The knight in the abyss

Chapter 164 Camping

Chapter 164 Camping
Five people plus one skull is not a small burden for a supernatural creature like Nightmare. After running for eight hours and driving a distance of [-] miles, the two poor creatures were finally relieved , returning the layer they were originally on.

"Go back and eat something good, continue tomorrow."

Lancelow instructed his mount, and the latter looked at Lancelow with despair before leaving.

It was already dark at this time, and everyone found a cave occupied by a group of cowardly demons. After Lancelow performed a performance of breaking boulders with an iron fist, these low-level demons immediately ran away.

Lancelow sensed for a while and confirmed that there were no powerful creatures nearby, but Karalin and Aramiel had their own methods.

The elven cleric casts the divine spell Detect Good and Evil, confirming that there are no hidden demons or undead nearby, and that there are no curses in place.This level 1 magic can actually detect angels or blessed lands, but that kind of thing is unlikely to be encountered in the wild of the abyss.

Kara Lin cast an alarm.This simple 1st-level spell lasts for 8 hours. Any creature larger than a mouse walks into the cave where they are camping, and it will trigger a crisp rattle. Even if the opponent is invisible, it is useless. It is an adventure that requires camping in the wild. Good support for those.

After confirming the safety of the cave, Lancelow took out the camping materials from the dimensional bag.He now has two dimensional bags, the smaller one for his gear and personal belongings, and the larger one that serves as a team store full of bedrolls, tents, fire fuel, and tools.

Everyone lit the bonfire together, laid out the bedding, and sat down comfortably.Karalin cast a 1st-level spell that was said to repel mosquitoes, Kora set up a small pot on the fire, and began to prepare dinner for a few friends who needed to eat.

The pendant with Helotesia's head had been hanging around Lancelot's neck. The pendant had started to heat up a few hours ago, indicating that they were getting closer to the succubus paladin.Lancelow has already told everyone the news, and everyone understands that the battle will probably break out tomorrow, and they must be fully prepared tonight.

Brutal was holding a bunch of blacksmith tools, maintaining the equipment for Lancelot and Aramiel; while Cora was preparing dinner, he was concocting unknown potions. The distinction between the two was not strict, because Lancelot saw The halfling poured the liquid from the potion bottle into the cauldron more than once; Aramir took out a small mirror and prayed devoutly to his god.

Karalin and Lancelot were discussing the enemy's information. According to the tavern owner, there were two glabres in the enemy's team. These were demons that human knights had never fought against before.

"The glaubers are sort of like a larger version of the Eviscer, they can reach up to 15 feet tall and weigh over 2000 pounds. They also have two pairs of arms, the lower, western arm with normal palms and the upper, thicker arm. At the end of those arms are giant pincers, which are their deadliest weapons." Karaline held a piece of parchment with a schematic diagram he hand-painted on the spot, "Because of the iconic pair of pincers, they are also called giant claws magic."

"It seems that the name of giant chelicer is more suitable for them." Lancelow stared at the monster with four arms drawn by Kara Lin, "They look nothing to do with the words charming and seductive."

"They and the succubi are responsible for luring mortals to degenerate among the demons, so they have that name." Kara Lin explained, "But unlike succubuses who rely on lust to seduce people to degenerate, succubuses use greed to lure people. Leading mortals to the abyss of self-destruction."

"Sounds like something devils like to do." Lancelot frowned. "Let me guess, the pair of large pincers hinted that they are different from devils."

"You guessed right." Karaline nodded approvingly, "The biggest difference between them and the devil is that the baubers don't intend to keep their promises at all. When their deception is revealed, the pair of large pincers allow them to Unscrupulously turn your face, and then let the victim's fallen soul leave their body as soon as possible."

"I see." Lancelot nodded, "I will pay attention to the pair of pliers, they don't try to pinch me."

"But their pincers are not the most terrifying threat." Karaline shook his head, "This kind of demon has a deterrent ability similar to the 8-ring magic decree. Although it can only be used once per battle, once it fails to resist this Spell, you will suddenly stay in place with a blank mind, and when you come back to your senses, you will find yourself lying on the ground, and your legs seem to run away by themselves."

"So strong!" Lancelot pouted, "Then how do we deal with it?"

Kara Lin looked at Brutal, who was listening to their conversation with his ears open, looked up to see Cara Lin's gaze, and couldn't help being stunned.

"Look at me for what?"

"If the Glauber uses this ability, it's best to use it on you." Karaline shrugged, "If you are stunned and stay where you are, I believe Lancelot can pull you back in time. And Resisting this kind of spell depends on your physique. I think you have great hopes, and your cloak should also be able to play a role. Even if you really hit this trick, the demons can't find your neck and want to pinch it off Your waist is also almost impossible, your part is too thick."

"It's too dangerous." Lancelot shook his head helplessly, "There must be another way."

"I think this method is very good." Brutal shook his hand, "Just do it like this, anyway, you have saved me more than once, I believe you."

He was touched by the dwarf's unreserved trust, but Lancelot was not going to risk his companions that way.He shook his head again and said:

"There must be a safer way. How did they cast this spell? Do they need to chant a spell? Maybe I can interrupt him in time."

"Very difficult." Karaline spread his hands, "They only need to spit out a word full of power to overwhelm the will of the target. Because the baubers often deal with mortals, there are many studies on them, and the cases recorded in the past Most of them rely on the advantage of numbers to defeat this demon, there is no other way."

"Number advantage..." Lancelow rubbed his chin, and was about to say something, but suddenly his expression changed, and he looked up to the entrance of the cave, and Frost Zhan appeared in his hands at some point.

Accompanied by a crisp bell, a tiefling with dark red skin and fancy robes walked into the cave where they camped. It was the mysterious visitor who had appeared in the mercenary camp before.

"Who are you?" Lancelot asked first.Since he had sensed the other party's arrival in advance, he had already adjusted his facial expression, as if he had never seen the other party before.

 Thanks to ok2001 and Rolling Big Salted Fish for their recommendation votes~ Thank you!Today, this chapter is published and the collection is expected to break through a thousand haha

(End of this chapter)

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