The knight in the abyss

Chapter 223 Crazy Stance

Chapter 223 Crazy Stance

The second half of the monster is even more distorted. The skull of a normal creature is gone, and the swollen lavender brain tissue is directly exposed to the air. It looks like an over-inflated balloon, and it is somewhat similar to the belly of an ant queen. .The part that should have been the neck was a large mass of entangled intestines of different thicknesses. Four tight metal chains protruded from its chin and the roots of its ears respectively, fixing the monster on the ground like anchors. on the ground.

"What is this..."

Aramir's scream was stuck in his throat, and a flood of mental shock flooded his heart.The shape of this monster is so distorted that the mere sight of it can be an enormous burden on a mortal's sanity.

There were already many flaming torches in the hall, and this monster should have suddenly closed the Eye of Sarrizdun, which can absorb light, so that its blasphemous figure could be completely presented to the defenseless In the eyes of everyone.

Lancelow felt some kind of weird and distorted thoughts emerge in his mind, as if there was a persuasive voice whispering softly in his ear, that is the most perfect life form in this multiverse, and to such a creature Effectiveness is a kind of supreme glory, it is its rightful master...

This voice kept echoing in his mind, almost suppressing Lancelot's own thoughts, but there was one fetish in his mind that did not belong to this multiverse—the small bamboo slip left by Han Tianzun.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, the small bamboo slip seemed to have detected these external evil thoughts, and a dazzling blue light erupted in self-defense, completely covering Lancelot's small sea of ​​consciousness and dispelling all the external spiritual power , allowing his consciousness to regain consciousness in an instant.

But his teammates were not so lucky, Brutal opened his mouth blankly, completely unaware that the saliva had flowed onto his beard; Karaline's eyes were full of frenzy, and he muttered that no one could hear Whispering; halflings, elves, and little vampires walked forward unconsciously, as if they wanted to offer themselves as sacrifices to the twisted existence in front of them.

Except for Lancelot, only Helotesia and Colonwell resisted the mental shock of this crazy gesture.It's not clear what the skull is like, but the succubus is probably because she is a Tanar'ri demon, and she spends most of her life in the abyss. For mortals, her appearance is extremely impactful, in her opinion. Nothing particularly unacceptable.

But aside from her own defenses against this mental pollution, she's also a paladin.Elotesia immediately activated her guardian aura, injecting powerful spiritual power into the hearts of her companions.Brutal closed his mouth immediately, Kara Lin's eyes became clear again, and the other partners who were unconsciously advancing also stopped their steps.

"Well, you are ugly! How dare you distort my aesthetics!!" As soon as he regained consciousness, Brutal immediately yelled furiously, "I'll give you a blow from your dwarf ancestor!"

The dwarf threw out his warhammer and headed straight for the monster's face, but because the distance was too far, a metal chain in the monster's left ear was pulled out in time, and it was pulled out like a whip, knocking the warhammer away. step aside.

And this monster isn't their only enemy.Seeing that the intruder was able to get rid of his control, the huge monster opened its mouth and let out a silent scream.Immediately, shouts of killing sounded around, and Lancelot turned his head to look, only to see mutated demons rushing towards them in all directions.

These devil minions should have been lurking in the corner of the hall just now, but the aura of the monster in front of it was too strong, which caused Lancelow to fail to detect it in advance.Some demons he had seen before, such as the mutated Flo and Mago, while some were more 'primitive', just a lump of flesh with a mouth full of them.

There are too many enemies, and Lancelot must make a decision for his next actions.The biggest threat to the monster in front should be its mind control ability, and the guardian aura of the succubus paladin almost completely restrained this ability.In addition, the monster's metal chains are also quite threatening, but at the moment they are still more than 50 feet away, and those chains are not that long.

The current flood of minions is the problem that needs to be addressed immediately.True Qi gushed out from his dantian and poured into the meridians of the whole body. Lancelow passed one after another demon's minions with afterimages, and the cyan sword light lit up frequently, blood and severed limbs Continuously splashing, leaving behind one after another broken corpses.

But the number of enemies is too many.Lancelow had tried his best, but the number of demons seemed to be endless, and Lancelow's killing speed was still not as fast as their swarming speed, and everyone was soon surrounded.

"For Sune's glory!"

The priest who had been kneeling on the ground praying silently just now stood up suddenly.He held up the shield bearing the emblem of the Lady of Fire, from which a dazzling golden light was pouring.The golden light rose into the air, forming a blurred phantom in the shape of a human, but the long sword shining with golden light and the shield with the emblem of Sune in the phantom's hand were as clear as real.

The long sword in Xuying's hand shone hotly, and a transparent flame ignited on the nearby demon immediately, and was burned to ashes amidst screams.The pressure faced by everyone was suddenly reduced, and Karalin was able to activate the magic scroll in his hand without being disturbed, and summoned a large number of thick white spider webs to restrict the enemy's actions.

"Nice job!" Brutal cheered loudly, throwing the hammer in his hand again, hitting the head of a trapped enemy, smashing it into a ball of flesh.The dwarf likes the scholar's spider web technique very much. The trapped enemies are living targets that cannot move, but his hammer will always return to his hand.

Others also used their long-range attack skills to beat up the trapped enemies, and the most impressive one was Colonwell.Since the enemy is entangled in the spider web and unable to move, the skull will fly to the distance that almost touches the opponent's face, and opens its mouth to spit out a thick white spear.The spear was nothing but the tail of the bone demon that he had encountered in Oasis Castle before. Lancelot chopped off the bone demon's ass with the giant sword Glacier across a boulder.

This long spear made of the devil's body seemed to have some kind of special power. The devil's body was like paper in front of it, and it was easily poked out transparent holes one after another.Skull laughed proudly, but the laughter when something was stuffed in his mouth was really ugly.

Seeing that his partners had controlled the situation, Lancelow turned his head to look at the real culprit of all this, the giant head floating in the air not far away.

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(End of this chapter)

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