The knight in the abyss

Chapter 168 The Price of Strength

Chapter 168 The Price of Strength

The gogord, freed from his bondage, immediately knew who his enemy was—a giant nearly as tall as himself.The giant bull demon let out a roar, landed on all fours, and ran towards the barbarian with his horns out, like an angry bull.

A bull weighing over ten thousand pounds.

Gualado cursed, but the arrogant barbarian refused to dodge. Instead, he held up his sledgehammer, saw the timing and slammed it down.

The heavy hammer struck the gogogo in the back, but the demon's terrifying body withstood the blow, and thrust her lance-like horns into the barbarian's ribs before thrusting her opponent straight up.

"Ekmon." Lancelot called out to the skull in a low voice, "Are you sure you can attract the attention of that giant bull demon?"

"Ah? Me?" Ekmon was taken aback, but he understood Lancelot's meaning after thinking for a while, "It doesn't seem to be impossible, anyway, as long as it's delayed, right? I'm such a small one, It wasn't easy for the big guy to hit me."

"The most powerful enemy will be handed over to you in a while."

Lancelot continued to look at the remaining enemies. One glabrat was dead, and the other was already scarred, so he said to Aramiel:

"Elf, the glabrat with only half a pincer left will be handed over to you, is it alright?"

"Okay." The elf priest replied very succinctly, his eyes fixed on his target eagerly.

"Bluto, aren't you the toad killer? When I'm fighting that snake demon, make sure that no berserker demon will come to make trouble."

"Don't worry, as long as you hold on for a minute, I can help you!"

"Very good." Lancelot finally looked at the scholar and the cook, "Karalin, just stay where you are for a while, at most cast some illusions to help Ekmon, and don't reveal your position. Cora, if In any case, drink your mutagen and run with Karaline."

The two nodded clearly, and they had no objection to Lancelow's arrangement.

The tactics were properly arranged, and Lancelow looked at the battlefield again, waiting for the opportunity to attack.

The situation on the field changed very quickly, and the barbarian's hammer hit the giant bull demon again, but the demon seemed to be able to withstand this level of damage several more times, and his opponent might not be able to make so many attacks.

Gualado's body was pierced by the giant bull demon's horns many times, a large amount of blood spurted out from his body, and after falling on the ground, it continued to burn like grease.The injury didn't seem to have any effect on Guarado, who was covered in flames, but Lancelot keenly discovered that the so-called potion didn't provide any extra power at all, and the flame was fueled by the mercenary leader's own vitality. .

What would happen once his life force burned out?
On the other side, the vacant Hexa Snake happily massacred the mercenaries, creating a whirlwind of stumped limbs and broken arms wherever it passed.No matter it is human, gray dwarf or hobgoblin, they are all helpless in front of the long sword that the snake demon attacks at the same time, and the larger ogre only makes the snake demon spend a little more effort, and soon becomes a monster. A bunch of larger chunks of meat.

After being hit by the bull demon again, the flames on the mercenary leader's body became smaller. In Lancelot's spiritual perception, Gualado's aura began to weaken rapidly, like a burnt coal .

"No! Power! I want more power!"

The barbarian yelled in fear, at this moment, the devil's head on his chest suddenly twisted strangely, and a voice sounded directly in his consciousness.

"I heard your request, want power? I have it!"

This calm voice makes people feel very reliable, but if the barbarian pays attention, he will find that this voice seems to have been heard somewhere.

"Give it to me quickly! I need the power to defeat this demon!"

"Then what price are you willing to pay?"

"Anything! Give it to me!"

"...That's what you said."

These conversations in his spiritual world were completed in an instant, and a new force appeared out of thin air, and then poured into Guardado's body.The mercenary leader was pleasantly surprised to find that the wonderful feeling had returned. He raised the hammer again and slammed it down on the charging giant bull demon.

The familiar scene was repeated, his hammer did hit the enemy, but the demon stubbornly refused to stop the sprint.

The sharp horn pierced the barbarian's body again, and then sent him flying.

The mercenary leader stood up unsteadily, but the power began to disappear from his body again.

"No!" he yelled in fear, calling out to the voice just now, "Power! Give me more power!"

"But I have given you power just now, and you have agreed to any price." The voice sounded very pleasant. "The reward I want is very simple, just your soul. Now it is time to pay the debt, so you can Can you please die quickly? I have prepared a collar that is very suitable for you. It is made of winter wolf teeth. Just twist the neck a little, and you can pierce several holes..."

Seriously in Lancelow, the barbarian's tall body shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the end he didn't even reach his original height.The flames covering his whole body were completely extinguished, and the mercenary leader who was in his prime turned into an old man in his twilight years, his shriveled skin wrapped around his skeleton, like a dead body dug out from a grave.

He opened his mouth to say something, but the troll was not interested.

The demon raised its hoof, crushed the hideous foe flat with one kick, and then spun around, making sure to crush the hateful creature to a pulp.

The morale of the mercenaries collapsed, and the demons quickly smelled the fear, which made death come to the mercenaries faster.

Only one or two trolls, or parts of trolls, escaped, but for a creature that could regrow any part of its body, they had escaped death.

At this moment, Lancelot turned around and gave everyone an action look.

The scholar quickly pulled away the scroll of the acceleration technique that he had been preparing for a long time.The moment the spell took effect, Lancelot rushed out like an arrow from the string, followed by Brutal and Aramiel, and they went straight to their respective targets without any hesitation.

But it was Ekmon who fought against the enemy first. It pretended to be an ordinary skull just now, rolled and approached the giant bull demon, and after receiving the order from Lancelot through the telepathic connection, it immediately jumped from the ground. Jumping up, it floated in front of the Giant Bull Demon who was still writhing its hooves happily.

"Wow! What is this!" the skull screamed, "A head! A big stupid cow! And it's ugly as hell! What's the matter with your face, did you accidentally kiss a tarantula? "


The giant bull demon was enraged in an instant, and it directly responded to the comments on its appearance with actions: it directly hit the annoying skull with its sharp horns.

 The new week is here again~ Dear readers, please reward the author with a recommendation ticket~~

(End of this chapter)

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