, how much do you eat every day? You will have to deduct double the food expenses in the future..."

"At least one hundred pounds is the weight of armor and weapons!" Brutal argued loudly, and the happy laughter of his partners echoed in the tunnel on the way back.

Although there was no guide on the way back, it was not a problem at all in front of Lancelow's powerful memory.In fact, he detected peering eyes in the shadows, kobold spies.These local residents silently helped them remove the traps on the road, so Lancelot was happy not to have to deal with them anymore.

When a group of people came out of the basement of the dry rose, the two mercenaries hired by the tavern owner had very ugly faces. They already realized that they might have to find another job soon.

It was almost midnight at this time, but the tavern was still very noisy.The crowd went straight to the bar and demanded their rewards from the tiefling boss.

"Oh my god! You smell really..." Axmennon looked a little surprised, but at the same time he quickly took out a jar of inferior perfume from under the table and sprayed it in the air, "Special. Let me guess , You have been away for so long, you must have solved my troubles, right?"

"You promised us free drinks, bring out the mead!" Brutal threw his arm on the table, "I want it now!"

"The guy who woke up those zombies has been solved by us." Lancelow shrugged, "But you'd better change the way you handle the corpses, otherwise I can't guarantee that similar things won't happen in the future."

"Uh." Boss Tiefling's face turned slightly red, "What do you mean?"

"We suspect that those zombies died in your tavern." Karaline explained, "The one who awakened these corpses is a ghost, and some people call them ogre mages. This guy has been performing evil undead magic Experiments, some zombies escaped its control, driven by instinct to return to the place where they last stayed in life."

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of tables and chairs falling to the ground behind everyone, followed by a roar:
"You stinky bugs! How dare you threaten me! Go to hell!"

Lancelow looked back, a fight had already broken out, and almost in a blink of an eye, there were several more corpses on the ground.

"My floor will grow corpses by itself." The tavern owner's depressed voice sounded again, "Do you have any better suggestions on how to deal with it?"

"Whatever you want is fine, but it's best not to throw it directly into the sewer. I suggest you burn it, but don't accumulate too much and burn it together..." Lancelot's eyes once again released a terrifying look Guang Guang, "Okay, now it's time to talk about the other reward you promised. Let's talk about your source of information first..."

 It’s a little stuck, and the manuscript is being consumed at a very high speed... The keyboard is always in a greasy state, because I always reach out to touch my forehead, and wipe the oil from my face on the keyboard...

(End of this chapter)

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