The knight in the abyss

Chapter 159 Scouting

Chapter 159 Scouting
"I'm planning to go out to investigate tonight, to find out how far the target is from us, and whether there is anything else in the wilderness." Lancelot said calmly, "I can go alone, you all have a good rest , I'll be back before dawn."

"It's too dangerous!" Kara Lin was the first to object. "This is the abyss, the home of the devil. Who knows what will happen in the wilderness at night. If there is a battle, how can you deal with it alone?"

"So just don't fight." Lancelow shrugged. "This is just a reconnaissance operation, and I will remain cautious. You have all seen my speed, and ordinary demons can't keep me."

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but no one said a word.

"Let's discuss tonight's arrangements." Lancelot changed the subject, "Don't be fooled by the comfortable environment, it's still dangerous here, and someone needs to be on guard at night."

"I've already got a full rest, so let me do it." Aramiel said calmly.

"Is that enough for you just now?" Cora asked in surprise.

"We elves rest through meditation, and the efficiency is twice as fast as yours." Aramiel explained, "Of course, it would be great if someone is willing to accompany me, and a double watch is safer."

"Let me come!" Ko Laju said happily, "I slept well just now, and I will still be refreshed now, and I just need to prepare some potions for the next use. I came out in a hurry this time."

"Call me up when you're all right, I'm going to make some scrolls too." Karaline also said, "Bluto hasn't rested yet, don't get up tonight."

"I have to sleep for a while." Ekmon yawned, "Replace me on the last shift."

"You want to sleep too?" Lancelot looked at the skull strangely, "Aren't you an undead creature?"

"I don't know why, anyway, I just need it." Ekmon rolled his eyes, "By the way, I am a Mimir, so I should be considered a construct creature, right? It's just that I stayed in that pit for a long time , so the smell of death is a bit stronger, if you don’t believe me, ask Aramiel, he is very sensitive to undead creatures.”

"But you are not an undead." The elf nodded, "Your life very strange, a type that I cannot understand."

"That's it." Lancelot stood up, "I'm leaving now, everyone pay attention to safety."

He pushed open a corner of the window, nodded back to his companions, and then jumped up and disappeared into the dark night of the abyss.

"I hope one day I can walk around the abyss as if it were a normal field like him." Brutal sighed, and the others agreed with silence.

Lancelot's speed is so fast that even creatures with night vision can hardly capture his figure.After a few ups and downs, he was already standing on an uninhabited section of the Wall of the Instant Fortress.

Taking out the pendant from the bag, the portrait of the succubus paladin was still cold in his hand.The goal is still far away from them, and his task tonight is to figure out how far away.

According to the information provided by the tiefling tavern owner, he already had a preliminary search direction.Relying on the escape method learned from the Xiaozhujian Middle School, Lancelow can advance about eighty miles per hour, which is enough to search a large area.

Looking up to identify the direction, Lancelow jumped into the darkness again.

The crimson moon hanging in the sky of Wanyuan Plain tonight was dim, but it was enough to dye the Styx River into a red silk.The human knight was advancing along this river dyed red by the moonlight, holding a mid-grade spirit stone gemstone in each of his left and right hands, breathing evenly and long.

Although his speed was as fast as a bolt of lightning, he seemed to be gliding on the ground without stirring up a trace of smoke.Those demons wandering in the dark are unfortunate, because they can't find the figure of the human knight at all, so they can't launch an attack, and then free themselves from this extremely painful life form.

After advancing for about two hours, Lancelot's expression changed, and he quickly slowed down, finally staying in the shadow of a pile of rocks.

In front of him was a camp. He had also noticed some scattered camps before, but the scale in front of him was already close to a small military camp.Lancelow carefully moved to a higher boulder and carefully looked at the situation inside the camp.

The camp was made up of a dozen tents of various sizes, and the people inside were drinking and having fun.Lancelot saw humans, orcs, hobgoblins, gray dwarves, tieflings, tauren, and even black-skinned and white-haired drow and two-headed ogres.

Karalin had told him that two-headed ogres were far more intelligent than their stupid counterparts, and most of them had the natural ability to cast spells like sorcerers, as deadly as the giant clubs they held.

This group of people is obviously Lancelow's colleagues, a group of desperadoes chasing the bounty.It's not difficult to find their leader. A bare-chested, extremely strong barbarian is lying on a chair in the middle of the camp. Behind him stands a giant hammer as big as an iceberg. Two succubi are Kneeling on the ground to serve, everyone around looked at this beast-like man with envious and fearful eyes.

"Boss, what are we going to do with that paladin whore when we get him?"

The broken voice came from the wind, but it was still caught by Lancelot's keen hearing.An orc was greedily watching the movements of the two succubi, and asked subconsciously.

"Of course, let me have a good time for a few days first, and then see who's offer is the most suitable." The mercenary leader replied triumphantly, as if he had already won.

He casually turned his head to look at the questioner, suddenly his face darkened, and he rushed out.

"You traitor!" He grabbed the orc who asked the question, and lifted him into the air with one hand, "Your eyes betray you, tell me! Have you been plotting to replace me?"

Lancelot found that the leader was two heads taller than himself, nearly 8 feet tall by visual estimation.The orc who was lifted into the air kicked his legs weakly, and could only defend himself with his eyes.

The movement here attracted everyone's attention, but instead of dissuading them, the onlookers shouted loudly.When a clearly audible 'click' sounded, the cheers reached their peak.

While everyone's eyes were on the brutal leader, Lancelot quietly approached the camp.He made a magic formula, left his mark of spiritual consciousness on the bodies of several mercenaries, and then retreated back silently.

If the team escorting Elotishia is really as strong as Boss Tiefling said, then this group of people is still worth using.

But just as he returned to the rubble and was about to leave this group of evil mercenaries and move on, he suddenly felt a chill, like a snake crawling up the back of his neck.

The breath restraint technique was activated almost instinctively, and Lancelot lay motionless in the shadows, as if he had turned into a lifeless stone.

At the gate of the camp, the light of teleportation magic suddenly lit up, and a figure that made him feel extremely dangerous walked out of it.

 Depressed, I haven't found where to distribute red envelopes for fans for a long time, and I still don't do it in the future.
(End of this chapter)

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