The knight in the abyss

Chapter 218 Accidents occur frequently

Chapter 218 Accidents occur frequently
"I'm fine, it's just that this kind of scene is really rare." Kara Lin was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, pointed to the hot scene in the distance, and explained to everyone in a low voice:

"Under normal circumstances, demons are extremely disgusted with any physical labor, but there are all kinds of majestic engineering buildings in the abyss, the complexity of which cannot be explained by magic, so researchers have always been very curious about this. Many hypotheses have been put forward by the way the facility was built. The scene before us proves at least one of them: through large-scale mind control, high-level demons can drive low-level demons on a large scale, forcing them to realize their grand plans .”

"I have to say, this is really ironic." Elotesia also frowned and looked at the other side, "My kindred with infinite strength can only become so constructive when they are controlled by the mind."

"They seem to be full of enthusiasm for their work, and they will definitely not welcome us to pass by." Brutal guessed, "So what should we do? Just kill them like this?"

"I don't like the idea." Cora objected softly, "We'll be drowned."

"There are hundreds of mutated Cass demons there, even if we really kill them all, we will probably be exhausted." Lancelow rubbed his chin, "And the owners of these cannon fodder probably won't let us go back to eat Sleep well, come back to it after a full rest."

"It's so troublesome, can't these ultimate monsters stay in the deepest part of the lair and wait obediently." Brutal muttered, "Then what should we do? Find a way to sneak in? I can't do it like you and the elves, dressed Heavy armor can also move quietly, like a cat."

"This is a simple and practical technique, and I strongly recommend that you master it as soon as possible." Aramiel shrugged, "Lancelo, how about your sensory ability? It can help us find a way to slip in." Is it?"

Lancelow closed his eyes, but opened them again soon, and said with open hands, "No, there are too many enemies, and they are too close. I can only sense their approximate positions. How about I do it again Stealth and high-altitude reconnaissance, just like the previous one in Oasis Castle?"

"I don't recommend you to do this." Karaline shook his head, "Several eyes of the vlo demons we killed before have mutated, and they probably have the ability of true vision. This is not the case of those without As long as one of the Berserkers on the neck raises its head inadvertently, you in mid-air will definitely become the target of public criticism. Moreover, they have been walking around all the time, and the distribution of enemies has changed after you come down."

"Boss, why don't I do it?" Unexpectedly, Colonwell said suddenly, "Scholar, you can just cast me a levitation spell, a skull floating in the air is small and inconspicuous, no one will notice .And through the spiritual connection, you can obtain my vision in real time, and looking down from a high place, it should not be difficult to find a weakly defended route to sneak in."

"The duration of the levitation spell is only 10 minutes. Once the spell is over, he will fall back to the ground." Kara Lin reminded, "We must hurry up and pass through this large 'construction site' before then."

"Don't worry, my friends, it will be fine." Skull assured everyone, "If the time is up, I'll find a crack in the ceiling and stick myself in. Just come and pick me up when you're done!"

"Then let's do it like this." Lancelot thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.It was said that Karaline took out a scroll from Howard's convenience bag on his back, and then found a big stone to cover it, so as to ensure that the aura during casting would not be discovered by the demons in the distance.

Accompanied by a burst of light blue light, Colonwell began to float higher and higher like a balloon, and his vision was also transmitted to Lancelow's consciousness through a spiritual connection.

This is a rather wonderful experience, like gaining another sense.As long as Lancelot concentrates a little, he can see the scene in the eyes of the skull at the same time.From Colonwell's perspective, he quickly found a route where the enemy's defenses were weak, so he waved to his partners and took the lead to enter the field.

They first passed through an area that looked like a quarry, where kasimo with mutated arms worked, processing dirt and stones into regular cuboids.They are all focused on their work, and occasionally other demons will come to fetch materials, so it is not difficult to sneak through this area.

Everyone passed quickly with cats on their bodies. The only louder sound was the scratching sound of Brutal's armor, but fortunately, the processing of building materials would also make a lot of noise, and those demons who were addicted to work did not notice them.

The skulls in the air also moved with the actions of the partners below, allowing Lancelot to see the situation ahead.The next area is a building whose foundations are still under construction. This building seems to be very tall, so the foundation has been dug very deep.Most of the demons here are busy underground, and unused materials are piled up messily on the edge of the site, providing a good cover for everyone sneaking through.

Once again, the group made it through the area without incident.Between them and the gloomy hall was a large area of ​​low spherical buildings.These buildings have chitinous exterior walls, like insect carapaces, which make people feel quite disgusting.Lancelot's spiritual sense sensed that there were a lot of demons ahead, and they should be resting inside.

Demons themselves do not need to sleep, but they will still feel tired. Even if the demons controlled by the mind do not complain, it is necessary to let them rest for a while to ensure work efficiency.

It may be difficult to cross this area, because Colonwell above does not have the ability to see through and cannot see the situation under the roof.These hive-like temporary buildings surrounded the entire hall, and Lancelow couldn't find a way around it.Therefore, he silently pulled out the Frost Slash, and if he was unlucky and bumped into one or two enemies, he wanted to ensure that the opponent would die quickly and quietly.

There was a slight sound of unsheathing, and the others also took out their weapons.Except for Aramir, as soon as the priest took hold of his magnificent mace, it began to glow like a torch, and it was difficult not to attract attention.

After observing for a while again, Lancelot walked forward decisively, focusing on the skull's high-altitude vision and his own telepathy at the same time, trying to avoid rooms where there might be enemies.

But it is still impossible to not encounter a single enemy.When they walked through one of the huts, they bumped into two mutated Cass demons who happened to come out of it.

 Thank you brothers for recommending tickets, and continue to ask for a wave of monthly ticket recommendation tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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