Chapter 209

When he finished speaking the last word, a huge black shadow had already appeared directly above the beholder, and was swooping towards the portal guard at an extremely fast speed.

Lancelot mobilized some true energy to improve his eyesight, and carefully looked at this powerful creature that made him nervous.It has the same huge body shape as Balrog and Alchemist, with shiny black skin all over its body, porcupine-like black bristles on its beast-like head, and a pair of eye-catching, blood-red eyes on both sides. huge wings.

But the most impressive thing is its body: there are four thick arms on both sides of the body of that kind of person, and each arm holds a battle ax; and from the lower chest to the crotch, what should have been The belly turned into a bloody mouth, and a pair of demon horns protruded from the waist on both sides, forming an extremely strange image of a demon.

"That's... the gate guard!"

The succubus behind him let out a scream, apparently recognizing the guy who appeared suddenly, but the memory from the elf priest in Lancelot's mind was activated.In the ancient memories of the elves, this kind of demon with four arms commanded an astonishing army of demons, flooding the elves' defense line like a tide.

The ancient elves called it the legion demon, a demon general stronger and more commanding than the lizard.In their memory, there will always be a large number of secondary demons following behind this kind of demon, but for some reason, the legion demon in front of them is alone.

The beholder found this approaching threat only a few seconds later than Lancelot and the others. The moment it saw the opponent, its body, which was slightly red from pleasure just now, instantly turned extremely pale, like a mass of boiled meat. Rotten meat.

All its secondary eyes frantically fired eye rays towards the legion demon, and its body began to float towards the portal.However, the swooping demon suddenly began to spin its body quickly, dodging most of the rays, and a few shots landed on its body occasionally, which did not cause any effect as if it were tickling, causing the demon to roar proudly.

The speed of the beholder's floating movement was really too slow. When it was thirty or forty feet away from the portal, the Legionnaire had already jumped on it, looking like a big cat jumping on the fur ball.The demon's body with huge momentum pressed the beholder to the ground, and its four arms swung left and right, quickly cutting off all the tentacles on the latter.

"No one! No! Guard! Portal!"

Every time the legionnaire slashed his axe, he yelled out a word in rough abyssal language, as if extremely angry at the latter's behavior.

It struck the beholder's tightly closed main eyelid with the last blow, which was the hardest part of the beholder's body, and the tomahawk got stuck in it.

The legion demon let out an angry roar, it threw away the ax in its hand, and thrust its four claws into the gap between the eyelids, then raised its two arms up, and pressed its two arms down, and it even brought the beholder's body alive. A huge main eye snapped open.

"I said! No! Block the door!"

The giant mouth of the legion devil's abdomen roared at the one-eyed eye full of fear, and then it straightened its waist, and the bloody mouth full of dagger-like fangs bit the eyeball of the main eye.

The beholder let out a shrill scream, and the pain contained in that voice made everyone almost lose their minds, but it made the demon even more excited.And the next scene was even more bloody: the Legionnoid's four arms pushed the beholder's body outwards, and the huge mouth on its abdomen was like a pliers, and directly gave the eyeball that was bigger than Brutal to it. pulled out.

The beholder's screams came to an abrupt end, as if a pause had been drawn suddenly.Its ball-like body rolled to the side, and there was an empty blood hole in the middle, and a thigh-thick optic nerve protruded from it, and the end was the eyeball that was being swallowed by the legion demon bit by bit.

At the moment when the Legionnaire bit the main eye, Brutus had already looked away because of the discomfort, and Aramir and Elotesia had already turned their backs. Only Lancelot stood there like an iceberg, He watched this scene with indifference.

If he had to face this terrible enemy later, he had to see every detail clearly now.But if there is no Bing Xin Jue that is running crazily, he can't directly look at such a crazy scene.

Soon, the four-armed demon swallowed the huge eyeball completely, and then it turned its head to look in a certain direction as if it heard something.

Not Lancelot's side.

The Legion Demon let out a roar, picked up the ax that was thrown on the ground just now, jumped into the void below, and flew away like that.

"Phew, that guy doesn't seem to have much appetite for us." Brutal cautiously stuck his head out of the edge of the cliff and looked down, "Wise choice, the meat of our dwarves is smelly and hard, it's unpalatable."

"The stones in the cesspit fit that description as well," Colonwell sarcastically said.

"Elotesia, did you just call it the gate guard?" Lancelot asked the succubus paladin.The terrifying aura disappeared from his spiritual sense. The strength gap between the two sides is too large, and the other party should not be able to hide and ambush them.

"Yes, its reputation is widely spread in the abyss." The succubus nodded and confirmed, "It is said that since ancient times, it has been patrolling the abyss non-stop, attacking anyone who tries to guard the portal. "

"Is that the Gatekeeper?" The scholar seemed quite excited, "I've heard about it and always thought it was a very interesting existence, but most of the descriptions about it are rumors, and there are very few first-hand witnesses ..."

"I don't like any guy with more than one mouth." Kora said with a pale face, "Doesn't it mean that any lord-level demons can't enter the Great Abyss? How can there be such a terrible guy?"

"There is a guess that it gradually grew to its current strength in the Great Abyss, and it never left." Kara Lin explained to everyone, "In ancient times, after Chaos tried to make all Obiris lords submit, And those who rejected her were driven into the Great Abyss. At that time, there were no restrictions on the Great Abyss, anyone could enter, and the Gatekeeper should have been born in the Great Abyss at that time."

"I can provide some supplements on this." Colonwell cleared his throat, "According to a certain Tanar'ri historian, it once visited the gatekeeper, and the four-armed demon claimed that it came from a man named A Lord Obiris of Asma received an order to guard the Great Abyss. This Asma has long since disappeared into history, but the gatekeepers don't think it has anything to do with continuing its mission."

 Thank you for the support of all book friends. I have been staying at home to code words this holiday, but I can barely write two chapters a day. I feel that my manuscript will not last until the end of the month.TT
(End of this chapter)

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