The knight in the abyss

Chapter 205 Contradictory Succubus

Chapter 205 Contradictory Succubus

"Boss, you were really strong in those two strikes just now, but it's better to smash the evil." The skull on the side commented faintly, "And it was cast by a Tanari, and it also has a strong deterrent effect."

"Is that the Evil Slayer?" Lancelot looked at Elotesia curiously. He had heard of the powerful ability of a paladin before. The effect of the succubus's shining golden sword just now was really shocking. Its power is no less than that of the Qingyuan Sword Art that he used his innate qi.

"Yes, that Cass rushed over too fast just now, and I'm worried that normal attacks won't be able to stop it." Elotesia was a little embarrassed by the compliments from everyone, "To be honest, it's the first time I've mastered this skill. I couldn't believe it myself, after all, I was still a demon, which gave me great encouragement."

"It's really powerful. You can only use that kind of power with the approval of the source of kindness." Colonwell said with emotion, "But since you are still a demon, I am afraid that the evil attack can still cause harm to you..."

Hearing that Elotesia's expression darkened in an instant, the skull consciously made a slip of the tongue, and quickly made amends:

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not questioning your essence, the Sundering Slash of the Fallen Paladin is also effective for you..."

As soon as the words came out, the poor succubus was about to cry.Lancelot cast a mournful look at Colonwell, and comforted Elotesia:
"Don't listen to the nonsense of the skull, why would someone attack you with the evil-breaking slash?"

"Why not." The succubus paladin sighed, "Not everyone will be as willing to listen to my story as you are, especially other paladins. In their eyes, who am I, what have I done, what am I It doesn't matter what they did, they only saw a demon, and it was a succubus that was particularly deceptive and depraved."

"Where's your angel lover? He must clear up many misunderstandings?"

"As long as those guys see Erdin, they will immediately become respectful, as if they have met their idol." Speaking of his lover, the succubus showed a sweet smile on his face, "But some people are listening After Erding’s explanation, they are still unwilling to change their views, and firmly believe that I have completely controlled him through charm... From a certain point of view, they are completely reversed.”

"A great knight once said that race does not represent glory." Lancelot said with a serious expression, "I don't think anyone is qualified to judge you, as long as you are right with your heart, that's enough. Those The so-called paladins don't know where they've strayed from the right path, and their zealotry will get them in trouble sooner or later."

"Thank you." Elotesia nodded gratefully to Lancelot, and suddenly showed a sly smile, "Tijana will be very happy if she knows that you think so."

"Eh? How did this get involved?" Lancelot turned around in embarrassment, "Okay, let's move on?"

In fact, along the way, Lancelow's personal problems became the most eager topic of discussion in the team. After all, there was a talkative succubus in the team, and some questions that everyone had been curious about for a long time finally had answers, and Lancelow himself I am very concerned about these answers, so I let everyone make fun of him.

First, like all demons, the succubus' natural alignment is chaos, which in itself means infinite possibilities; second, succubi can have fun in many things, while most demons only pursue the thrill of killing and torture , this is mostly related to the terrible pain at the first level of advancement; in the end, there are indeed succubi and mortals who really love each other, and this situation is not rare.

But most of them have no good results - just disappearing suddenly because of loss of interest is already a good situation. Although succubus often go to the main material plane to perform 'missions', they don't really know what to do. How to live in a mortal society.

Because of the fear and hostility mortals have toward demons, most succubi masquerade as charming, ordinary people.But paper can't contain the fire after all, and there are too many things that could go wrong—whether it's an accidentally exposed horn or tail when excited, or an accidental birth of a child with bat wings, some poor mortal will know The fact that his partner actually came from the bottomless abyss.

From here things quickly move towards a tragic ending, and for those succubus who habitually use lies to start and maintain a relationship, the final outcome is actually doomed.

Therefore, Elotesia was lucky, she was the angel she went to find as a succubus in the first place.At that time, she was already ready to be hacked to death by the person she liked. Fortunately, the goddess of luck, Tymora, had a good impression of her that day, and her confession was a success, and her angel lover was far more mature and wise than ordinary mortals. , and was a great support to the succubus as she struggled to fight her own nature.

After hearing what Elotesia said, everyone had different reactions.Aramir was so moved that she insisted that her story proved the great power of love, and once again invited Elotesia to join Sune's church; the scholar felt that he had gained valuable information on succubus psychology, This is the topic of greatest interest to all male demon researchers.

And Lancelot has remained silent.Various thoughts flashed through his mind, and he almost fell off the cliff because of distraction, and he had to use the Ice Heart Curse to calm his mind.

But some crazy thoughts took root in his heart, maybe he should just confess his feelings to Tijana like Elotesia?Should he clearly tell Tijana what he thinks, instead of hiding behind the armor of politeness and responsibility like now, carefully sticking out the spear of his favor?

Lancelot shook his head, dispelling these childish thoughts.When he first became a knight, he had made similar actions, but he was no longer the impulsive and reckless young man back then.

How did you say that sentence?Confession has always been a triumphant song declaring victory, not a clarion call to charge.Therefore, he had to continue dancing patiently in this tango with the succubus lord.

As everyone continued to explore forward, they did discover some special places.

The first thing that attracted everyone's attention were some mysterious runes carved on the cliffs. These runes are very ancient, and their survival is obviously due to some magical power.

Karalin recognized those runes as a very ancient abyssal script, which aroused his great interest.

 By the way, Succubus’s English is SUCCUBUS, search it on steam, there is an unreleased game called this name, the trailer is really...very powerful (bloody level), if you are interested, you can take a look and pay attention Release time~
(End of this chapter)

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