Chapter 174
"Madam Out of Favor is visiting a demon lord's castle." Lancelot said hesitantly, "I'm not sure if a powerful being like you would be welcome to go there directly."

"What's the demon lord's attitude towards falling out of favor?" The man didn't get angry, but just looked at him calmly.

"Very respectful."

"Then I'll be fine."

"I need your promise." Lancelow tried hard to overcome the fear in his heart, and said firmly, "I promise that you will not do anything harmful to that demon lord or that town."

Everyone was stunned by Lancelot's courage, but Wuming just narrowed his eyes, looked at the knight in front of him, and his companions behind him, and then smiled.

"I'm a person who doesn't like to cause trouble, except that no one takes the initiative to provoke me." He looked at the group of comrades fighting side by side with an almost nostalgic look, "Shall we go?"

"Thank you for your understanding." Lancelot heaved a sigh of relief, and took out the amulet with the emblem of Shuangqiao Town from his arms.But he suddenly remembered something, and said to the man with some embarrassment, "Wait a little longer, give me a minute."

"What's the matter?" The scarred man looked at him strangely. This Balrog showed patience far beyond ordinary demons.

"Collect the loot." Lancelot smiled awkwardly, took out the giant sword Glacier, quickly pried the cage off the car, and used the ability of the dimensional bag to scale the items to fill the entire metal cage. went in.

"These are adamantine," explained the dwarf nearby. "A great forging material. Do you need new weapons or armor?"

"I also had a partner like this before." The anonymous man pointed to the skull in Brutal's arms, which was just handed over to him by Lancelot, and is still in a coma. "They're much more stubborn than they look and won't die so easily."

"I hope so." Brutal sighed, "This guy seemed crazy just now, and suddenly rushed towards that pit fiend, as if he saw some enemy."

At this time, Lancelot had already put away the cage made of pure gold. As for the weapons held by the mercenaries, they quickly became rotten with the death of the devil, and had no value to collect. Another corpse was rummaging through the wallet, who knows what kind of troubles will come after staying for a while.

"Everyone catch me."

He said while holding the amulet given by Tijana, and then everyone reached out and grabbed his arm or belt.

Nameless also stretched out his hand, just resting on his shoulder.Although there was no discomfort, Lancelot still felt the volcanic heat in the opponent's body.

"After all, my body is a Balor." The scarred man seemed to know what Lancelot was thinking, and smiled at him.

Lancelot calmed down, and whispered the name of the succubus lord to the emblem of Shuangqiao Town in an almost inaudible voice.

"Tijana, Tijana, Tijana..."

The magic contained in the emblem was triggered by his whisper, and for a moment Lancelot felt as if he had lost weight, and the surrounding scene instantly blurred into countless bright spots, and then recombined into a new scene, and the sense of weight returned to him body of.

He found himself standing in the throne room of Tijana Castle, the succubus lord and her lizard generals were still studying the surrounding situation in front of the sand table.Lancelot glanced at it and found that there were only a few minor changes on it.

"Ah, Lancelot, you..." Tijana had sensed the fluctuation of teleportation magic in advance, but her face suddenly changed, she stared at Anonymous standing beside her, and asked in a cold tone: "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"You can call me Anonymous." The man covered in scars looked at the succubus lord in front of him with interest, and didn't care about the hostility she showed, "I seem to have mentioned you to me when I fell out of favor. her."

"Anonymous?" Tijana looked even more surprised, but another equally surprised voice sounded from the side:

Lancelot turned his head and found that it was Iados who made the sound.The goat-headed devil, who has always been taciturn, seemed to recognize Wu Ming, with a look of awe on his face.

"I remember you, Iados." A smile appeared on the anonymous man's face, "I am glad to find that you are still alive."

Iados straightened his hunched back suddenly, and hit his left chest heavily with his right fist. Lancelot guessed that it was some kind of special way of paying tribute.

"Iados, is this the general you've been mentioning?" Tijana asked the goat-headed demon, who nodded obviously suppressing his excitement.She glanced at the scar on the nameless body, and said hesitantly, "I've also heard Madam Fallen From Favor mention your name, but you're not..."

"There's a lot going on."

Anonymous didn't give any further explanation, and Tijana didn't intend to continue asking.She turned to look at another strange face, and asked:
"So you are the target of rescue this time?"

Although Elotesia was a paladin, she spent most of her life as a demon, so she didn't show too much hostility, but was always looking at Tijana curiously.

"I am." She nodded neither humble nor overbearing, "I have heard of your name for a long time, the pearl on the banks of the Styx, the great Lord Tijana."

"Every part of your body is here, it seems that my mercenaries have completed this commission very well." Tijana is not particularly enthusiastic about the paladin, "Come with me, falling out of favor is waiting anxiously You, Lancelot, you go back first, I will come to you later."

"Of order, my lady." Lancelot bowed to Tijana, pretending not to see the winking grimaces of his companions.

The succubus lord took a deep look at him, and the smile at the corner of her mouth revealed her feelings when she saw the human knight.She ordered a few words to her generals, and then led Anonymous and Elotesia to disappear into the passage behind the throne room.

After a while, Lancelow and his party returned to Hagrid Manor's home.Unexpectedly, although it was still evening, little Isa was already doing housework.

"Ah! Brother Lancelow, are you back?" The vampire looked very weak, but his voice sounded extraordinarily happy.

"Hmm... um? What did you call me just now?"

Isabella's face flushed with embarrassment, and said hesitantly:

"Yes, sorry sir, I, I..."

"It's really unfair." Brutal complained sullenly, "I used to call me uncle..."

"Who told you to grow such a big beard." Lancelot said with a smile, "But the sun hasn't set yet, why did you come out?"

"Sir Zalovich said that I must learn to adapt to the sunshine." Little Isa's voice became lower, "If... if I want to go out for adventure with Brother Lancelow."

 Flowers, flowers!
(End of this chapter)

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