The knight in the abyss

Chapter 235 Accidental Help

Chapter 235 Accidental Help
The coercion of the giant dragon enveloped all the creatures in this hall. In front of its terrifying majesty, both demons and mortals fell into a paralyzed panic, even if the giant dragon was about to come and eat them. I, too, would just obediently stay where I was, completely unable to muster up the courage to resist.

"I really didn't expect that the culprit behind it turned out to be you." The dragon said in a joking tone, "I thought it was that idiot Dugba at one time, it really disappointed me."

" do you know me? Why do you appear here?" Satugura trembled and said, "I belong to Grand Duke Bayer..."


The flames from the mouth of the red dragon drowned the traitorous Wither Lord, and then it twisted its neck, and the red flame swept across the yugoloth mercenaries standing still.The demons melted by the high temperature let out screams before dying, and the temperature in the hall rose to an unbearable level.Everyone held their breath, because just inhaling the scorching air would make their lungs hurt like they were on fire.

When the dragon finally closed its mouth, the abyssal fox-headed demon once called Satugula had disappeared, and only a charred corpse remained where it was standing, and the steel demon summoned by him followed suit. Disappears upon the death of the summoner.As for the large number of yugoloth mercenaries, there is not even a single one left, and there is not even a single ashes left after being burned.

"Ha, it seems that you are not the real Barthez, otherwise why can't you bear this little flame?" The red dragon hiccupped and spewed out a few sparks from his mouth, then he turned his head to look at Lance Everyone in Luo said, "You really found that artifact, you did a good job."

"Thank you for saving us, noble dragon." Considering that he and others were still panting, Lancelot's tense heart relaxed a little bit, "Are you sent by Mr. Pacos? The emblem is what he gave to..."

"Hahahaha, haven't you reacted yet?" The red dragon laughed wantonly, and the scorching air sprayed on Lancelot's face, making him feel like his eyebrows were burning.The giant dragon spat out a few strange syllables, and the gaps in the scales on its body began to emit bright blue light, and the body of the huge beast shrank rapidly.

When the light faded, the innkeeper they stayed at in Moglondal, the former Lord of Withering, Pacos the Immortal, appeared in front of everyone, still in the form of a halfling.

"Did I say it before? My original image is a bit scary, which is not very conducive to attracting customers to my store."

"Your exact words are a bit disgusting." Brutal's memory improved, Lancelot once again realized how much nerves the dwarves can have, but Brutal himself also realized this, so He immediately added: "I mean, your main body is both mighty and majestic, and you are the most handsome creature I have ever seen."

"Hahahaha, you are really an unusual dwarf." Pacos said with a smile, "Well, I am making up for the little unpleasantness you encountered in my shop before."

Standing in front of everyone was the smiling halfling boss again, but the way everyone looked at him would naturally not be the same as before.Lancelot stepped forward and said respectfully:

"Please forgive us for our previous rudeness, honorable Mr. Pacos." Then he couldn't help being curious, "How did you come here? I thought the Great Abyss had some special rules..."

"Ah, there are many rules in this universe that don't apply to the race of dragons. For example, those dimensional storms that can tear you apart are just a little uncomfortable for me." He walked aside and picked it up from the ground. Hand over Lancelot's emblem, "And if you have a suitable positioning device, the teleportation will be easier."

"Didn't it mean that no lord-level creature can enter the Great Abyss?" Kara Lin's curiosity also overwhelmed his fear, "But you... the lord who can rival you in the entire abyss..."

Having said that, he suddenly choked.If only the most famous abyss lords can rival this one, why have they never heard of its name?Could it be that the fate waiting for his group is... silence?Then what is the other party doing now, enjoying teasing the prey?

"Don't show that expression, you are not on my menu today." Pacos said with a smile as if he had seen through Kara Lin's mind.

"But, you are not afraid...Aren't you afraid that we will reveal your identity?"

"Ha! If you ask any local people on the streets of Mogrondal, one third of them will tell you that my body is a cursed Barlow, and the other third will bet on themselves Life claims that I am the angel Razaka himself, and the remaining third can say anything, saying that I am a lich who has mastered the transformation technique, a general from Jiaoyan Hell, and a red head The dragon's statement is not a very creative answer." The halfling who turned into a dragon seemed not angry at Kara Lin's curiosity, "So do you understand? Even if you go to the world to spread my true identity, you will only To be taken for a fool."

"Hiding the truth in countless lies, even if someone finds out the truth, it will not change the status quo. Your wisdom is really amazing." Karaline naturally offered a compliment, but then asked Said, "A noble, powerful, and incomparable extraordinary existence like you must have some kind of special great mission to stay in this place. I wonder if there is anything we can do to help you?"

"Great... mission? Ah ha ha ha ha..." Pacos covered his stomach with a smile, and Lancelot thought it was cute like that, "Do I look like a stupid metal dragon? I am in The reason for the Great Abyss is very simple, that is, I found it easy and safe to make money here, and the intrigue of those withered masters brought me a lot of fun, but this time those idiots played too much."

Having said that, Pacos just walked up to Lancelow.The halfling raised his arm and poked the armor on Lancelot's chest with his fingertips. This was a rather funny scene, but no one laughed.

"I knew you could surprise me. To be honest, it's the first time I've seen so many corpses in my inn. Those old undead hiding in Kai-Oinli are really useless, but let's be honest To put it bluntly, the main messenger behind the scenes is actually a devil, and they certainly didn't expect this."

 I'm on a business trip, this chapter will be released regularly haha
(End of this chapter)

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