The knight in the abyss

Chapter 215 If not in the abyss

Chapter 215 If not in the abyss
"Hi! Lancelot, don't hang around and be handsome!" Brutal's voice came from above him, "Come back quickly, the roast chicken is still on fire!"

"Do you need help?" Elotesia flew to his side, followed by a little bat flying around.Noticing Lancelot's serious expression, she quickly asked, "Is there any problem? Is it because of the Dark Guard's Fallen Touch? My lay on hand ability can dispel those negative effects..." "I'm fine." Lance Luo shook his head, and controlled the vines with a trick to send himself back to the ground.

"What happened?" Kara Lin asked with concern, the scholar keenly noticed the abnormality of the human knight just now.

"I saw Enrique fall into a dark cave, and the entrance of the cave was a phantom of the rock wall." Lancelow explained to everyone, "Although it was only a short glimpse, the entrance of the cave was so dark that it seemed to be about to drown the surroundings. Like light sucked in, very similar to what the Lord of Blight described about the Eye of Tharizdun."

"Really?" Brutal jumped up excitedly, "Then what are we waiting for, let's go down!"

"Don't worry." Lancelot shook his head, "Karalin, you have to go down with me to make sure, and take the wand given by that fox."

"Okay." Karaline nodded sharply.

After a while, Helotesia watched the two figures of the same kind flying downwards in a somewhat speechless manner, while the others behind them didn't react at all, and they were no longer surprised.

"Is it my illusion?" the succubus paladin asked the others, "They both seem to be quite happy about wearing the transformation ring?"

"What's so fun about being like that." Brutal took out his ring, "I'll show you what I look like after I transform..."

"What..." Before Helotesia could finish her sentence, she realized that there was another bearded fellow in front of her eyes.The succubus paladin was stunned for a moment, and then the expression on her face changed drastically. Finally, a dark red light flickered in her hand, she pointed at Brutal, and shouted loudly:
"Release the magic!!!!!!"

With a 'bang', the bearded succubus disappeared, and a dwarf with a confused face appeared on the spot.

Down below, Lancelot and Karaline descended onto a natural stone bridge, and the cave that swallowed Enrique was nearby.The phantom at the entrance is really hard to spot from a distance, but it's not hard to see up close.

The scholar drew out the wand that had been used once before, closed his eyes and concentrated slightly, and activated the detection magic on it.But he immediately opened his eyes again, and staggered back a few steps as if he had been dazed by something, almost falling outside the stone bridge, but luckily Lancelow caught him in time.

"what happened?"

"The detection aura is as strong as the sun." Karalin shook his head, indicating that he was fine. "The artifact is inside. What should we do now? Do you want to go in and have a look?"

"I don't like this idea at all..." Lancelot glanced at the entrance of the cave again, "Let's go back first, we can't escape from the cave here, and we have to go in tomorrow."


"How about it?"

When Lancelot and Karaline returned to the camping platform, Brutal was sitting by the fire eating half a roast chicken.The dwarf greeted very naturally, without any embarrassment at all.

"Let's start eating without waiting for us?" Lancelot shook his head helplessly, "I found it, it's in that hole. But it's mostly in there, we're already very tired today, let's rest for one night, tomorrow Go in again."

"Hey, I'm not tired at all." The dwarf patted himself on the chest. "I can kill another hundred vlomo."

"Even one hundred cowards is enough for you to fight for a whole day." Lancelot shook his head, "The casting of magic and divine spells will consume mental power, Karaline and Aramiel must get a full rest , to use those amazing magical powers again. That cave is probably the lair of some ancient Obiris lord, and when you are in it, you hope that these companions with glowing palms are in the best condition."

"Okay, but it's really troublesome." Brutal threw the chicken bone into the fire, "The muscles are still reliable..."

"Dwarves." The elf shrugged helplessly.

Lancelot had been meditating all night, holding a middle-grade earth crystal in his hand.Nothing happened overnight, when the fungus that provided lighting in the great abyss brightened up again, the true qi in his body had completely recovered.

He opened his eyes and turned to look at the succubus paladin who had been staring at him curiously since just now.

"When you were resting like that, you exuded a very strange aura, very similar to... very similar to the feeling of mother you mortals said, making people feel inexplicably kind and familiar." Realizing that the other party had already discovered his voyeuristic behavior, Ai Lotia explained with some embarrassment, "I know it's strange for me to say this, because my own mother never gave me such a feeling. She got tired of me two days after giving birth to me."

"I'm not resting, but cultivating. I can absorb the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth. This is the abyss, and what I absorb naturally is the spiritual energy of the abyss. Maybe it's that kind of breath that gives you a familiar feeling, because strictly speaking, the abyss It is the mother who really gave you life." Lancelot said with a smile, but then showed a sorry expression, "It's a pity that you had such an experience when you were a child. I was lucky to have an ordinary but happy childhood. It was very precious memory."

"After I settled in the main material plane, I have been in contact with many human children, and they let me know what I missed." The succubus paladin also showed a faint smile, "Sometimes I even doubt that I am Didn't I overestimate my own evil nature? If I had normal parents and grew up in a loving and peaceful environment, would I still take cheating, torture and indulgence for granted?"

"Have you come to any conclusions about this?"

"No, but I believe the answer is no." Succubus's neat short hair shook from side to side, "The power of love is great. If it can change me, it will definitely change others. Especially children, even if they It does have a sinister nature, but I believe the environment in which you grew up plays a bigger role."

"I hope so." Lancelot nodded, ending the topic.

Everyone gradually woke up from their slumber, including a certain vampire who was struggling with jet lag. The little girl was very interested in exploring the cave. After Lancelot emphasized the possible danger, he stopped insisting.

After a simple breakfast, everyone sorted out their equipment and made final preparations before departure.

 How the succubus treats her daughter can refer to the experience of falling out of favor in a foreign land, it is really miserable (~_~;) Ask for votes~

(End of this chapter)

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