The knight in the abyss

Chapter 202 Birds

Chapter 202 Birds

"May victory and glory belong to her." Lancelow replied cautiously, and then explained, "We are carrying out a commission and need to go to the maps of various lower levels. Now it seems that the Eye of Sarrizdun It won’t work if you find it.”

"Indeed, I'm glad we have the same interests." Satugura's fox showed an uncomfortable smile on his face, and grabbed three wands from the table, "Come on, take them all, I believe in the ability of the mercenaries in Shuangqiao Town, and you will definitely surprise me."

There is a saying in the Little Bamboo Slips about Cultivating the Heart: If you don’t have anything to show courteousness, you can either rape or steal. This is a perfect way to describe Lancelot’s current feeling.His spiritual sense couldn't detect any abnormalities for the time being, so he took the wand carefully.However, he still secretly kept an eye on it, and will let scholars study it carefully to see if there is any moth in it.

"Wish you guys good luck."

Lancelot nodded, and then everyone held hands and walked into the portal together.

This teleportation door is obviously a bit special, passing through it is like passing through an ordinary door, completely without the short-term dizziness of ordinary teleportation.

Lancelot looked around, and found himself standing in an empty hall, the structure here was similar to the Hall of Discord, and the portal they came from was also located at the same location, and it was gradually dissipating behind them at this moment.

The movement of their arrival alarmed the guards here, and the two demons quickly flew over from the corner.Lancelot looked up, and saw that it was a muscular, human-like demon with a pair of dirty and rotten wings growing from its back, skin as pale as a corpse, and eagle-like horns at the end of its arms. Claws, no hair on the top of the round head, but an extra red eye on the forehead.

This is a strong demon, it is said that it was born directly from the blood of a certain demon lord, and was created with a bloody ritual.Compared with ordinary demons, they have a certain degree of obedience, and are the favorite subordinates of many demon lords.

Of course, there is only one thing that can make them obey, and that is power.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" One of the demons asked in a rough voice. The tone was very unkind, but it didn't attack directly. It was obviously related to the way everyone appeared here.

"We are a group of mercenaries, and the Lord of Wither below hired a large group of guys like us to help them find a black bead in the abyss." Brutal said carelessly, "You don't just know that Where is the thing?"

"Satugula sent you to find the Eye of Sarizdun?" The two demons looked at them suspiciously, but they still stepped aside, "Get out of that door, without the protection of this tower , the Great Abyss will swallow you alive, and we will appreciate that scene."

"Hey, how long have you guys been in this shitty place? Can't you learn to be more hospitable?" Brutal swaggered towards the exit indicated by the devil.

As soon as he stepped out of the gate, there was a terrifying scream in the sky, and a Vlo demon who appeared out of nowhere rushed down from a high place at high speed, and swung at Brutal with its sharp claws.

The dwarf was slightly taken aback by the scream, and by the time he realized it, his claws were about to scratch his face.Fortunately, he almost instinctively raised his shield to block the fierce claw strike, but the huge impact made the dwarf fall backwards, and fell back into the Tower of Bones in embarrassment.

The vlo was rushing in immediately, and Lancelot was about to draw his sword to support the dwarf, but the two strong monsters who followed the dwarf to the exit were faster than him.The moment the vlo demon came in, they rushed up, knocked down the intruder from left to right, and then directly tore off the vlo demon's wings with their terrifying strength.

The demon that lost its wings also lost its only hope of escape.The Strong Demon waved its huge sharp claws, and tore the hapless bastard, who was dazzled by flesh and blood, into a pile of pieces.

"Who says the birds don't shit here? There are a lot of birds here." The burly demon who talked to everyone first taunted Brutal while biting off a large piece of flesh from Flo's thigh. "You did a good job, do it again? We can give you two paws, or half an arm."

"I was just attacked!" the dwarf argued, blushing.

"What's wrong? We also sneaked into it." Another burly demon dug its claws into the prey's stomach and threw the bloody internal organs into its mouth. "We can't leave this tower, at least not from Here goes. You brought a little joy to our dull hours, so we bless you and may your death in the Great Abyss be swift and painless."

"Uh, should I say thank you?" Brutal was a little confused by the words that seemed to be both curses and kind.At this time Lancelow came over, he patted the dwarf on the shoulder, and said to the two big and strong demons who were feasting:
"Thank you for your help. If we want to go back to Moglondar, how do we open that portal?"

"We can open that portal for you. The price is 1000 gold coins, or anything equivalent." A burly demon wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and smiled disgustingly at Lancelot, "but money What use is it to us? If you can give us some fun, such as luring a few vlo or kasi in, open that portal for free."

"I see." Lancelow nodded, and then led everyone to organize their equipment, and passed through the Kai-Oin exit, exposed to the unique blood-red mist of the Great Abyss.

This time there were no surprise attackers, and the group successfully stood on a narrow mountain path. The surrounding environment was extremely dangerous: one side was a nearly vertical rock wall, and the other side was a void where the bottom could not be seen.On the opposite side is another nearly vertical rock wall, some places are only tens of feet away from the side where everyone is, and some places are thousands of feet wide.

There are horizontal mountain paths distributed on the rock face, and there are even ancient arch bridges connecting the two sides in some places, but there are no natural roads in the vertical direction.For those travelers without flying ability, if they want to change the altitude, they must find a less steep area to climb, and at the same time, they must pay attention to the attacks of the aborigines here.

The cliff was less than five feet away, and the greatest danger in exploring this area was that of falling.If you are lucky, maybe you just fell a little bit worse. If you are unlucky, you may not even find the body.Of course, another thing to worry about is something falling from the sky, such as another unlucky person who stumbled and fell.

 Thank you for the 2001 monthly tickets from ok4 book friends, and the recommended tickets from other friends~~Thank you~!

(End of this chapter)

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