The knight in the abyss

Chapter 170 The Invisible Blade

Chapter 170 The Invisible Blade
Few, even demons, would dare to insult the mighty, simple-minded golem.When they are angry, even the abyss lord can hardly calm down this kind of thick-skinned guy, and most of the demons are very suitable for the giant bull demon to aim at. Fortunately, the only bigger part of Ekmon's body is it It's too loud.

Therefore, although it looks very thrilling, the work of the skull is actually not too difficult.The only problem is that Ekmon's creativity is almost exhausted. There are several adjectives that everyone has heard repeatedly several times, but the skull still managed to drive this powerful and stupid demon into madness. No matter how much Ashapu uses his mind The giant bull demon did not respond to the induction call.

Although her opponent only had a long sword, the shadow of the sword in the sky made her four arms unable to handle it at all.The human knight's attacks continued like ocean waves. As long as there was any small gap in the snake demon's defense, his long sword would cut in like lightning, creating a terrible wound on the snake demon's body.

Ashapu finally realized the abnormality of the opponent's weapon, the sword was too sharp, and there seemed to be some kind of cold in it, which inhibited her wound from healing.

The human knight in front of her was even more difficult than she expected.She might have been fine when she was in good shape and with all her limbs, but now she can't handle this opponent on her own.

The snake demon began to defend with all its strength, and at the same time called for help in its heart.

Many tanar'ri have the ability to summon their own kind.When a request for help is made, some random demons in the multiverse will be called. They can directly perceive the situation of the caller and decide whether to respond to the call.

Although this ability can summon powerful allies, most demons don't want to use this ability as a last resort, because of the rules of the abyss, it will make the caller owe a "favor" to the summoned demon , a 'favor' that must be fully reciprocated, even if the other party is one's own enemy.

But at the same time, the more powerful the demon, the greater the probability that the call for help will be answered.The lizard is a rare leader among demons, a general who can bring other demons together, and it is rare for a high-ranking demon to refuse a chance to owe a 'favor' to a lizard.

But to her surprise, no demons answered her call, not a single one.Some existences stretched out their spiritual power towards her, but they immediately fell silent as if they had seen something terrifying.

Lancelot naturally didn't know anything about this, but it was not difficult to detect the changes in the opponent's tactics.He put up all his energy, guessing what kind of trick his opponent was going to use, and at the same time moved his hands three points faster, in order to overwhelm the snake demon's defense as soon as possible.

On the other side, Aramir's gleaming mace struck the glabra again, knocking a chunk of slushy flesh from his opponent.

The morale of the seriously injured demon collapsed.It was already severely injured, and the opponent was as hard as a tin can, but this was not as good as the fear that the hammer brought to him.That hammer will absolutely destroy it completely, and it has been convinced of this.

There is only one factor preventing the glabra from escaping, and that is the snake demon's revenge in the future.Out of the corner of the eye the glabra glanced at what was happening on the viper's side, and the only reason to keep it from escaping was gone.It pretended to swing a heavy blow, and the moment the elf raised its shield to block, the demon turned around and ran away without hesitation.

But just as it took a few steps, a hammer that flew rapidly knocked it to the ground.

Brutal's support arrived, he was the first to deal with all his enemies, and he was ready to lend a helping hand to his companions.

The glabra struggled to get up, but a holy fire from the sky finally released it from eternal pain.The elf priest let out a sigh of relief, but he immediately reminded himself that it was not time to relax yet.

Apart from the snake demon, there were only a few cowards pulling the prison cart.It's not that these weak demons don't want to escape, it's just that they are all chained around their necks by the chains that pull the cart.These cowards grunted, desperately trying to get the collar off their necks, but only made their own necks bloody.

These low-level demons are not enough for the time being, and everyone is nervously watching the battle between Lancelow and the snake demon.But everyone just stood there, because one person and one devil were like two high-speed rotating meat grinders, and they couldn't do anything except cheer for Lancelot as usual.

Although the Snake Demon didn't care to pay attention to the surrounding situation at all, but one by one her subordinates disappeared from her telepathy, so she could guess what was happening around without looking.And no one of her kind was willing to respond to her call, which made her fall into despair for the first time since she was promoted to the Serpent Demon.

She finally made up her mind, and twisted her body violently, completely exposing her side to Lancelot.

The human knight was naturally not polite about such a flaw, and cut off the two arms of the snake demon with a single sword.This was the result of his being on guard and not daring to venture in, otherwise the Snake Demon's entire arm would have been chopped off by him.

The piercing pain came, and the snake demon cursed Lancelot with the most vicious words in her heart, but her plan was still successful.Grasping the moment when the wrist was severed, the demon activated the teleportation technique again, leaving only two palms holding the sword, falling to the ground at the speed of free fall.

But Lancelot was already very familiar with the fluctuations of teleportation magic. Before the snake demon's two severed palms fell to the ground, he had already rushed in a direction where no one was there.

In the next instant, the figure of the Snake Demon appeared in front of him.This kind of demonic teleportation requires only one simple action. The disadvantage is that the teleportation distance is limited, and it is only about 100 feet away at most.In most cases, the snake demon will use this ability to suddenly appear behind the opponent, and rarely rely on this short-distance teleportation to escape.

But if you use this ability continuously, you might be able to leave the battlefield quickly.

The lizard quickly glanced back, and found that although the human knight was rushing towards him, he was still about [-] feet away, and it must be too late to stop her from teleporting again.

Lancelot suddenly stabbed out the long sword in his hand. The snake devil thought that the human knight was about to throw a throwing attack, so he sneered in his heart, and the movement of his hand didn't stop at all, and he was about to launch the teleportation again immediately.

But the sudden stabbing pain in the back of her heart took all the strength out of her body.The snake demon lowered his head with difficulty, and found that there was a big hole in his chest, as if he had been shot through by a bed crossbow defending the city.

The bloodstains outlined the shape of the blade, slowly dissipating along with her vitality.


The six-armed snake demon has no chance to figure out the answer to this question. Lancelot smashed her heart with the sword light stimulated by innate qi. It is the source of life of the demon and the biggest weakness of the Tanari clan. .

 Thanks to book friends Jieran for the first monthly ticket of this month~ Thanks to book friends such as ok2001 for the recommended tickets, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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