The knight in the abyss

Chapter 207 The Legendary Monster

Chapter 207 The Legendary Monster
"The spells in the upper part of these wands should be some kind of variant of the Locate Object spell. The target has been specified. This part is about the description of the artifact..." Karaline muttered to himself. Yu said, "But what are these extra runes below?"

Gradually, the expression on the scholar's face became serious, and Lancelow had already guessed that something was wrong.Karaline grabbed a few other wands to look at, and cast a few spells on the wands, but the results were obviously not satisfactory to him.Finally, the scholar let out a sigh of relief, and said to everyone:
"The upper part of each wand is the same. It should be the magic they say to detect the Eye of Sarrizdun. But there are other things in the lower part, and the complexity is far greater than that of the upper part." Kara Lin showed the abnormality of the three wands, but no one except himself could understand the patterns as fine as palm prints.

"I knew those withered masters had no good intentions." Lancelot frowned and said, "What effect do they have?"

"I'm sorry, I can't see it, and the magic appraisal didn't give me any answer." Kara Lin shrugged, "I can barely recognize that it is a spell of the transformation system, which is probably not a good thing."

"Then these sticks can't be used anymore?" Brutal lamented, "Are these guys stupid? We just help find something..."

"To be honest, I would be even more disturbed if I didn't have these things." Karaline smiled, "I can try to destroy the runes in the lower part, while the detection magic in the upper part is still in effect."

"Is this all right?" Lancelot asked in surprise, he was ready to throw away all three wands.

"Of course." The scholar smiled, and took out a delicate knife from his backpack, "I'm an expert in this field."

After a while, Karalin activated the 'reformed' wand, and confirmed that there was nothing nearby that looked like the Eye of Tharizdun.

"Since what we're looking for isn't inside, don't waste any more time, let's move on." Lancelow nodded in satisfaction, his spiritual sense didn't like the idea of ​​walking into this crack at all.

"Oh, but think about the possible treasure inside!" The dwarf looked disappointed, "We are adventurers, how can we let this opportunity pass?"

"Young man, you will die very quickly like this." Lancelot patted the dwarf's shoulder in an old-fashioned way, "Our goal is to find that black bead, there is no need to take this extra risk. And think about it , What good can there be with magic items that have been buried for countless centuries with the dead demon lord? It must be a troublesome curse, and it might occupy your body and be resurrected with your flesh and blood..."

"It's not as serious as you said..." The dwarf retorted weakly, but continued to move forward resigned to his fate.

"I can't see it, boss, your brain is quite easy to use." The skull floated crookedly aside, and the sloping ground seemed to have affected him. "Many great heroes have died drilling holes they shouldn't have drilled."

"This is really the wisest thing I've ever heard, thank you." Lancelot looked at the skull angrily.There was a sharp bird song from the sky, and everyone became nervous again.The cry meant it was clear that soon a horde of vlos would fly over their heads.

As for whether there will be a battle, the right to choose is not in the hands of outsiders like them.

Everyone walked forward for a while, and the birdsong became louder and louder, but the winged demon figure never appeared, instead there were some other sounds.After turning over a ridge, the voice suddenly became clear. Everyone took a closer look and found that a fierce battle was taking place not far away.

"O Moradin's beard! What is that!"

Brutal screamed, and that was how Lancelot felt at the moment.He was familiar with one side of the battle, a large group of vlo demons. They had killed many cruel and evil demons today, but the other side was indeed a creature he had never seen before.

At first glance, it appears to be a huge ball of flesh floating in the air, but a little observation reveals the evil and twisted nature of the creature: in the center of the ball-shaped body is a huge eyeball, and below it is a giant eyeball. A huge mouth full of sharp teeth; several slender tentacles grow on its body, and each tentacle ends with a smaller eyeball.

Lancelot had heard about this creature from Karalyn. It was a beholder, one of the weirdest creatures in the multiverse, and the nightmare of all adventurers.

Those eyeballs on the end of the tentacles are not just for expanding the field of vision - one eyeball shoots a blue ray, turning a vlome hovering above its head into a stone statue, falling to the ground and smashing Smash; the other eyeball shot out a pink light, and the demon that was immediately illuminated began to attack his companions as if he had been charmed.

The small eyes at the end of each tentacle can emit different rays. This strange and weird creature relies on these eye rays to fight, and it can deal with a large number of winged demon groups with ease.Brutal's exclamation attracted its attention, the beholder's body turned slightly, and the huge main eye looked this way.

There was a muffled buzzing sound in everyone's ears, the torch-like hammer in Aramir's hand was instantly extinguished, and the several protective spells Karalin cast on him in advance also suddenly dissipated.

They are no strangers to this situation.In fact, this is the skill that beholders feel most powerless to adventurers-anti-magic force field.Through the fearsome main eye, the beholder can create a cone-shaped force field at an extremely long distance. In this force field, the magical energy that permeates the entire multiverse will be completely isolated, including those emitted by the beholder's own secondary eyes. rays.

But this does not mean that a fighter as skilled as Lancelot will have any advantage.The beholder can completely activate the anti-magic field first, instantly stripping away any protective and buffing magic that is in effect on the enemy, and then close its main eye, using those with paralysis, charm, petrification, fear, weakness, hypnosis and even death According to the secondary eye one by one, there is always a kind of ray that can deal with those guys who like to rely on muscles.

Fortunately, this beholder didn't seem to be interested in the sudden appearance of Lancelot and his party, maybe it didn't pay attention to everyone at all.Its body turned back, and continued to concentrate on dealing with those Flo demons that surrounded it like flies.

"That's a beholder, right?" Lancelot asked Karalin softly, "How did it appear here?"

 As a DND (self-proclaimed) web article, how can there be no such monsters~ PS: If the beholder remembers correctly, toilet paper has copyright, it is really subtle at the moment~
(End of this chapter)

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