The knight in the abyss

Chapter 233 Artifact Ability

Chapter 233 Artifact Ability
He also saw the Gatekeeper, the four-armed fiend who had left a deep impression on him.It was cursing viciously outside a steel fortress. Obviously, no matter how powerful it was, it would not have the guts to forcefully break into a heavily guarded fortress. It could only vent its anger by catching one or two hapless patrols outside.

Lancelot continued to look down. Below the city of Mogrondal, the structure of the Great Abyss became more precipitous and broken.He saw more mysterious portals, most of them left unattended.Out of pure curiosity, Lancelow cast his sights to the deepest part of the Great Abyss.

But the bottom of the great abyss seems to be almost endless, and his field of vision continues to extend downwards, and he has never been able to see the real bottom.Realizing that it was meaningless to go on like this, he planned to look away and retreated from this strange state.

But at this moment, Lancelot's face suddenly changed, and a strong suction force suddenly came from the Eye of Sarrizdun in his hand, and the true essence in his body was flowing towards the black bead uncontrollably.

The rate of loss is getting faster and faster. If this continues, his whole body will be drained of true energy soon, and who knows what will happen after that?
Not only did Lancelot regret his carelessness, it was a very stupid act to try to use unknown magic items without identification. Seeing that he had just succeeded in building a foundation, he was a little overconfident in his own strength.

But now is not the time to regret.Lancelot had an idea, and quickly took out a gemstone of the top-grade spirit stone with his free hand, and began to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth contained in it to supplement the true essence he had consumed.

This is a colorful unknown gem, from the angel lover of Elotesia.When building the foundation before, there were a few more high-grade spirit stones than needed, and he kept this gemstone because of its strange color, but now he can't care about so many, so he can use whichever he grabs.

This choice inadvertently saved his life.Due to the haste of absorbing it, he had no time to fully convert the aura contained in the gemstone into his own true essence, and the Eye of Sarrizdun seemed to like the aura of heaven and earth from the upper plane very much, and quickly changed the object of absorption.

Lancelot felt as if he had become some kind of energy conduit, the spiritual energy in the colored gemstones flowed continuously to this abyssal artifact through him, while his true essence slowly stopped draining.

Finally, the Eye of Sarrizdun seemed to be filled, and the terrible suction disappeared.Lancelow hastily withdrew his hand, but the artifact seemed to be stuck to his hand, and he lifted it up.

But the sense of weight in the hand is a bit abnormal.Lancelot looked intently, and what stuck to his hand was a mass of pure dark energy, while the Eye of Sarrizdun was lying quietly on the spot, and the black light from it seemed to have dimmed a bit.

With a thought in Lancelow's mind, the mass of dark energy was absorbed into his hands, and formed a black spot on his wrist, which looked like a somewhat large mole.He slightly poked his consciousness towards the black spot, and immediately the structure diagram of the Great Abyss appeared in his eyes, exactly the same as what he saw just now.

For some reason that he didn't quite understand, this artifact seemed to keep its own essence in its body, and it took this place as its new home with great peace of mind.

"What's wrong with you?" Karaline asked concerned.Everyone noticed the abnormality from Lancelow's sudden nervous expression and the action of pulling out the gem.
"I did a stupid thing just now." Lancelot confessed to his companions, "I tried to inject my special energy into it, but the artifact seemed to be activated suddenly, absorbing my power crazily. At one point I thought I was going to be sucked dry and worse things were going to happen after that, but luckily it let me go and seemed to be fed at last."

"It was indeed a very reckless action." Karaline nodded, "How do you feel now?"

"Two-thirds of the energy in the body has been taken away, and I'm afraid it will take a long time to fully recover." Lancelow smiled, but then raised his arm and pointed to the black spot on it, " But that artifact seems to have left me a small gift."

"What is this? A curse?" Aramiel approached, "but I don't smell any curse..."

"I call it a gift for a reason. In fact, when I focus on this black dot, the entire structure of the Great Abyss immediately appears in front of my eyes, just as the Lord of Blight described to us." Lan Sloe explained to his companions, "I think we've got the map we're looking for, and the next thing we need to do is figure out what the portal to Androlina looks like."

"Didn't it mean that only demon elders with very old bloodlines can use this thing?" Brutal muttered, "Lancelot, are you really not born of the abyss..."

"But this thing is actually useless to us." Karaline was still a little nervous, "We have found the Eye of Sarrizdun, as long as we bring it back to Moglondar, asking for a map shouldn't be too much of a request ..."

"Oh? Have you found the Eye of Tharizdun?"

A voice that should not appear here suddenly sounded.Lancelot's pupils shrank suddenly, and with a pinch of the magic formula in his hand, the vines holding the black beads squirmed and wrapped the artifact, and the light returned to everyone's side immediately.

At the entrance of the main hall, a blond male elf wearing luxurious costumes walked in. It was the 'Grand Arbiter' Satukula, one of the withering lords of the city of Moglondar, followed by a large number of Mazeroth demon guards , and robed spellcasters with bald oval heads.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good evening." Satugula smiled maliciously at the crowd, "It's a pleasure to see that you are all safe and sound."

After seeing who was coming, Kara Lin's expression also changed suddenly.He hurriedly took out the three magic wands used to find the Eye of Sarrizdun, and threw them aside viciously.

"Why did you appear here?" Lancelot asked in a bad tone, "Did you do something else with those wands?"

"It can't be said to be cheating, it's just a cover-up, using a lot of complicated but meaningless runes to hide a really useful simple magic." The blond elf shrugged in an arrogant posture, "Any magic wand detects Sa Eye of Razden, I'll be informed immediately. Just a little precaution, don't you think it's necessary?"

 Thank you brothers for the recommendation tickets. I don’t have enough manuscripts to save. I can only last for another week for the double update. I really can’t move my liver... I will try my best to stick to it for a few more days, but I still need to say hello in advance...


(End of this chapter)

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